Friday, June 29, 2012

Laws are enforced differently

I purchased a building and had to get a builders permit before the building could be dilevered and I had to make sure it complied with the law.  The county then raised the tax value on my home. 

Over half the neighborhood has outbuildings on their propertyyet Iam the only one in compliance city the codes and the only one that had to get a builders permit. 

Why is that?

hypenated names

Kidd-Gilchrist is the last name of the Kentuck player drafted by the Charlotte Bobcats.  His name got me to thinking about what would happen if the new trend of hypenated names is carried to the extreme.  After all, he could marry a woman with a hypenated name herself and if they passed that name on to their children, then the kid would have a name like Sarah Smith-Jones-Kidd-Gilchrist and if Sarah grows up and marries Paul Johnson-Thompson-Kennedy-Macmillin and has a kid named Bart his last name woulod be Smith-Jones-Kidd-Gilchrist-Johnson-Thompson-Kennedy-MacMillian.  How would you like to write that name on a daily basis? 
I've always thought the hypenated namne was stupid.  Either keep your own, decide which name to use, the husbands or the wifes,  go with tradition, or make a combo name like Kidchrist or Gilild. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I was standing in an aisle looking at a display on the endcap when a woman and her daughter approached me.  Where I was standing wasn't in the area between two sets of shelving but in the main aisle that is wide and runs the with of the store.  The customer and her daughter had plenty of room to manuever around me or even in front of me had they so desired but instead the woman said "Excuse me" but not in the polite term like when someone is asking for forgiveness or in a way for apologizing for having to ask you to grant them a priviledge but in the condescending matter in like "you are in my way and should apologize to me for making my life inconvenient."  You know the tone, like dragging the word out "Excuuuuse meee!" 
  She had plenty of room, and her request for me to move wasn't done because I was blocking her progress but because of my skin color and her attitude.  I refused. Don't even try to bully me.  

Nora Ephron

She is a writer was was seventy-one when she passed.  I never meet her.  I would liked it if I had. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to handle disagreements

Sometimes I find myself in a quantry which is not unlike a quarry in that I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place.  Our pastor is disabled.  Although to look at him one would not realize it the truth is he has many health issues and it is difficult for him to do all he needs to do.  To help him he asked a young preacher, just turned 21, to help him.  This young preacher preached a sermon last night using John chapter 21  verses 1-12 as his text.  To explain the verses he stated that "Jesus is the boat." 
Now I will have to admit that his illustrations were unique.  For example he said that "casting the net on the right side of the ship was significate because in heaven the saints would stand at the right hand of the father and the lost would be gathered on the left hand.  But whether the right side of the ship was on the right side of jesus is questionable.  That would all depend on which way the ship was facing.

The story was not a parable so we can't interpret it as such but we must take the events and expain the importance ofthem.  This was a real event, not a parable. Jesus was not the boat as the boat is an inanimate object and can't even be interpreted as a type of Jesus.  Jesus was standing on the flesh, a living breathing creature and not a lifeless object.

My problem is that the man in the pulpit should preach and teach what the bible says and not make up stories about what he things it could mean.  Maybe his intentions are good and his sermon was filled with interesting and valid points, none of what he said is the actual and truthful interpretation of those versus. 

If a man is allowed to stand in the pulpit and and make up  his own interpretations of scriptures then those allowing him to do so are as wrong as he is.   On the other hand, the preacher would most likely withdraw his support from the church and leave the preacher in need. 

Because the semon was full of biblical truths should I ignore the error of treating it like a parable, should I share my concern with the pastor or should I mention my concerns to the young pastor?        

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The cookout

Our church wanted to meet member of the community so we planned a cookout, plassed out invitations, invited everyone we came into contact with, and put a lot of time, effort and money into the event.  In some ways it was a success and in other ways it was a disappointment.  I do know we sure missed you there. 

One thing for sure about being part of an event like this, one  learns a lot about other people, who one can count on and which ones are a hindrance.  I did a lot of cooking and played a little horseshoes, the first time I've played in over twenty-five years. 

My biggest disappointment was that only one ballplayer from my team came to the cookout.  But I'm glad he came.  He is a good kid and his dad was a big help to me.  I wish them well. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Really Awkward Stance for Sandusky

My wife taped Dateline from last night and we just finished watching it.  As a special at the end of the show, Dateline announced the verdict from the Sandusky trial.  A reporter asked the reporter who had been in the courtroom what things were like in the courtroom when the verdict was read. 
"Sandusky was quiet when the verdict was read, standing there with his hands stuffed in his left pants pocket..."

Try that for yourself. Stand up and stuff your hands in your left pants pocket.  Really awkward isn't it? 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Is God Real?

Many people have the mistaken belief that the Holy Bible says that the earth is only 6,000 years old.  Genesis 1:1 says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  When the beginning was, I have no idea but I'm sure it must have been much longer ago than 6,000 years.  The bible says that the earth was void and without form so it was here when God created life upon it.  How long it existed before that only god knows, if there is a God. 

The bible says that God placed man in the Garden of Eden.  How long humans existed there isn't told to us.  It could have been two weeks or two billion years. Again, no one knows except God, if He is real. 

Following the timeline from when Adam and Eve were removed and barred from the Garden to the flood was about two thousand years and from the flood to Jesus's birth was another two thousand years and from the death of Christ to the present time is another two thousand years which is a total of six thousand years.  The earth as we know it was created in six days and the scriptures say that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day so some people believe the bible says the earth was created six thousand years ago.  God rested on the seventh day, which is the thousand years reign of Christ on the earth. 

When the bible says it rained forty days and nights and that Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days does not necessarily mean an actual forty days.  It means a long time.  The six days, or six stages of creation on the earth lasted as long as they lasted.  As far as the history of man is concerned, the recorded history of man is only six thousand years old so if humans could read and write earlier than that all proof has been lost. 

God never attempst to prove that he exists.  The bible acknowledges the existence of God from the very first verse.  When Moses asked God how he could prove that he was the one sending Moses to lead the people, God replied to tell them he was "I am."

Some people believe the scriptures are a fairy tale, that God does not exist, and Christians are foolish for putting their faith in a non-existant and invisible being.   They could be correct.  God may not be real.

But what does one do about Jesus?  He certainly existed and there is ample proof that he was crucified and was buried and rose from the dead.  If Jesus existed then God has to be real. 

The church I attend is small, perhaps one of the smallest in existence anywhere. We do have a memeber whois 94 years old but she seldom can attend because she has no one to bring her.  Recently she underwent surgery on one of her legs and the surgery was deemed to be a failure.  It was a procedure that needed to be done on both legs.  The lady fell and hurt herself seriously and took a while to heal. 

She went for a checkup and her legs were examined to determine if the operation possible now without putting her life in jeopardy.  The doctor determined she was strong enough to undergo the surgery and that it was expedient to do so.  She was brought into the operating room and preped for surgery.  When the surgeon was ready to begin, he informed his assistant and the nurses to send her home as the surgery was no longer necessary.

Of course, we have all heard of people needing medical procedures and were declared healed just before the surgery was to begin.  We only have someone else's word for this.  Another incident that happened at our church had to do with something that was visible to everyone. 

Back in October I began clearing some land at the church and I worked steadily at this job until the end of February.  The biggest concern I had was about a limb that had broken from a tree but was still stuck in the tree.  The limb was probably at least 30 feet long and six to 8 inches thick.  It was much heaver than I could possible deal with.  I asked a young man, a football player of 350 pounds or more, to help me move the limb but me, him and the preacher could not move that limb even one inch.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 we are going to have a community cookoutat the church and I became really concern that the limb might fall out of the tree and kill or injury a child during the festivities.  I could afford to have it move and the men at the church could not move it  (I had even tried a week earlier) soI knew if that limb was to be moved God would have to do it.  Last week I walked over to the limb, gave it a push, and it snapped in two and fell from the tree. 

Maybe it had decayed and was ready to come out of the tree but I believe the timing was as much proof as I needed that God's hand was in the act just as much as he was involved in the healing of the 94 year old lady. 

I know I can come closer to proving God exists than any scientist can to proving evolution is real.  But it isn't about proof; it is about faith. 

I know that if my faith is misplaced I will never know because when I die I will just cease to exist.  If my faith is justified, I will be taken home to heaven.  However, those who are correct in believing God is a lie just cease to exist but those who believe God is a lie and are wrong, will end up in eternal damnation.   

I am not wrong.  God does exist and Jesus Christ is who he says he is. 

You are invited to the cookout Saturday, 2-6 pm at One Way Baptist church at 604 Sunset, Randleman, NC.  Hope to see you there.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

!st day of summer is hot

June 20th, 2012 wasthe last day of spring/1st day of summer.  Today, June 21 is the first full day of summer and it is shaping up to be a hot/dry day.  I really enjoyed the warm winter and the cool spring.
I was fooled into planting my garden early and Mother nature didn't take kindly to that so I learned not to trust her again. Promises of rain this week will probably go unfullfilled and drought
conditions may once again overtake this area, especially since my garden is growing good.  I have my first cantaloupe fruit of the season, just slightly larger than a BB and my pumpkins are doing great with 30 or 40 fruit set already. 

I have already harvested onions and potatoes, beets and radishes and green beans galore and should start pulling off some tomatoes by next week. Corn in puny and cucumbers and squash haven't even flowered yet.  I haven't had a good cucumber from a garden in four years.  My plants look really healthy this year for a change.  This red clay I have to garden in is some tough soil.  My pumpkins are planted in some good rich, deep black soil but the weeding is a full time job. 

Send me some pictures of your garden.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wealtiest people, highest paid actors, etc.

One see stories on rich people all the timebut it doesn't matter to me who has what.  It doesn't put money in my pocket or make my life any different to know this. There are some things that one can learn that will enrich ones life and those things are not found in stories about Paris Hilton, Warren Buffett, or Linsey Lohan.  The only people I pay attention too are the ones that make a difference in my life whether it be momentarily or permantely.

I like the internet because I can find the answer to questions that I need answers too and find them quickly.  I don't need to know how much money this person or that person made or who wore what dress better than another person. 

Some things are a waste of prcious time.


Two percent milk

Two percent milk sounds great — —it's such a low number! What most people don't realize is that whole milk contains only 3.25% fat.

So 2% milk contains less fat than regular milk, but not that much. It isn't technically considered low fat; only 1% milk and fat free (also called skim milk, which has less than 0.5% fat) meet that standard.

Two percent milk may say reduced fat however, because it has at least 25% less fat than regular milk. But the American Heart Association and other health experts recommend that adults choose 1% or fat free over other types of milk.

I'm sorry but I am not putting white water in my cereal each morning. 

sleepless nights

Sometimes sleep doesn't come quickly or for long periods of time for me.  After two, thre, or four hours I'll wake up and toss and turn for awhile, if not for several hours without being able to return to sleepiness.  Even if I get up for an hour or so then then am able to sllep the remainder of the night and even if my total sleep adds up to 8 hours or more I still feel bad. 

Fortunately, these nights happen less frequently now that by frequency has decreased to normal.  Sometimeswhen I wake up I feel hungry and unless I get something to eat I'll not be able to return to sleep. 

Now that I am on insulin and have been through my weigh gain (11 pounds in 30 dys)  the weight is starting to come back of. 

Well I had a tomato sandwich and a few links of sausage and I'm feeling a little sleepy now so I'm going back to bed.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

fathers day gift

Ties, shirts, objects that can be used, boxes of candy, steak dinners and cookouts, objects that hold the potential for sentimental value, cards, colognes, and nights out on the town all have there place on Fathers Day but the best gift of all is that hug or kiss or phone call that lets a father know his kid or kids love him and appreciate him. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beer can car

I was at the corner of 220 bisoness and 311 this afternoon when a bunch of men on motorcycles pulled out of the parking lot of the corner store/racetrack.  after all the cyclists pulled out a man dring a beer can car pulled out behind them.  It was like a giant motorized budweiser beer can.  I would have been more impressed if it was a pepsi or coke but it was still cool. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel is listed on Yahoos list of top searches for June 14, 2012 and the reason is that"for the first time she is sharing details of her miscarriage."

Frankly Frankel I don't want to know details of your miscarriage.  That is a little too personal for me.  My question when I read the headlines and bylines is why now?  Then I read another article that says that Bethenny Frankel is celebrating the opening of her new talk show. 

I never heard of this woman but now that I have my world is a little sadder.  She is using the death of her unborn to garner publicity to help her launch a new talk show.  I find that fact just a little disturbing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Tomorrow I had my 30 day checkup after starting insulin.  For 5 years my diabetes has been controlled by diet but my body quitmaking insulin so now I have to take the shots.  It isn't fun.  The biggest thing is the quick drop from around 9:30 until about 10   in the morning, especially when I am engaged in some physical activity like mowing the lawn, or hoeing weeds in the garden.  The first time it dropped to 70 I thought I was going to die. 

Yesterday I was just feeling a little hungry but thought it was too early to eat so I tested my sugar and my reading was 49.   Before I could put my test kit up I starterd shaking.  It isn't a good feeling. 

I had ran out of test strips so for four or five months I didn't test.  My average reading during the last three month before insulin was 400.  After taking insulin, my average reading, according to my test meter is 136. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 23

June 23 is my wedding annivesary and it is also the date my church is having a hotdog cookout from 2-4.  The church is located on Sunset in Randleman, you are invited, and the cost is zero.  We will also have horseshoes, badmitton, a cornhole game and lawn darts.  Come eat, fellowship and play some games. 

Why can't it be the other way?

In every textbook I have ever read about Christianity, opponents of the religion have stated that many of the traditions, beliefs and practices of the religion were stolen or adapted from other religions.  Why can't it be that other religions adopted Jewish customs and practices? 

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Organic beef

"Organic meat has never been given antibiotics or hormones, so it's always the way to go if you have the option," she says. "Grass-fed is even better; meat from a grass-fed animal doesn't have as much total or saturated fat as regular grain-fed."

Organic stuff costs more because it cost more to raise or losses are higher.  Not adding fertilizer to vegatable yields less per acre and no pesticides yeild increased losses from disease and pests. 

As far as meat, organic is costlier due to smaller animals and increased risk of sickness. While it is true that grass fed beef is healthier than grain  fed beef because it has less fat, it is equally  true that grass fed beef is tougher and has less flavor. 

The Honest Truth About Cheating, Lying, and Dishonesty

A question was asked if bad behaviour was an inherent human quality or a learned response.  53% of respondents believe that bad behaviour is inherent while 47% believe it is a learned behaviour.  From my own obsevation and my own experience, one does not have to teach a child to lie.  It is true that many bad behaviours are learned, we are not born good nor or we necessarily born bad.  But we do learn early enough that lieing will keep us from being punished we we get good at it.  But telling that lie is not something that was taught to us but something that came nauturally.  

Thursday, June 07, 2012

He suspected he was gay?

"Wade Davis says he suspected it in high school but kept quiet through tours with three teams."

Really?  I thought they were born that way? 

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

What, exactlt, did he say?

"Exactly! If anyone could walk in dresed like a Disney character, then groped and molsed the children, the parents would sue the park."

groped and molsed?  What?

The Move on Miley Cirus)

Move that made Miley fall for her fiancé

"Liam Hemsworth did something a guy had never done for her in the three years she’d been in L.A."

I haven't read the article but I am guessing he asked her out for a second date. 

Monday, June 04, 2012

I have pumpkins

I placed a ruler on he ground so you would have an idea about how big my pumpkin is.  If you still are not sure, it is about the size of a baseball. 

I have 107 pumpkin vines.  Some vines are as long as twelve feet and one has three pumpkins on it (most only have two). 

I want to sell these pumpkins come fall so I can have some extra money to donate to the church I attend.  I have some pie pumpkins, some hallowen pumpkins and a few giant pumpkins, although I am not trying to grow extra large pumpkins but just wanted some larger than average to have a third price point. 

If you decorate for the fall or halloween drop me an e-mail or stop by One Way Baptist on Sunset in Randleman to get your pumpkin.


I haven't thought of Fanstory in years.  I suppose it is a way to improve ones writing if one isn't sensitive.  Actually, most of the reviews are either cruel or not helpful at all.  I made one man really mad.  He wrote a story about a couple that had grown dissatisfied with each other    so they looked for another relationship outside of the one they had together.  They both made a blind date only to discover that their date was with each other. I told him what he wrote was the story of Frankie and Johnny and he was so mad.  He thought I was accussing him of plagarism.  I did actually. 

If people gave you an honest, helpful review most writers would be appreciative.  I wrote a short story about a baseball game.  It was a totally true story.  One reviewer told me my character wasn't realistic because he made a decision that was too mature for a twelve year old.  Yes it was realistic.  It was a true story.  Factual to a "T". 

One favorite comment was "You need to tighten the story up".  What is that supposed to mean? 

Anywas, I received an e-mail today from Fanstory.  That's the only reason I thought of it today.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Getting older Sucks

I just went to the doctor who put me on insulin.  The shots don't hurt and it is only midly inconvenient.  I'm not complaining about that.  It's the aches and pains that are the problem.  I coached a boys baseball team this summer, something I have wanted to do again for the longest time but just did't have the time because of my work schedule. 

My diabetics hasleft me weaker but I found ways to compensate for that.  I just can't react as fast as I once could, I don't bend nearly as well, and forget running.  Not only is doing the physical part harder but hurts more and so much longer than it once did.  But it isn't that part of life that will keep me from coaching next year.  I really want too.  I just think the players need a more physically fit coach.

Knowing that I can't do or shouldn't do things I really want to do because I can't give to others what they need is the part of growing old that really sucks. 

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Obama says economy will come back stronger

Obama says economy will come back stronger

By JIM KUHNHENN Associated Press The Associated Press
But can the jobless survive and retirees loike myself have enough money left to make it.  I had high hopes for this President but he has been a big disappointment. The only hope and change I can believe in now is the hope Obama doesn't win reelection and that things will change for the bettter once he is gone.  
The last election was tough:  I didn't want McCain and we certainly didn't need Obama   bureveryone was sick of G.W. I believe Bush was too loyal to Cheney and Rumsfeld.  Once Bush got rid of Donald things imroved tremedously in the war effort but the stage was already set for a Democratic victory in '08. 

I am not saying Romney is the best man for the job.  In fact he may not be any better than Obama  but at least he will lead us in a different direction.  It would be really nice if people would have an intelligent discussion and leave off using terms like Obumer, and Dumacratic and Repubican.  I suppose it is too much to ask blacks to not vote for Obama just because he is black and whites to not vote against him for the same reason. 

What is really sad is that no Democrat opposed Obama in the primaries.  I am not opposed to a Democratic President.  In fact, many programs that the Republicans support were once opposition party ideas and many Democratic proposals were originally proposed by the Republicns.  Neither party always has the best solution and compromise isn't always the best way to go.  We need to do a better job of what is best for the country and not be concerned as much as what is best for the party or even ones political career.