I haven't given an update from One Way Baptist is awhile. No, I haven't lost my enthusiasm for the church but have grown in my desire to attend and to see the church grow, which it has. Melony was back with us last night after recovering from surgery. Theressa had been out also taking care of Melony. With those two ladies back, we had a full house Sunday morning. Terry has to work on Sunday nights but we had a visitor last night.
We have had some good services but yesterday was special. I have never been to a church that shows as much love for each other as One Way. Rev. Garrett is not only a good preacher but a wonderful pastor. The only member not present yesterday was Mrs. Tickle but considering she is ninety-one and has to depend on others to bring her, which they seldom will, we understand.
But even though the house was full , we still would have found room for her, and not only her, but for you also.
Starting this Wednesday night we will begin our new convert classes. No, these classes are not an indoctrination but just some basics of the Christian faith that will provide a strong foundation for the new Christians to build their Christian witness on and a good refresher course for more mature Christians also. Sometimes we all leave or first love.
Most morning services are available on DVD and these classes will be also so if you would like to have one (or more) just leave me a note or contact me at my e-mail address at dsprl2000@gmail.com and I will get one to you.
We will be having our Christmas play on December 11th and we would love you you to come see it. It won't be an elaborate stage production but it will be enjoyable, I guarantee.
On the 23rd we will be having a missionary from Africa speaking in the evening service (starts at six o'clock) and on the 30th we will have Dr. Savage and some of his kids from the children's home presenting a song service. Come and support the kids and receive a blessing.
Our building is small but we have a lot of extra chairs so we will find you a seat.
Sunday school starts at 10 o'clock and worship service begins at 10:30. Prayer room is Sunday evening at 5:45 and evening worship is at 6. Wednesday services begin at
7. The ladies meet once a month on Saturdays and we are beginning a men's prayer breakfast soon as we change our visitation from Thursday night to Saturday.
I also have a home prayer meeting on Tuesday night at my home so if you want to have a more informal setting in which to receive help studying the bible you are more than welcomed to come. Just let me know and I'll give you directions.
The church is located at 604 Sunset in Randleman. Sunset runs from Stout Street to Main street (directly across from Sir Pizza).
Our pastor lives in Thomasville as does our associate pastor but we do have a missionary that is local. Being small we do not have a lot of activities like the bigger churches do. We don't have room for a piano or organ and we don't have Sunday School rooms or a fellowship hall but what we do have is love for each other and a love for Christ and room for you. Come and be with us.