At first it seemed absurd that someone would face legal santions for killing a fish but after carefully thinking the situation through, it seems that punishment is justified. I've kept aquariums at home before (I once owned several pet stores) and I now have an outdoor pond with four koi.
Aquariums and koi ponds are not natural environments for fish and they (the fish) depend on us to provide a liveable environment for them. If we are to keep them as pets it is our responsibility to do so properly. I believe to intentionally harm ones pets, even a lowly fish, in such a situation is a criminal act.
While we are talking about criminal acts, one was attempted last night at work that I found to be comical. It was getting late, a little after eight and was rather slow. Graduation ceremonies had taken many families out of the grocery stores into restaraunts so there were not the usual number of customers.
A young male (I hestitate to use the term man) who appeared to be in the twenties asked me if we had any Ribeyes. I pointed out where those steaks could be found and he said thanks. There wasn't anything unusual about that exchsnge. What was suspicious about the person was his use of a shopping cart.
He was a tall fellow who was wearing a red and white striped pull-over t-shirt type garmet, had unkempt blonde hair and dirty scuffed shoes. he wasn't wearing a wedding band either. He lacked social graces and tact. People like him don't use shopping carts, especially late at night.
I minute or two later he wheeled his cart off. he had placed 10 or 12 packs of steaks in the buggy. I alerted security.
The person then went to cusromer service and asked for two cartons of cigaretttes, then buggied on down to the beer department for a couple of cases of brw, then over to the paper aisle for a pack of toliet paper to cover his merchandise with. He thinks he has a clear shot for a quick exit.
He might have had a better change of getting away with his attempy if he had just come on in to the store holding up a sign that said in bold letters "shoplifter". Or maybe he could have just went to the office and asked for the manager and told him what he was up to. He wasn't the brightest of theives.