Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cop prevented RB from being with dying relativeAssociated Press

A traffic cop sees a SUV pull through a red light so he decides to pull the vehicle over and determine what is going on. The passenger jumps out of the vehicle. The officer has no idea if she is a danger to him or not so he asks her to get back in the vehicle. She refuses and runs off. He then asks the driver for his proof of insurance and the man says "Get it yourself. My mother-in-law is dying and you are wasting my time."

I've seen enough episodes of "Cops" to know that sometimes policemen unsnap their guns when approaching a vehicle and almost always unholster their weapons when an occupant of a stopped car becomes belligerent and uncooperative.

Had the woman and man followed proper protocol and remained calm, apologized for running the red light and explained why, I'm sure the officer would have understood.

The headlines seem to indict the officer as to doing something intention to prevent the family from being with a dying relative. Shame on the Associated Press for such a biased headline.
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - An F-22A Raptor, the Air Force's top-of-the line fighter jet, crashed Wednesday in a remote area of the Mojave Desert, killing a test pilot for prime contractor Lockheed Martin Corp.

"We are deeply saddened by the loss of David and our concerns, thoughts and prayers at this time are with his family," the statement said.

Contrast that last sentence with the opening sentence and then compare this article with the story on Jose Tabita.

I will admit the news value of this story is about the plane crash but I still disagree that it should be.

A women, posing as an immigration official, talked a Mexican couple into handing over their baby to her after informing them that they were under surveillance for possible deportation. The women, 43, is married to a 20 year old hot baseball prospect who started with the Yankees but is now with the Pirate organization.

The story was mainly about her husbands baseball career and few facts were mentioned about her. Her story was the lead in but the body of the article was about him.

It is a similar attitude that caused the reporter to write these articles after the same fashion as those about the missing men on the capsized boat. Only three men were routinely mentioned in those articles. One only because he survived and two others because their played in the NFL. The fourth was relegated to a possible mention in the last sentence in the articles.

There is another story floating about in the news. Some football player was drinking and driving and speeding when he struck and killed a man walking across the street. He may not be charged because the man might have been jay walking. The football player seemed to have had enough time to toot his horn but not to apply his brakes. His chosen career should not be a mitigating factor in determining if he was guilty of a crime or not but it sure seems to be.

Somehow, the emphasis placed on the events or the particular people in the stories seems more based on cash value rather than human worth. That just doesn't seem right to me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hindsight versus wisdom

Dr. J, wise lady that she is, had the perfect combination of wisdom and common sense to answer those people who believed they could have saved Natasha Richardson's life had they been there. The truth is, they weren't.

The most famous shot in NCAA basketball was one made by Christian Latiner (not sure of the spelling of his last name and too lazy to look it up). It wasn't a shot that hadn't been made before by other college kids, high school kids, and even my brother in junior high. It wasn't necessarily the shot itself but the number of people who witnessed the shot and the importance of the shot. Any number of other players could have made that shot but only Christian had that chance. Of all the people who believe that they could have saved Ms. Richardson's life, none had the opportunity.

What they do have is the opportunity to make a difference in the life of someone else. Just like there are thousands of basketball games ever year and millions of points scored, there are millions of opportunities to do some good. The truth is, it isn't making baskets in losing basketball games that kids dream about but making that once in a lifetime shot that wins the biggiest game and brings them a lifetime of glory.

I dare say if that had been one of Greensboro's crack addicted prostitutes who had been mugged and needed that once in a lifetime miracle in order to live, most, if not all, of those who could have saved Ms. Richardson would have just passed on by.

One of the greatest stories ever told was that of the "Good Samaritan" Know what was missing from that story? The name of the hero. He didn't do it for glory. He did it because it was the right thing to do.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


When George Bush raised taxes after he uttered "Read my lips-no new taxes" he was called a liar as where most politicians who failed to keep campaign promises. However, that seems not to be the case with Obama. He is referred to as coming to grips with reality.

Does the media love this guy or what?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Love is never having to say you are sorry.

"...the president (Obama) told host Jay Leno he'd been practicing at the White House's bowling alley but wasn't happy with his score of 129. Then he remarked: "It was like the Special Olympics or something."

Sometimes it is better to think before you speak. Sometimes saying sorry just isn't enough. Ask ismus.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Wal-mart in Randleman is the victim of a rumor about a mexican gang initiation taking place tonight in which three employees, three women and three children are supposed to be murdered. Randleman police are on scene to provide protection but things could still go down if the rumors turn out not to be rumors at all.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Missing at sea

Two NFL football players and two college players went on a fishing trip. There was one survivor after their boat capsized and he has told several versions of what happened. Is he telling the truth about what happened?

It could very well be he doesn't know the truth. I read the horrifying account of a US Navy vessel lost at sea during WWII and from the accounts of the survivors of that tradgedy, the mind plays horrible tricks.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Death of a icon

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer will publish its final paper tomorrow. One reporter said "The P-I has its strengths and weaknesses but it always strove for a noble cause, which was to give voice to those without power and scrutiny of those with power.”

Wish we could say the same for the major paper in this area.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Get your ESP testing kit for only $19.99

Someone is selling ESP testing kits via TV ads and even throwing in a Dream Solutions book for free. Some fool will buy this kit. Probably a lot of somebodies.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Obama eyes reaching out to moderate Taliban

Moderate Taliban? Isn't that like negotiating with a moderate killer, one who has killed only three or four versus six or more? or maybe a moderate drug dealer who sells to adults but refuses to sell to junior high students.

One has to talk to them all or to none of them.

Analysis: Obama's economic style is unnerving

Most people I talk to are uneasy about what is going on and are more uneasy about where Obama is leading this country. I think it is to a bad place.

It's the person, not his skin color.

Deep down we know that's true but why is it that the one black family in the neighborhood always seems to copy the sterotype> I live in a neighborhood with room for 41 families. One property is still undeveloped and two homes are unoccupied.

In the house where the black (African-American, if you must) live twp vehicles come and go. One is a mid-size car like the Chevy Cavalier but I don't know what kind it really is. The other is a Blazer but the to cars are never there at the same time. Every afternoon four men stand on the front porch chugging their 40 oz Colt 45's.

Last night I was startled awake by a heavy booming sound. It kept a steady beat like eater dripping except it was all bass. After twenty minutes of this I got up and looked out the window. Sure enough their was a "ride" parked in front of the black families house with parking lights on playing rap music. It's two oclock in the a.m. in a neighborhood for heaven's sake.

It was at that moment that I wished I had a big spotlight like the kind used at airports or in lighthouses. I would have lit that sucker up until he casme over to complain.

I wish this was just an isolated incident but I grew up during segregation and lived in a quiet neighborhood. There were numerous families with kids but the kids were seldom seen outside except at the park. The first family of blacks that moved in had two kids that were older teenagers or adults, one boy and one girl. The female, the oder of the two, had a job but no car and the boy had a car but no job. It seems he sold drugs, ot at least that what his arrest record claimed, and he had numerous friends come by to see him but none stayed more than a few minutes. Of course, everythime a car came or went it blared rap from his pricy speakers.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high

Like the man but not his policies. I believe we heard that story before when Bush was President. I wonder if Obama will be as dogmatic about his policies as W was about his. Americans fought Bush on everything but it seems Americans are letting Obama lead them around by the ring in their nose.

ead them around by the ring in their nose.