Friday, October 31, 2008

Who's to blame for the credit mess this country is in?

I am.

No, I didn't buy a home with a sub-prime mortgage and fail to pay and no, I don't work for any financial firm nor did I think up any of these creative loan packafes or the debt crdit swap thing that is a disease carrier threatning to kill the world with financial ruin.

No, I don't owe more on my credit cards than I can repay. In fact, I rent and own no credit cards and I work for a retailer who just announced their best year in the history of the company.

I did buy a new car but I didn't incur any additional debt to do so and my wife works as well.

Why is it, when something goes wrong we start running around looking to see whose fault it is.

We looked for someone in the government to blame after Pearl Harbor. It was the Japanese stupid. It was a surprise attack.

We looked for someone to blame for 9/11. It was terroists. It was a surprise attack.

We are now looking for someone to blame for the financial cricis.

Now you have someone. feel better?

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Howard Coble: Mr. Speaker, today the Sixth District of North Carolina is mourning the loss of life of one of our own in the tragic, senseless violence which has assaulted our nation. Sandy Bradshaw, who was just 38 years old, and lived in Greensboro, was a flight attendant on United Airlines flight 93 that was hijacked and crashed outside Pittsburgh. She leaves behind her husband, Phil, her daughter, Alexandria, 2, and her son, Shenan, not yet one. Members of the Bradshaw's church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, have described Sandy as friendly, outgoing, bubbly and devoted to her family. I have spoken at Westminster Presbyterian Church, have met many members of the congregation and I join them in their sorrow.
I voted in Asheboro where it wasn't a long wait and the ballots were in large print, the directions explained and easy to understand, and both electronic and paper ballots where used.
“Hope to elect the first black president of the United States"

That's what I'm talking about Willis. They don't give a damn if he is Democractic, Republican, male female, Baptist or Atheist, tall. short, fat, or bi-sexual. All they carwe about is that the candidate is black.

And they want to call be a bigot if I don't vote for him.