President Obama has proudly spoken of creating 30,000 jobs with his stimulus program but a report released today cites many errors in the initial report Obmama quoted from. Dan Rather was fired because he failed to verify the accuracy or a report on President Bush's service record but only excuses are offered up for Obama's failure to do the same verifying.
Bush relied on a CIA report to justify going to war in Iraq and that report was later reported to be based on a lie.
One would think people who have power to push the big red button that can plunge the world into nuclear annihaltion would be a little more reponsible. Just a little, you think?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fat tax and other nonsence
The more I read about some of the things our elected officials are doing or trying to do to raise revenue for government, the more the flat tax makes sense. It's bad enough to pay tax on what we make and then have to pay tax on what we spend, but now there are proposals we will have to pay an extra tax based on how much we weigh. An example is the proposal that diet soda be taxed higher than regular soda because fat people drink diet soda.
Under the flat tax proposal, all taxes will be eliminated: no income taxes, no sales taxes, no hidden taxes, or taxes disguised as fees, or invisible taxes or value added taxes. It has been determined that we pay around 22% of our income on taxes of one kind or another so the proposed tax rate under the flat tax proposal is 22 %. The way this tax is designed, the value added tax paid by manufacturing is eliminated, the tax we pay on our income is eliminated, and all the other little taxes are done away with so all we are left with when we go to purchase an item is the actual cost of that item plus the suppliers profit. The item will retail for about 22% less than it does under our current tax system.
Under the flat tax system, we do not pay tax on what we earn. We only pay tax on what we spend.
I can see other advantages to this system that even the most ardent supporters of this tax system has not ever mentioned. The advantage has to do with percentages.
For example, lets say you earn $200.00 a week and want to purchase a widget that retails for $100.00. You earn your $200.00 and pay 15 % in income tax so you have $170.00 to spend. You buy the widget for the $100.00 plus 7% sales tax. That leaves you with $63.00.
Under the flat tax proposal, that $100.00 item would retail for 22% less, or $78.00You get your $200.00 pay check (no taxes, remember) and buy the widget for $78.00 plus tax at 22%. You pay a little over %95.00 for the item and have a little over $104.00 left.
Now lets say that inflation is at 4% and you receive a 3% pay increase. You now make $206.00 per week and the widget cost $104.00 You now have $175 to spend after taxes and the widget cost $111.00 including tax. You now have $64.00 left.
Under the flat tax, the widget retail would have increased to $81.00 so with tax the item costs you $99.00 You have $107.00 left.
Under the present system you net savings increased by $1.00. Under the flat tax, your savings increased by $3.00. Under the old system, the cost of the item went up by $4.00 but only $3.00 under the flat tax system. The reason is that cost and retail are figured on a percentage bases.
An example, if an item cost 65 cents to make and retails for $1.50, has a cost to make increase to 75 cents the retail doesn't increase by 10 cents, but by 22 cents. 75 is 15% larger than 65 and $1.72 is 15% larger than %1.50.
Under the present tax system, when a supply cost increases we not only have to pay for the cost of the supply, we have to pay that cost as a percentage increase plus we have to pay the value added tax as a percentage increase. Under the flat tax proposal, we would not be paying a percentage increase on the tax like we do under the current system.
I like the idea.
Under the flat tax proposal, all taxes will be eliminated: no income taxes, no sales taxes, no hidden taxes, or taxes disguised as fees, or invisible taxes or value added taxes. It has been determined that we pay around 22% of our income on taxes of one kind or another so the proposed tax rate under the flat tax proposal is 22 %. The way this tax is designed, the value added tax paid by manufacturing is eliminated, the tax we pay on our income is eliminated, and all the other little taxes are done away with so all we are left with when we go to purchase an item is the actual cost of that item plus the suppliers profit. The item will retail for about 22% less than it does under our current tax system.
Under the flat tax system, we do not pay tax on what we earn. We only pay tax on what we spend.
I can see other advantages to this system that even the most ardent supporters of this tax system has not ever mentioned. The advantage has to do with percentages.
For example, lets say you earn $200.00 a week and want to purchase a widget that retails for $100.00. You earn your $200.00 and pay 15 % in income tax so you have $170.00 to spend. You buy the widget for the $100.00 plus 7% sales tax. That leaves you with $63.00.
Under the flat tax proposal, that $100.00 item would retail for 22% less, or $78.00You get your $200.00 pay check (no taxes, remember) and buy the widget for $78.00 plus tax at 22%. You pay a little over %95.00 for the item and have a little over $104.00 left.
Now lets say that inflation is at 4% and you receive a 3% pay increase. You now make $206.00 per week and the widget cost $104.00 You now have $175 to spend after taxes and the widget cost $111.00 including tax. You now have $64.00 left.
Under the flat tax, the widget retail would have increased to $81.00 so with tax the item costs you $99.00 You have $107.00 left.
Under the present system you net savings increased by $1.00. Under the flat tax, your savings increased by $3.00. Under the old system, the cost of the item went up by $4.00 but only $3.00 under the flat tax system. The reason is that cost and retail are figured on a percentage bases.
An example, if an item cost 65 cents to make and retails for $1.50, has a cost to make increase to 75 cents the retail doesn't increase by 10 cents, but by 22 cents. 75 is 15% larger than 65 and $1.72 is 15% larger than %1.50.
Under the present tax system, when a supply cost increases we not only have to pay for the cost of the supply, we have to pay that cost as a percentage increase plus we have to pay the value added tax as a percentage increase. Under the flat tax proposal, we would not be paying a percentage increase on the tax like we do under the current system.
I like the idea.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mistaken Identity
I have often heard the President of the USA referred to as the leader of the free world but that isn't correct; he isn't even the leader of the United States of America. No, I'm not mistaken: you are.
Our country is governed by three branches: congress, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, which is responsible for making our laws, the Supreme Court, which is responsible for interpreting the laws to ensure they are constitutional. and the President, who is responsible for enforcing those laws.
The truth is, we have somehow come to expect that the members of congress who belong to the same party as the President will do their best to enact legislation that will reflect the Presidents will, those making him the leader. As a matter of principle, congress was elected to do two things; represent the will of the people through the house of representatives and the interests of the individual states through the senate. No where is it written otherwise, It is painfully obvious that our system of government does not function as intended,
I wonder what would happen if every member of congress and the President of the United States had never served in that job before? Elect no encumbents. What a novel concept (ha!)
Our country is governed by three branches: congress, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, which is responsible for making our laws, the Supreme Court, which is responsible for interpreting the laws to ensure they are constitutional. and the President, who is responsible for enforcing those laws.
The truth is, we have somehow come to expect that the members of congress who belong to the same party as the President will do their best to enact legislation that will reflect the Presidents will, those making him the leader. As a matter of principle, congress was elected to do two things; represent the will of the people through the house of representatives and the interests of the individual states through the senate. No where is it written otherwise, It is painfully obvious that our system of government does not function as intended,
I wonder what would happen if every member of congress and the President of the United States had never served in that job before? Elect no encumbents. What a novel concept (ha!)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian and her sisters seem to dominate the news today like Paris Hilton did a few months ago and the Olsen twins before that.
I could care less about any of them.
I could care less about any of them.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Justice-or not.
I grew up when superman showed weekly on TV and father knew best and believed in truth, justice and the American way, that all men were created equal and that lady justice was blind which meant that truth will out because judgement was based only on facts and the proper interpretstion thereof and not on a person's wealth, social standing, fame, color, sexual orientation, nationality, or any other criteria but reality but truth is what we want it to be, justice isn't always fair, and the American way isn't always the best or even the right way, father doesn't always know best, and lady justice is blind, but all to often to truth and justice.
Too often innocent people are convicted, given too harsh a sentence, and kept in prison long after their innocence has been established, punishment is not administered uniformaly, and some guilty people are let out of prison way too early.
Often we want to punishment those that need help, help those that just need to be punished, and haven't a clue to tell the difference.
To be perfectly honest, our country has never been right but it seems that every time attempts are made to correct one set of injustices, others crop up to take that ones place. The worst thing is, Americans can no longer taught about problems and come to a sulotion. We know resort to name calling and charater bashing to get our pointsd across. Shame on all of us.
Too often innocent people are convicted, given too harsh a sentence, and kept in prison long after their innocence has been established, punishment is not administered uniformaly, and some guilty people are let out of prison way too early.
Often we want to punishment those that need help, help those that just need to be punished, and haven't a clue to tell the difference.
To be perfectly honest, our country has never been right but it seems that every time attempts are made to correct one set of injustices, others crop up to take that ones place. The worst thing is, Americans can no longer taught about problems and come to a sulotion. We know resort to name calling and charater bashing to get our pointsd across. Shame on all of us.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ignorance is bliss
It seems Rocky Mount, NC and by association, all of small town southern American is receiving the blame for ten murder victims not receiving national press while a few white women have been featured as lead news stories by all facets of the media (one woman was actually oriental, but she was counted as being white because she wasn't black, it seems).
Not all WASPs are apathetic. I, for one, care. Why the women who gather national headlines do is not because they are white but because they are not only not a typical victim, they are often associated with influential people, hold influential positions, or have great potential, or their disappearance or murder is under highly unusual circumstances. The murder of ten prostitutes, no matter what color, does not fit any of the attention getting circumstances. In fact, these women behaved in the manner that is most likely to result in meeting a serial killer than any other lifestyle.
I'm sure there are a large number of non-white women whose death in like manner would drawn national attention and I can think of at least two whose death would not only drawn national attention but would dominate the news so much one would wish for the days of Michael Jackson and the OJ Simpson trial (the first one).
The truth is, serial killers are hard to catch, especially when the victims willingly get into a strangers car. In fact they willingly get into many different cars during the day and night, almost everyday.
Yea, I would like to very much see this serial killer caught and caught quickly but more than that, I want cases like this and the Green River Killer to draw attention to the victims and muster up a great deal of sympathy for them. Not just because they were murdered but because they are in a situation they cannot escape from without help. No one seems to care and that's the greatest tragedy of all.
Not all WASPs are apathetic. I, for one, care. Why the women who gather national headlines do is not because they are white but because they are not only not a typical victim, they are often associated with influential people, hold influential positions, or have great potential, or their disappearance or murder is under highly unusual circumstances. The murder of ten prostitutes, no matter what color, does not fit any of the attention getting circumstances. In fact, these women behaved in the manner that is most likely to result in meeting a serial killer than any other lifestyle.
I'm sure there are a large number of non-white women whose death in like manner would drawn national attention and I can think of at least two whose death would not only drawn national attention but would dominate the news so much one would wish for the days of Michael Jackson and the OJ Simpson trial (the first one).
The truth is, serial killers are hard to catch, especially when the victims willingly get into a strangers car. In fact they willingly get into many different cars during the day and night, almost everyday.
Yea, I would like to very much see this serial killer caught and caught quickly but more than that, I want cases like this and the Green River Killer to draw attention to the victims and muster up a great deal of sympathy for them. Not just because they were murdered but because they are in a situation they cannot escape from without help. No one seems to care and that's the greatest tragedy of all.
We had the housing bubble, the financial bubble, and we may well have a stimulus bubble. With the government borrowing and printing money with no assets to back it up, all this false money is generating real inbterest and real debt. Like living on credit cards and spending more than one makes, the piper will demand to be paid one day. If we can't pay the piper, we will lose everthing we have and the piper crashes as burns as well.
One day the stimulus bubble will burst.
One day the stimulus bubble will burst.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Can we win in Afganastan?
I'm no an advocate of the n-bomb although I believe we made the correct decision in WWII. I want to make this clear from the get-go. I am a veteran of foreign wars so I have offered up my life for my country sp I have more than a patriotic stake in this matter. I fought on land, in the air and at sea, behind the lines in tech support and at the front with weapon in hand. I believe I have a right to speak- a right I have earned.
Vietnam was lost for two reasons. One was we didn't have acheivable objectives and , two, we didn't fight in the proper manner. Our trouble in the middle east is we just don't know when to quit. In Afganistan, our objective was to topple the Taliban government and in Iraq, it was to topple Sadaa Hussein. We accomplished both objectives quickly. We should have just left when the ovjective was acheived.
If Sadaam retook the seat of government or the taliban moved back into leadership, we could have gone back in and kicked their ass out again. And we could do this forever. No, we just don't have enough sense to do this. We just had to go into the tiger's cage, slap it upside the head, and then go about cleaning up the mess the tiger had made, stopping only to slap the tiger in the face ever now and then. In the end, who is going to win this fight?
In wars like these, one cannot win just by kicking the ass of the enemy: one has to also win over their hearts and minds.
Vietnam was lost for two reasons. One was we didn't have acheivable objectives and , two, we didn't fight in the proper manner. Our trouble in the middle east is we just don't know when to quit. In Afganistan, our objective was to topple the Taliban government and in Iraq, it was to topple Sadaa Hussein. We accomplished both objectives quickly. We should have just left when the ovjective was acheived.
If Sadaam retook the seat of government or the taliban moved back into leadership, we could have gone back in and kicked their ass out again. And we could do this forever. No, we just don't have enough sense to do this. We just had to go into the tiger's cage, slap it upside the head, and then go about cleaning up the mess the tiger had made, stopping only to slap the tiger in the face ever now and then. In the end, who is going to win this fight?
In wars like these, one cannot win just by kicking the ass of the enemy: one has to also win over their hearts and minds.
Monday, October 19, 2009
legal mj/ no arrests
The government announced that it no longer intends to make arrests in the 14 states where medicinal MJ is legal. It is good that state rights be recognized. I just don't believe there should be but a hand full of people who actually need the benefits of m-probably no more than need alcohol to feel better.
One advantage of being old is that soon this madness will be over. Another is that I greww up in a time when a person could live this long.
One advantage of being old is that soon this madness will be over. Another is that I greww up in a time when a person could live this long.
This is so wrong
An article on MS NBC said experts didn't believe texting would affect one's ability to spell but something is sure affecting this girl's ability to communicate-and to thin clearly. Another young lady was concerned because her mother will no let her shave yet and she has been teased because of her arm hair. She asked if it is okay to trim it. Here is my young ladies response:
"i shave my arms just dont ask ur mums premittion do it anway i take it u have dark hair samee just keep the razors u used throw them away but like dump em in a bush sum wear and bye razors secretly get em in the house up ur top u can do anything with out ur mum knowing im on the pill nd she dnt know
3 minutes ago."
What we have is no capitalization, no punctuation, and very bad advice; and probably a young woman headed for a troubled life. The pill presents it's own problems and while it does help prevent pregnancy, it doesn't deter STD. Sneaking, fibbing to ones parents, and underage sex is not a lifestyle one should be proud of.
"i shave my arms just dont ask ur mums premittion do it anway i take it u have dark hair samee just keep the razors u used throw them away but like dump em in a bush sum wear and bye razors secretly get em in the house up ur top u can do anything with out ur mum knowing im on the pill nd she dnt know
3 minutes ago."
What we have is no capitalization, no punctuation, and very bad advice; and probably a young woman headed for a troubled life. The pill presents it's own problems and while it does help prevent pregnancy, it doesn't deter STD. Sneaking, fibbing to ones parents, and underage sex is not a lifestyle one should be proud of.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Jason Midyette
Jason Midyette
On February 24, 2006, Molly Midyette (right) called her pediatrician, saying her 10-month-old, Jason (center), was "out of sorts." Three hours later, the doctor examined Jason and insisted on admitting him immediately to a nearby emergency room. On seeing Jason's condition Elaine Rottinghaus, the emergency room nurse, called 911 to report the incident as one of the worst child abuse cases she'd ever seen. When Molly arrived at the hospital with her husband Alex Midyette (left), the son of a prominent Boulder, Colo., businessman, they had already retained a lawyer, who met them at the hospital, and both refused to talk to police. Jason was removed from life support on March 3, 2006, and died. The autopsy revealed that Jason's brain had been bleeding and that he had 37 fractures to his skull and body in various stages of healing. Coroner Tom Faure ruled that the baby had died of "blunt force craniocerebreal injuries." In 2007 a grand jury indicted both parents in Jason's death. Molly insisted she was unaware of any abuse, but on December 12, 2007, she was sentenced to 16 years in prison for criminal neglect in failing to seek help for her injured child. She asked for a new trial saying she had been bullied by her husband and his family, but her request was denied. Alex Midyette, who admitted to accidentally hitting his boy's head on a chair and table, was convicted on February 17, 2009, of criminally negligent child abuse resulting in death.
On February 24, 2006, Molly Midyette (right) called her pediatrician, saying her 10-month-old, Jason (center), was "out of sorts." Three hours later, the doctor examined Jason and insisted on admitting him immediately to a nearby emergency room. On seeing Jason's condition Elaine Rottinghaus, the emergency room nurse, called 911 to report the incident as one of the worst child abuse cases she'd ever seen. When Molly arrived at the hospital with her husband Alex Midyette (left), the son of a prominent Boulder, Colo., businessman, they had already retained a lawyer, who met them at the hospital, and both refused to talk to police. Jason was removed from life support on March 3, 2006, and died. The autopsy revealed that Jason's brain had been bleeding and that he had 37 fractures to his skull and body in various stages of healing. Coroner Tom Faure ruled that the baby had died of "blunt force craniocerebreal injuries." In 2007 a grand jury indicted both parents in Jason's death. Molly insisted she was unaware of any abuse, but on December 12, 2007, she was sentenced to 16 years in prison for criminal neglect in failing to seek help for her injured child. She asked for a new trial saying she had been bullied by her husband and his family, but her request was denied. Alex Midyette, who admitted to accidentally hitting his boy's head on a chair and table, was convicted on February 17, 2009, of criminally negligent child abuse resulting in death.
Review finds no chronic cocaine use
Billy Mays' family: Review finds no chronic cocaine use
Oct. 15, 2009, 1:38 PM EST
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- The family of TV pitchman Billy Mays released the findings of an independent medical examiner Thursday, who concluded that the informercial star's cocaine use was not a significant contributing factor in his sudden death.
The report, released by a family spokeswoman, does not refute Mays' cocaine use, but states there is no evidence to suggest he was a chronic user. A review of the official autopsy also concludes that "cocaine was not a significant contributing factor" in his death.
"There is no evidence that Mr. Mays' death was related to acute cocaine intoxication with coronary artery spasm or dissection or even aortic dissection for that matter," wrote Dr. William Manion, the independent medical examiner who conducted the review. "Rather, the use of cocaine by Mr. Mays appears to have occurred a remote time several days before his death."
Mays, 50, was found dead in his family's Tampa condo in June.
The Hillsborough County medical examiner's office conducted the official autopsy. The office classified his death as "natural" but said that cocaine use contributed to the heart disease that killed him. Mays' family disagreed with that finding.
"We found this to be so upsetting that we asked for review by an independent medical examiner," Deborah Mays, the late pitchman's wife, said in a statement Thursday.
Manion, chief of pathology for Virtua Health, a multi-hospital health care system based in Marlton, N.J., wrote that he was asked to review the official autopsy and address "the question of whether or not cocaine was a significant contributing cause" in Mays' death.
Manion said that a review of Mays' past and family medical history indicated Mays had mild obesity, a history of smoking and two close relatives with heart conditions.
"Family and friends found no evidence of symptoms or signs of chronic drug use as would be expected in a long-term chronic drug abuser," Manion states in the report.
Other medical conditions consistent with chronic cocaine use — including kidney disease, stroke, and other cardiac conditions — were absent in the autopsy findings.
Hillsborough County released a statement Thursday, saying the medical examiner's office was "aware of media reports regarding a differing opinion of the cause of death," but that it stood by the findings in its autopsy report and had no further comment.
Mays was known for his energetic commercials pitching gadgets and cleaning products like Orange Glo and OxiClean. He got his start on TV on the Home Shopping Network and then branched out into commercials and infomercials. He developed such a strong following that he became the subject of a reality TV series, Discovery Channel's "Pitchmen."
If a man is killed in a head on car crash while exceeding a safe speed, does it really matter if he was going 5 mph too fast or 20 mph too fast? He is still dead.
This man's family can argue that he only drove too fast occasionally or that he wasn't really the speed that killed him but the object he hit while driving and the fact that he didn't have his seat belts on. He is still dead.
An occasional cocaine user is still a user of illegtal drugs. Maybe cocaine didn't kill him but it certainly didn't help. Use of cocaine damages the heart and it was heart failure that killed him: and he had cacaine in his sytem when he died. His family just needs to accept the truth and move on.
Oct. 15, 2009, 1:38 PM EST
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- The family of TV pitchman Billy Mays released the findings of an independent medical examiner Thursday, who concluded that the informercial star's cocaine use was not a significant contributing factor in his sudden death.
The report, released by a family spokeswoman, does not refute Mays' cocaine use, but states there is no evidence to suggest he was a chronic user. A review of the official autopsy also concludes that "cocaine was not a significant contributing factor" in his death.
"There is no evidence that Mr. Mays' death was related to acute cocaine intoxication with coronary artery spasm or dissection or even aortic dissection for that matter," wrote Dr. William Manion, the independent medical examiner who conducted the review. "Rather, the use of cocaine by Mr. Mays appears to have occurred a remote time several days before his death."
Mays, 50, was found dead in his family's Tampa condo in June.
The Hillsborough County medical examiner's office conducted the official autopsy. The office classified his death as "natural" but said that cocaine use contributed to the heart disease that killed him. Mays' family disagreed with that finding.
"We found this to be so upsetting that we asked for review by an independent medical examiner," Deborah Mays, the late pitchman's wife, said in a statement Thursday.
Manion, chief of pathology for Virtua Health, a multi-hospital health care system based in Marlton, N.J., wrote that he was asked to review the official autopsy and address "the question of whether or not cocaine was a significant contributing cause" in Mays' death.
Manion said that a review of Mays' past and family medical history indicated Mays had mild obesity, a history of smoking and two close relatives with heart conditions.
"Family and friends found no evidence of symptoms or signs of chronic drug use as would be expected in a long-term chronic drug abuser," Manion states in the report.
Other medical conditions consistent with chronic cocaine use — including kidney disease, stroke, and other cardiac conditions — were absent in the autopsy findings.
Hillsborough County released a statement Thursday, saying the medical examiner's office was "aware of media reports regarding a differing opinion of the cause of death," but that it stood by the findings in its autopsy report and had no further comment.
Mays was known for his energetic commercials pitching gadgets and cleaning products like Orange Glo and OxiClean. He got his start on TV on the Home Shopping Network and then branched out into commercials and infomercials. He developed such a strong following that he became the subject of a reality TV series, Discovery Channel's "Pitchmen."
If a man is killed in a head on car crash while exceeding a safe speed, does it really matter if he was going 5 mph too fast or 20 mph too fast? He is still dead.
This man's family can argue that he only drove too fast occasionally or that he wasn't really the speed that killed him but the object he hit while driving and the fact that he didn't have his seat belts on. He is still dead.
An occasional cocaine user is still a user of illegtal drugs. Maybe cocaine didn't kill him but it certainly didn't help. Use of cocaine damages the heart and it was heart failure that killed him: and he had cacaine in his sytem when he died. His family just needs to accept the truth and move on.
Why certain things are.
updated 9:31 p.m. ET, Wed., Oct . 14, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge challenged the backers of California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage Wednesday to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens conventional unions, a demand that prompted their lawyer to acknowledge he did not know.
The unusual exchange between U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker and Charles Cooper, a lawyer for the group that sponsored Proposition 8, came during a hearing on a lawsuit challenging the measure as discriminatory under the U.S. Constitution.
Cooper had asked Walker to throw out the suit or make it more difficult for those civil rights claims to prevail.
A marriage between a man and a woman is not just a Christian institution but one practiced by all cultures and has been practiced from the earliest recorded history. Some people think marriage is just a piece of paper and other think it is a form of government intrusion into ones personal life. It must be something to it that all cultures believe necessary because all cultures practice marriage but one would be hard put to give a convincing argument as to why a marriage should be. One cannot use the "living in sin argument" because the argument would have to include why non-Christian people and people who do not believe in God still practice marriage and feel it is necessary. We just can not adequately explain why.
Certain things we have to take for granted although there is no bases in absolute truth as to why they have to be that way. If one was given a yard stick and a ruler and asked to build a house but was given plans in meters, the project would become infinity harder to accomplish. The reverse is also true. Given plans in inches, feet and yards and measuring tools in the metric system would be difficult. In order to function we have to have standards.
One can argue that a thirteen inch ruler can be used just effectively as a twelve inch ruler and one could not explain adequately why a twelve inch ruler has to be the standard. There is no law of nature or science that requires it to be that way; it just is. People have to have a standard in order to function efficiently.
It has been the standard that a marriage is always between a man and a woman and has been practised that way by all cultures from the beginning of recorded history. It never had to be that way any more than there had to be three feet in a yard, 100 points to a pica, or four quarts to a gallon. Those are just the standards adopted so we can function and communicate effectively.
Of course there is no reason why we should not be able to change our standards. It would probable be better if America was on the metric system. I have no idea how much is a bushel if some one else had not make a "bushel basket". I haven't a clue what a gram looks like although I don't think it's much of anything. Americans are confused about how to measure things because when they want something cut they hold up two fingers and want be to cut the item the distance between their two fingers but they have no clue how big or small that is. One lady asked be if 6 oz. was smaller than a quarter pound. The metric system would probably be easier to use but our government thinks we are not intelligent enough to transition from one system to another (while wanting us to become a multi-language culture). The government could possible be correct about us not being smart enough to adapt to the metric system. Eventually, English will die out in the US and Spanish will become our native tongue.
Maybe I can't give you a good enough reason why gays and lesbians should not get married. I can't tell you why any one does drugs or some people think it's cool to steal, or why any one doubts the existence of God. I can't prove that God exists or prove that he doesn't. He just says he does and I have to take him a face value, just like twelve inches equal a foot, three feet equal a yard, and marrriage is between one man and one one woman. That's the standard the world lives by.
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge challenged the backers of California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage Wednesday to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens conventional unions, a demand that prompted their lawyer to acknowledge he did not know.
The unusual exchange between U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker and Charles Cooper, a lawyer for the group that sponsored Proposition 8, came during a hearing on a lawsuit challenging the measure as discriminatory under the U.S. Constitution.
Cooper had asked Walker to throw out the suit or make it more difficult for those civil rights claims to prevail.
A marriage between a man and a woman is not just a Christian institution but one practiced by all cultures and has been practiced from the earliest recorded history. Some people think marriage is just a piece of paper and other think it is a form of government intrusion into ones personal life. It must be something to it that all cultures believe necessary because all cultures practice marriage but one would be hard put to give a convincing argument as to why a marriage should be. One cannot use the "living in sin argument" because the argument would have to include why non-Christian people and people who do not believe in God still practice marriage and feel it is necessary. We just can not adequately explain why.
Certain things we have to take for granted although there is no bases in absolute truth as to why they have to be that way. If one was given a yard stick and a ruler and asked to build a house but was given plans in meters, the project would become infinity harder to accomplish. The reverse is also true. Given plans in inches, feet and yards and measuring tools in the metric system would be difficult. In order to function we have to have standards.
One can argue that a thirteen inch ruler can be used just effectively as a twelve inch ruler and one could not explain adequately why a twelve inch ruler has to be the standard. There is no law of nature or science that requires it to be that way; it just is. People have to have a standard in order to function efficiently.
It has been the standard that a marriage is always between a man and a woman and has been practised that way by all cultures from the beginning of recorded history. It never had to be that way any more than there had to be three feet in a yard, 100 points to a pica, or four quarts to a gallon. Those are just the standards adopted so we can function and communicate effectively.
Of course there is no reason why we should not be able to change our standards. It would probable be better if America was on the metric system. I have no idea how much is a bushel if some one else had not make a "bushel basket". I haven't a clue what a gram looks like although I don't think it's much of anything. Americans are confused about how to measure things because when they want something cut they hold up two fingers and want be to cut the item the distance between their two fingers but they have no clue how big or small that is. One lady asked be if 6 oz. was smaller than a quarter pound. The metric system would probably be easier to use but our government thinks we are not intelligent enough to transition from one system to another (while wanting us to become a multi-language culture). The government could possible be correct about us not being smart enough to adapt to the metric system. Eventually, English will die out in the US and Spanish will become our native tongue.
Maybe I can't give you a good enough reason why gays and lesbians should not get married. I can't tell you why any one does drugs or some people think it's cool to steal, or why any one doubts the existence of God. I can't prove that God exists or prove that he doesn't. He just says he does and I have to take him a face value, just like twelve inches equal a foot, three feet equal a yard, and marrriage is between one man and one one woman. That's the standard the world lives by.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Study: Texting Does Not Affect Children’s Ability To Spell
Maybe so but sometimes texters forget who they are writing too. There was an article on a topic I was interested in but the writer used u r and other shortened versions of words and I found it annoying--so annoying I quit reading the article.
I suppose it doesn't change the world much if they write interestingly or whether I can stay focused enough to read what was written but what is the point of writing if the people interested in the topic aren't interested in the author's writing style?
I suppose it doesn't change the world much if they write interestingly or whether I can stay focused enough to read what was written but what is the point of writing if the people interested in the topic aren't interested in the author's writing style?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Koi Ponds and Water Gardens

I enjoy my water garden. Some may wonder what is the difference between a water garden and Koi Pond. Simply, a water garden is built so one can enjoy the various plants that grow only in and around water. One can be smaller and shallower than a pond for keeping koi. I've heard of groups of enthusiats that like to swap fish, plants, tips, and stories but not around here. Anyone know of such a group?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
Gomer Pile of USMC had an expression: Surprise, surprise, surprise. I wonder if the committee that gives the Nobel Peace Prize had that goofy look on their face when they made the announcemnt of this year's winner?
For those that don't know, the committe is appointed by the Netherland parliament, which is a socialist government. That helps explain why Ronald Reagan whose policies lead to the end of the Cold War and took the threat of nuclear war off the table didn't win but Al Gore who hasn't done anything of note except made a movie about a problem that may or may not exist and Barrack Obmama, who hasn't done anything of note except make promises to do something that may or may not need to be done won.
Dr. J calls The award and Obama the Velveteen Rabbit. Maybe so. obma approval ratings went up because of the award. Doesn't mean he did something note worthy. Just means some people have no concept of reality--just like the toys in the story.
For those that don't know, the committe is appointed by the Netherland parliament, which is a socialist government. That helps explain why Ronald Reagan whose policies lead to the end of the Cold War and took the threat of nuclear war off the table didn't win but Al Gore who hasn't done anything of note except made a movie about a problem that may or may not exist and Barrack Obmama, who hasn't done anything of note except make promises to do something that may or may not need to be done won.
Dr. J calls The award and Obama the Velveteen Rabbit. Maybe so. obma approval ratings went up because of the award. Doesn't mean he did something note worthy. Just means some people have no concept of reality--just like the toys in the story.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Cardinals vs Dodgers, game two, NLCS
If this was football, your team would be down by six with 12 seconds left on the clock and is forced to kick from thier own 30 yard line. Fans would be heading for the exit as the game is over except for the singing of the fat lady right?
Not so fast. Two out, bottom of the ninth, down two to one, and no one on base. The batter hits a lazy line drive to the left fielder, a player who only commits one error a year, and the game is over, so everyone thinks.
The fat lady had to sit down on this one. The ball was not caught and the Dodgers rally for a three to two win and a two zip lead in the series.
Not so fast. Two out, bottom of the ninth, down two to one, and no one on base. The batter hits a lazy line drive to the left fielder, a player who only commits one error a year, and the game is over, so everyone thinks.
The fat lady had to sit down on this one. The ball was not caught and the Dodgers rally for a three to two win and a two zip lead in the series.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
CBO: Bill Won't Raise Deficit
Whose deficit, mine or the governments?
Oh wait, aren't we suppose to be the same thing?
If I reduce my income through taxes isn't that increasing my deficit?
I'm confused. Exactly how is this bill supposed to benefit me?
Oh wait, aren't we suppose to be the same thing?
If I reduce my income through taxes isn't that increasing my deficit?
I'm confused. Exactly how is this bill supposed to benefit me?
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
CBO: Health care bill to cost $829 billion
CBO: Health care bill to cost $829 billion
Measure would cut federal deficit by $81 billion in 10 years, experts say
Is that like the $20.00 Mom saves when she buys a new dress, or the big sale at the hardware store where dad saves big? And exactly when has a measure only cost what the government thought it would?
Perhaps it is only fitting that since I contribute to the housing of the poor and help feed them too that I might as well pay for their medical care as well. One would think that at least the government would sent me a picture of the family I'm having to help support and yearly updates on their well being. Since I am soon to be retired, I just don't know how medicaid can be cut with out cutting benefits unless its the built in graft that is being eliminated.
It's kind of like when I was homeless and I drove my old beater to the bank to deposit my pay check and this young dude was leanning up against a Cadillac Escalade
while holding a stack of cash which he claimed to be several thousand dollars and then tried to bum a smake from me. There is just something wrong with the system when the honest working man has to pay for the upkeep of the takers. I don't mind helping those that are down on their luck, so to speak but in order to be down one must have been up. If one never had a job or just a meager job because he dropped out of school or has been arrested so many times no one ones to be around you, then I should not be expected to provide for your upkeep.
Exactly, how much of this $829 billion dollars am I expected to pay? More than what I can afford, I bet.
Measure would cut federal deficit by $81 billion in 10 years, experts say
Is that like the $20.00 Mom saves when she buys a new dress, or the big sale at the hardware store where dad saves big? And exactly when has a measure only cost what the government thought it would?
Perhaps it is only fitting that since I contribute to the housing of the poor and help feed them too that I might as well pay for their medical care as well. One would think that at least the government would sent me a picture of the family I'm having to help support and yearly updates on their well being. Since I am soon to be retired, I just don't know how medicaid can be cut with out cutting benefits unless its the built in graft that is being eliminated.
It's kind of like when I was homeless and I drove my old beater to the bank to deposit my pay check and this young dude was leanning up against a Cadillac Escalade
while holding a stack of cash which he claimed to be several thousand dollars and then tried to bum a smake from me. There is just something wrong with the system when the honest working man has to pay for the upkeep of the takers. I don't mind helping those that are down on their luck, so to speak but in order to be down one must have been up. If one never had a job or just a meager job because he dropped out of school or has been arrested so many times no one ones to be around you, then I should not be expected to provide for your upkeep.
Exactly, how much of this $829 billion dollars am I expected to pay? More than what I can afford, I bet.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Mailbox Madness

About a year or so ago on my blog, Marvins Observations, I reported a broken mailbox at my old address in the country. It was apparently taken out by farm machinery and I suppose the culprit wasn't aware of the accident. This scenario is somewhat different.
I live in town on a cul-de-sac and my neigbors across the street were partying last night when someone took out my mailbox, somewhere between 7:00 and 11:15 last night. They did leave some evidence behind; pieces of a tail light lens. I reported it to the police department this morning and they are well aware of my neighbors, and not in a good way.
had the offender reported the accident, I probably would have let it go as the mailbox post was easily repaired and the box itself wasn't damaged. But if I see a vehicle with a broken lens that matches the pieces I have, then they will be report4d to the police and will face what ever minor charges the courts would like to administer.
Wht are adults so irresponsible?
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Insults and injury
A customer returned some pork chops tonight and claimed they were bad. Of course the customer received a no questions asked refund. The problem is the pork chops were warm, indicating they had been off refrigaration for an extended period of time.
I feel somewhat insulted when a customer returns an and claims we sold them bad product and the perishable item is warm to the touch. i'm not so stupid that i can't realize the customer has had the item off refrigaration for too long a period of time. I also an offended that my professionalism is questioned.
I value each of my customers business and if the customer tells me the truth: I left this in my car and it went bad, or I left it on the counter top and forgot about it, the customer will still get their refund. Why blame me for something that isn't my fault?
I feel somewhat insulted when a customer returns an and claims we sold them bad product and the perishable item is warm to the touch. i'm not so stupid that i can't realize the customer has had the item off refrigaration for too long a period of time. I also an offended that my professionalism is questioned.
I value each of my customers business and if the customer tells me the truth: I left this in my car and it went bad, or I left it on the counter top and forgot about it, the customer will still get their refund. Why blame me for something that isn't my fault?
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