Two years ago I was shocked to learn the real truth about my health. I realized I was over weight but otherwise healthy. I was totally wrong. I wasn't overweight; I was obese and I was anything but healthy. I had high blood pressure, was borderline diabetic, had high cholesterol, and my triglycerides were so high it would make one dizzy. To save my life would take more than just diet and exercise. It would require a change in lifestyle.
Joining a health club or a gym turned out to be something that wasn't going to work for me and even walking was a difficult thing to accomplish on a regular bases with my crazy schedule at work. Even following an eating schedule would be nearly impossible. What I could control however was what I ate. I started making better choices.
I didn't want a diet that says you can eat this but not this or one where I had to make swaps or count calories or have to have foods I never heard of or that required pills or other artificial supplements. My goal wasn't to lose weight. My goal was to get healthier.
What I could do was eat a breakfast that was high in fiber and low in calorie content so I choose Cheerios and shredded wheat. I also tried some oatmeal upon occasion.
My lunches consist of a sandwich on whole grain bread, a few slaps of lunch meat and mustard, a no calorie drink and an apple. Supper (or dinner-whatever) was the biggest challenge but I knew that it had to be varied, taste good, and good for me. As much as possible, I chose fruits and vegetables to make up the majority of the meal, if not all of it.
What I did eliminate is snack foods, deserts, and candy. When I order unsweetened tea I drink it that way. At first it was hard to take, being used to the taste of sugar, but after a few times I discovered I actually liked the taste of the tea.
To combat the exercise problem, especially during the colder months, I exercise on a Wii. It works wonders.
It really didn't take long for my numbers to decline towards healthier levels. Although I am classified as a diabetic I take no medicine and have blood sugar levels in the normal range. The thing is I am still obese but have a near normal blood pressure, excellent numbers on everything else.
So far I have lost 48 pounds and have gone from wearing a size 42 pants to getting into a size 34 (this week). I want to drop to 197 pounds which is the line between obese and overweight for me. It would really be nice to get below 200 for the first time in over a decade. 200..9, 200.7, 200.5, 200.3. and this morning 200.2.
It's never been about weight until now. I'm so close but the 199 mark is taunting me but I'm not going to skip a meal or change my eating habits to sped up the march toward thinness. My goal is an eating habit that is healthy and sustainable and I have achieved that. But I can think about that weight goal now. which is something I haven't allowed myself to do before. It's like going for a hitting streak or a home run record. One cannot help but think about it but one has to be careful not to try a little harder for that extra effort may through off the rhythm that got you to where you are in the first place. 'Steady as she goes" is an old navy saying that works well in many situations, this one included.