"Love child" is a term used to designate the baby born to a couple as a result of an affair. The most famous "love child" in America at the moment is the baby born of Ms. Hunter and John Edwards. For the life of me, I fail to understand why that couple would make a sex tape when it was in his best interest to keep their relationship private and the sexual part of it non-existent to the outside world.
If a man's wife is suffering because of some life threatening disease and cannot pleasure her husband, I can understand why he might look outside the marriage. I didn't say agree because I don't, especially entering into a love affair. At least Tiger Woods, a cheating creep in his own right, had the good sense to find women willing to have brief affairs. Lordy, how does this mans stupidity shine through from this incident. Falling in love, failing to use any birth control methods, taping the affair, and leaving a cell phone where his wife could find it. One would think he wanted to be caught and if his wife was dumb enough to ask "are you having an affair" he had the tape to prove he was.
I wonder too if Elizabeth had the ability to regulate the state of her cancer--getting sicker when it would give John needed publicity and getting less sick when she needed the strength to fight him in court. Doesn't it seem like someone who was the son of a mill worker would put himself through school to become a lawyer and a successful one at that and a US Senator and a Presidential Candidate would be happy with his life. But you know what they say about power.
Some people can't handle power and some can't handle responsibility. Give a man a little responsibility who can't handle power and bad things are bound to happen. If John Edwards isn't enough to prove that point, just look at the refugee camps in Haiti where the workers handing out food are demanding sex from the women before they can receive rations. It seems rape is a rampant problem too with numerous reports of girls as young as two falling victim to this despicable crime.
One commenter on a story suggested that the US allowed this to happen and we should put a stop to it. Don't I wish we could. I'm sure if the American people made it a priority, much could be done to change the mentality of the Haitian men who engage in this behaviour and the legal system there that does little to discourage the practice, but we have too much other stuff going on and something to focus our attention on that is oh so much more important right now; College basketball and March madness. Come April, we will have the fianl run to the pro baketball championships to draw our attention.
Now, I'm not belittling sports fans or sports or our need to espcape from the pressures of life for awhile. Enjoying ourselves is as important to living as solving problems for if we didn't have pleasure, life woule hardly be worth living but we still need to pay attention to what others are going through. Instead of arguing with other sports fans on why UWV, Sienna, or Wolford will be the surprise team of the NCAA tournament or why Cardinal fans are really idiots, maybe we can just find a little time to enjoy the games and then put the world into perspective.
Maybe we can just show a little love to that yong girl who lost her home,maybe her family, and her virginity, to a sadistic rapist. If we could just show some of the passion for their plight as we do for our favorite basketball team, things like what is going on in Haiti would not happen nearly as often.