"Robert has hidden the profile"
I looked Robert up and received the above response. The reason I looked him up was prompted by his long article "proving Osama Bin Laden was dead and had been for the past twelve years.
I have listed an abbreviated list of his "proof" and the appropriate response.
1. 2001: He died and was buried in an unmarked grave. (That is highly unlikely and covering up the death is no proof that it occured)
2. 1-18-2002: "I think" (Even if the source is reliable, stating ones opnion is not proof of anything.
3. 7-17-2002: "I think" (another reliable source but again just speculation)
4. 10-2-2002: "I believe (Again, just speculation)
5. 2003 "Bush has captured Bin Landen and is awaiting the appropriate time to announce his capture (Hard to capture a man that is dead. Bush never announced Bin Ladens capture. I wonder why? But if he had captured him then all the speculation about his death was a lie)
6. 11-2005 Bin Laden died in an earthquake (maybe that is how his grave came to be unmarked. But he was buried 4 years earlier. Explain that.)
7. tapes were fake (so, that proves nothing)
8. 11-02-2007 Omar Sheihk killed Bin Laden (did Omar cause the earthquake? If he did, why hasn't the USA surrendered due to this mans alsome power)
3-2009 All evidence suggests ( maybe but no evidence has been cited and suggestions are a proof of nothing)
9. 5-2009 Pakastani Intelligence reported no contact with bin Laden in 7 years (Like that is a reliable source)
Robert is the type of person who really believes what he is saying is true and the statements he quoted are proof that his position is the correct one. How sad.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Computer flatulence
For some reason I can no longer comment on articles on Yahoo. The other day someone was upset that another had corrected a spelling error and she stated that spelling wasn't important on comments. "If it was a term paper or business report fine but comments aren't that important."
Maybe or maybe not. I comment because I believe what I have to say is important and I like to read the opnions of others. True some are evil, mean, nasty people and some don't even have a clue but some are intelligent and their opinion may help me form my own.
Maybe or maybe not. I comment because I believe what I have to say is important and I like to read the opnions of others. True some are evil, mean, nasty people and some don't even have a clue but some are intelligent and their opinion may help me form my own.
ED 1 min
53 secs ago
George W. Bush didn't do bad on the vaction time since he used more than any other president.In this comment, I have no idea what vaction time is. The man was trying to make a point. I know people make typos. Lord I make enough of my own but too often they use the wrong word or it becomes obvious they have no idea how to spell a word or express their opnion. Yea, spelling police come in handy in such cases. If you can't make your point understood you might as well save your breath.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Gabrille Guilford was a slave
Gabrille Guilford was a slave or at least she is claiming that is what some girls called her at her first gym. She said she was bullied and referred to as a slave. She made this confession of the Opra show on OWN. Whether it is true or not only the peoiple involved actually know the truth. Those at the first gym deny this had happened.
What I find distrubing about this whole revelation is the reaction of people. Their reaction is what my dad used to call "knee-jerk" like when you go to the doctor and he taps you with that little piece of rubber and your leg kicks out. You have no control over that and peoples reaction to her statements are made from anger and not from rational thought.
Some called her derogatory names, some pointed out that white people helped her too, others accused her of playing the race card. some claimed that she is lying for publicity while others think what she said was to help get Obama re-elected. The truth of the matter is to react in anger and call her names or make unfounded accusations against her only goes to prove the point that we are racist.
If what she said is true then we should be the more proud of her for overcoming the extra adversity she had to face. If what she said is not true then she should be ashamed. She should not have waited this long to complain if she had been mistreated. I know that kids can be cruel, especially when they are jealous or think they should win but don't, but that does not necessarily have anything to do with color.
I like good people and dislike sloppy people, trublemakers and direspectful folks, people whop are lazy and those who tell not the truth. The color of ones skin has no bearing on whether you are liked by me or not liked by me. Your character is my guide.
As one person pointed out, the fact that Miss Guilford won a gold metal does not bestow her with character but it is also true that being young or black does not mean she does not have character.
At this point in time her accusations came to late to remedy any situations for her and one wonders what was the point of making an unprovable and provocative statement. Did she do it at the urging of Miss. Winfrey who perhaps saw a way to booast the ratings of her TV network or, as some have claimed, it a bid to divide blacks and whites to ensure blacks to not desert the Obama camp?
She made the accusation so now the truth should be discovered and if what she said if true let the gym face the consequences and if what she said is a lie, she should be stripped of any endorsements she has received and if what she said was the result of any suggestions or urging by Opra then Opra should be santioned and made to apologize to America.
What Gabrille said is serious and should be treated as such and whatever wrong there is should be dealt with. Name calling and angry accusations are not the way to handle this situation.
What I find distrubing about this whole revelation is the reaction of people. Their reaction is what my dad used to call "knee-jerk" like when you go to the doctor and he taps you with that little piece of rubber and your leg kicks out. You have no control over that and peoples reaction to her statements are made from anger and not from rational thought.
Some called her derogatory names, some pointed out that white people helped her too, others accused her of playing the race card. some claimed that she is lying for publicity while others think what she said was to help get Obama re-elected. The truth of the matter is to react in anger and call her names or make unfounded accusations against her only goes to prove the point that we are racist.
If what she said is true then we should be the more proud of her for overcoming the extra adversity she had to face. If what she said is not true then she should be ashamed. She should not have waited this long to complain if she had been mistreated. I know that kids can be cruel, especially when they are jealous or think they should win but don't, but that does not necessarily have anything to do with color.
I like good people and dislike sloppy people, trublemakers and direspectful folks, people whop are lazy and those who tell not the truth. The color of ones skin has no bearing on whether you are liked by me or not liked by me. Your character is my guide.
As one person pointed out, the fact that Miss Guilford won a gold metal does not bestow her with character but it is also true that being young or black does not mean she does not have character.
At this point in time her accusations came to late to remedy any situations for her and one wonders what was the point of making an unprovable and provocative statement. Did she do it at the urging of Miss. Winfrey who perhaps saw a way to booast the ratings of her TV network or, as some have claimed, it a bid to divide blacks and whites to ensure blacks to not desert the Obama camp?
She made the accusation so now the truth should be discovered and if what she said if true let the gym face the consequences and if what she said is a lie, she should be stripped of any endorsements she has received and if what she said was the result of any suggestions or urging by Opra then Opra should be santioned and made to apologize to America.
What Gabrille said is serious and should be treated as such and whatever wrong there is should be dealt with. Name calling and angry accusations are not the way to handle this situation.
Shooting on 311/220
I suppose by now you have heard of the shootin on Monday, august 27, 2012 that took place at the Tank and Tummy at the intersection of US 311/ and US220. I was just leaving the house heading to Asheboro when the shooting occurred and had to take an alternate route to my designation.
From my understanding, a man was pulled over by a Sheriff's deputy on an outstanding warrent and when the officer approached the car the driver opened fire wounding two policemen. He then fled into the woods, the area was blocked off by responding police and the man later apprehended.
I was in church at Center Baptist in Candor last night as all this was transpiring so I don't have any details like names or more specifics on exactly what transpired, the condition of the officers or anymore than I have reported except that one of the officers was transported to Winston I believe.
My prayers go out to ther families of the shooting victims and for the officers themselves.
I live very close to where the shooting took place and was concerned about my wifes safety as well as that of my neighbors. I was relieved to hear that the man was aphrehended without any one else getting injured.
The son of my pastor and his wife has a son on the Thomasville Police force and the son al;so is on the state drug task force. He has been schooled as an expert in drugs and apparently he was keeping his parents updated via text last night. My pastor received details including names but being old and stupid I can't remember any of the names.
Of course this incident will dominate the local news scene today but the main thing is to say a pray for the familes and victims.
ByNews & RecordJoe GammStaff Writer
RANDLEMAN — A man accused of shooting two Randolph County deputies Monday was being held in the county jail on $5.25 million bond, the sheriff’s office said Monday night.
The white and brown mutt wagged its tail, just like it did when strangers approached.
That’s when it occurred to a couple who live nearby that the fugitive might be hiding in the neighbor’s ramshackle barn.
A dozen cruisers arrived seconds after they called 911, said the couple, who declined to be identified. A deputy stepped out of his car and poked his head in the barn, the couple said.
“Then it was on,” the man wearing a gray sweatshirt said. He could hear the scuffle inside the barn and see the vine-covered walls shaking. In minutes it was over, and Ashley was in custody.
The capture ended a four-hour manhunt on the edge of Randleman.
About 2:30 p.m. Monday, two deputies on patrol recognized Ashley and two women in a car and pulled it over on the on-ramp to U.S. 220 from U.S. 311, Sheriff Maynard B. Reid Jr. said Ashley was wanted in home invasions and assaults, including the assault of an elderly woman, Reid said.
Gunfire between the deputies and Ashley erupted after the traffic stop, Reid said.
“There was an exchange of gunfire and he ran into the woods,” Reid said. He described the injured officers as veteran deputies.
Both deputies were taken to Randolph Hospital in stable condition, hospital spokeswoman Leigh Anna Johnson said.
One was then flown to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem and the other to University of North Carolina Hospitals at Chapel Hill, Johnson said.
Reid declined to name the deputies and would not discuss the extent of their injuries.
When Ashley fled west into a heavily wooded area, the two women who had been with him remained near the car and were taken to the station for interviews, Reid said.
Before long, scores of investigators were on the scene, searching for Ashley with dogs and a helicopter.
Although they were not evacuated, residents near the site of the shooting were told to stay inside, Reid said.
Representatives from a dozen news outlets converged on a nearby convenience store to broadcast news of the fugitive.
Officers blocked off U.S. 311, forcing motorists to find alternate routes in the area.
Reid said Ashley was considered armed and dangerous.
Local, state and federal law enforcement officers scoured the area.
Randolph County Schools were told bus routes would need to change because some roads had been closed while investigators searched for Ashley.
Authorities from High Point and Guilford, Montgomery, Alamance, Davidson and Randolph counties, along with the Highway Patrol and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, participated.
Authorities said there were warrants for Ashley’s arrest in Guilford and Randolph counties.
Reid said he was confident Ashley would be found.
But after about four hours, there had been no sign of him.
A break came when they received the 911 call. Ashley was caught in the barn about 6:30 p.m.
Records show law enforcement is familiar with Ashley. He has convictions as far back as 1993. He has been convicted of identity theft, felony breaking and entering and larceny.
Contact Joe Gamm at 373-7090 or jgamm@news-record.com
High Point, NC
Whitsett, NC
Career Facilitator
Piedmont Triad Regional Center
Winston-Salem, NC
Dialysis Registered Nurse
Outpatient Facility / Clinic
Mebane, NC
Design Draftsman
Miles Talbott Furniture
High Point, North Carolina
Winston-Salem, NC
Senior Quality Manager
Berkshire Corporation
Whitsett, North Carolina
KDH Defense Systems
Eden, NC
KDH Defense Systems
Eden, NC
Greensboro, NC
Weatherrization Inspector / Auditor
Piedmont Triad Regional Council
Winston-Salem, NC
Greensboro, NC
High Point, NC
One-Stop Systems Manager
Piedmont Triad Regional Center
Winston-Salem, NC
Maintenance Manager / Electrical Technician
Bluewater Thermal Solutions
Reidsville, NC
From my understanding, a man was pulled over by a Sheriff's deputy on an outstanding warrent and when the officer approached the car the driver opened fire wounding two policemen. He then fled into the woods, the area was blocked off by responding police and the man later apprehended.
I was in church at Center Baptist in Candor last night as all this was transpiring so I don't have any details like names or more specifics on exactly what transpired, the condition of the officers or anymore than I have reported except that one of the officers was transported to Winston I believe.
My prayers go out to ther families of the shooting victims and for the officers themselves.
I live very close to where the shooting took place and was concerned about my wifes safety as well as that of my neighbors. I was relieved to hear that the man was aphrehended without any one else getting injured.
The son of my pastor and his wife has a son on the Thomasville Police force and the son al;so is on the state drug task force. He has been schooled as an expert in drugs and apparently he was keeping his parents updated via text last night. My pastor received details including names but being old and stupid I can't remember any of the names.
Of course this incident will dominate the local news scene today but the main thing is to say a pray for the familes and victims.
ByNews & RecordJoe GammStaff Writer
Jamey Lee Ashley, 36, of Greensboro was held on two charges of attempted first-degree murder, two charges of assault on a law enforcement officer and possession of a firearm by a felon. He is charged with shooting the deputies during a traffic stop Monday afternoon.
Ashley was captured after a dog kept barking and running up to a dilapidated tobacco barn in the 4600 block of Dairy Breeze Drive in rural Randolph.The white and brown mutt wagged its tail, just like it did when strangers approached.
That’s when it occurred to a couple who live nearby that the fugitive might be hiding in the neighbor’s ramshackle barn.
A dozen cruisers arrived seconds after they called 911, said the couple, who declined to be identified. A deputy stepped out of his car and poked his head in the barn, the couple said.
“Then it was on,” the man wearing a gray sweatshirt said. He could hear the scuffle inside the barn and see the vine-covered walls shaking. In minutes it was over, and Ashley was in custody.
The capture ended a four-hour manhunt on the edge of Randleman.
About 2:30 p.m. Monday, two deputies on patrol recognized Ashley and two women in a car and pulled it over on the on-ramp to U.S. 220 from U.S. 311, Sheriff Maynard B. Reid Jr. said Ashley was wanted in home invasions and assaults, including the assault of an elderly woman, Reid said.
Gunfire between the deputies and Ashley erupted after the traffic stop, Reid said.
“There was an exchange of gunfire and he ran into the woods,” Reid said. He described the injured officers as veteran deputies.
Both deputies were taken to Randolph Hospital in stable condition, hospital spokeswoman Leigh Anna Johnson said.
One was then flown to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem and the other to University of North Carolina Hospitals at Chapel Hill, Johnson said.
Reid declined to name the deputies and would not discuss the extent of their injuries.
When Ashley fled west into a heavily wooded area, the two women who had been with him remained near the car and were taken to the station for interviews, Reid said.
Before long, scores of investigators were on the scene, searching for Ashley with dogs and a helicopter.
Although they were not evacuated, residents near the site of the shooting were told to stay inside, Reid said.
Representatives from a dozen news outlets converged on a nearby convenience store to broadcast news of the fugitive.
Officers blocked off U.S. 311, forcing motorists to find alternate routes in the area.
Reid said Ashley was considered armed and dangerous.
Local, state and federal law enforcement officers scoured the area.
Randolph County Schools were told bus routes would need to change because some roads had been closed while investigators searched for Ashley.
Authorities from High Point and Guilford, Montgomery, Alamance, Davidson and Randolph counties, along with the Highway Patrol and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, participated.
Authorities said there were warrants for Ashley’s arrest in Guilford and Randolph counties.
Reid said he was confident Ashley would be found.
But after about four hours, there had been no sign of him.
A break came when they received the 911 call. Ashley was caught in the barn about 6:30 p.m.
Records show law enforcement is familiar with Ashley. He has convictions as far back as 1993. He has been convicted of identity theft, felony breaking and entering and larceny.
Contact Joe Gamm at 373-7090 or jgamm@news-record.com
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High Point, NC
Whitsett, NC
Career Facilitator
Piedmont Triad Regional Center
Winston-Salem, NC
Dialysis Registered Nurse
Outpatient Facility / Clinic
Mebane, NC
Design Draftsman
Miles Talbott Furniture
High Point, North Carolina
Winston-Salem, NC
Senior Quality Manager
Berkshire Corporation
Whitsett, North Carolina
KDH Defense Systems
Eden, NC
KDH Defense Systems
Eden, NC
Greensboro, NC
Weatherrization Inspector / Auditor
Piedmont Triad Regional Council
Winston-Salem, NC
Greensboro, NC
High Point, NC
One-Stop Systems Manager
Piedmont Triad Regional Center
Winston-Salem, NC
Maintenance Manager / Electrical Technician
Bluewater Thermal Solutions
Reidsville, NC
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Monday, August 27, 2012
Mother loses job to cheer on son and husband’s Little League World Series run
A ladys boss fired her because she took vacation time to cheer on her husband (the coach) and her son , a player on the California squad, in their run for the world Little League championship. The writer of the piece asked if we would have done that. I know I would have.
Back in the day my son was set to graduate from boot camp and I scheduled my vacation to see his ceremony. It just happend to be over a holiday and my boss called me into his office and told me I'd have to choose another time to go. I explained why I wanted vacation that week and he said he would fire me if I went. I told him to go ahead.
I remember when I graduated from boot camp and no one was there from my family. The other guys had moms and dads, brothers and sisters, friends, relatives, wives and children to greet them but I was all alone. I knew I would never do that to my son.
I'm 100% behind that woman for putting her family first.
Back in the day my son was set to graduate from boot camp and I scheduled my vacation to see his ceremony. It just happend to be over a holiday and my boss called me into his office and told me I'd have to choose another time to go. I explained why I wanted vacation that week and he said he would fire me if I went. I told him to go ahead.
I remember when I graduated from boot camp and no one was there from my family. The other guys had moms and dads, brothers and sisters, friends, relatives, wives and children to greet them but I was all alone. I knew I would never do that to my son.
I'm 100% behind that woman for putting her family first.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What a quantary.
Four years ago we had the choice between McCain and Obama and if one could not make up their mind between the two, one only had to think about the VP candidate and realize that no one wanted Sarah palin to be President. I hated the last Presidential election and yhis one isn't much better. The best candidate turned out to be a prevert. Ron Paul has a lot of supporters but only because he wants to legalize marajuana. Some fools actually took Donald Trump seriously as a candidate and thought he would be a good President.
There are some Democrats I could support as a candidate for President but Obama isn't one of them. There are some Republicans I could support as President and I'm not sure Romney is one of them.
Any third party candidate is a guanenteed loser. McCain had a chance four years ago right up until he won the nomination.
I understand there is no perfect candidate and no policy will make everyone happy but bad policies got this country into the mess we are in and inept leadership has failed to get us out. Is Romney any better than Obama or is Obama worse than Romney? I'm not sure either candidate is qualified to even lead their family out of town let alone this country out of the mess we are in.
There are some Democrats I could support as a candidate for President but Obama isn't one of them. There are some Republicans I could support as President and I'm not sure Romney is one of them.
Any third party candidate is a guanenteed loser. McCain had a chance four years ago right up until he won the nomination.
I understand there is no perfect candidate and no policy will make everyone happy but bad policies got this country into the mess we are in and inept leadership has failed to get us out. Is Romney any better than Obama or is Obama worse than Romney? I'm not sure either candidate is qualified to even lead their family out of town let alone this country out of the mess we are in.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
I was a college student in Texas when I first heard of cable. One of the men I worked with purchased it because he could not watch TV where he lived otherwise. One of the main pitches used by cable companies to sell the product was "No ads", or commercial free TV. One could pay not to see ads or one could watch TV with the ads and not pay.
After enough people started getting cable because of the increase in the number of programs available made it attractive, programs started having commercials. When comnsumers complained, cable said they could purchase premium channels which would be commercial free. In effect, a customer was charged twice for getting what he was promised to begin with or he had to pay for something that once was free.
No wonder people hate cable.
After enough people started getting cable because of the increase in the number of programs available made it attractive, programs started having commercials. When comnsumers complained, cable said they could purchase premium channels which would be commercial free. In effect, a customer was charged twice for getting what he was promised to begin with or he had to pay for something that once was free.
No wonder people hate cable.
Made in China
I love to save A buck like everyone else but I also have my principles. Until I moved to Randleman I never darkened the doors of a Walmart because I didn't like what they do to communities. Even so, if I can wait until I have to go somewhere out of town, I'll wait and shop at a non Walmart store.
I haven't, I admit, been so picky about "made in China" products though. I never really looked at anything but the price tag and balance the cost of an item and my need for it. Even if I need an item there is sometimes an alternative to it and if it works as well and is cheaper I go that route.
However, I have started to pay more attention to where an item was made or grown for that matter. Jelly Beans are made in Mexico now and they aren't as good as the ones made in the USA although both products were from the same maker.
Walmart is to blame for much of what goes on overseas in that they put so much pressure on manufactures to sell cheaply that even near slave labor conditions in some countries isn't cheap enough.
I really would not expect anyone to purchase a digging nail at the local hardware/auto store here in Randleman and pay $70.00 for it when one can go to Asheboro to Lowes and buy one for less that forty dollars. Neither would I expect someone to pay $12.00 for an item at CVS they can get from Walmart for $7.00. But I will go to the local 5 and dime and buy a box of band-aids for about the same price that Wal-mart sells them for. I found a box of elastic bandages in their dollar section. Can't beat that.
Setting on my desk, I have a remote control, a journal book, a light bulb and a computer mouse. The book, the light bulb, and the mouse were made in china. The remote was made in Indonesia. I do have some America made goods but the majority of stuff in my room was made in China.
That, my friends, is changing. I won't say I'll never buy something made in China again just like I still go in Walmart but if there is a reasonable alternative I'll purchase that instead of a china made item.
I haven't, I admit, been so picky about "made in China" products though. I never really looked at anything but the price tag and balance the cost of an item and my need for it. Even if I need an item there is sometimes an alternative to it and if it works as well and is cheaper I go that route.
However, I have started to pay more attention to where an item was made or grown for that matter. Jelly Beans are made in Mexico now and they aren't as good as the ones made in the USA although both products were from the same maker.
Walmart is to blame for much of what goes on overseas in that they put so much pressure on manufactures to sell cheaply that even near slave labor conditions in some countries isn't cheap enough.
I really would not expect anyone to purchase a digging nail at the local hardware/auto store here in Randleman and pay $70.00 for it when one can go to Asheboro to Lowes and buy one for less that forty dollars. Neither would I expect someone to pay $12.00 for an item at CVS they can get from Walmart for $7.00. But I will go to the local 5 and dime and buy a box of band-aids for about the same price that Wal-mart sells them for. I found a box of elastic bandages in their dollar section. Can't beat that.
Setting on my desk, I have a remote control, a journal book, a light bulb and a computer mouse. The book, the light bulb, and the mouse were made in china. The remote was made in Indonesia. I do have some America made goods but the majority of stuff in my room was made in China.
That, my friends, is changing. I won't say I'll never buy something made in China again just like I still go in Walmart but if there is a reasonable alternative I'll purchase that instead of a china made item.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A very Short Story
The Tail of Two Kittens
The first
one was discovered at the Family Pet Center.
She was lounging in her cage her ferret friend just one container
over. “She’s the only one we have. No one wants her. They say she’s too ugly”. Perhaps she was. Her coloring was that of a tortoise-shell
calico cat, a short-haired domestic.
Born on April 4, 2012 she had already reached three pounds in
I held her
for a few minutes then made the decision to take her home with me. The lady put the kitten in a cardboard box
and then we were off in search of a sister cat.
We had not been in the car but a minute or two when the kitten escaped
from her box. I was concerned about the
kitten crying and pacing and getting underfoot as I drove forward to the next
designation but I needed not to have worried.
My new kitten looked out the window then climbed into the package tray
and just seemed to enjoy the ride. “I
know what her name will be!” I exclaimed.
Our next
stop was to the animal shelter. We had
already been there once that day but only found one little female and we wanted
two. We decided on the domestic
long-haired one with the gray hair and the faint brown streaks running through
it that gave the kitten a smoky color. And
of course, she ended up with the name “Smokey” but only after a trial at
Misty. My wife is notorious for changing
her mind, especially when she has thoroughly researched something and came to a
firm conclusion. It had taken a year or so for her to decide
she wanted kittens instead of puppies.
Smokey was
shy and underweight and sickly. The
shelter said she was the same age as Ryder but Smokey was only one pound. “She can’t be that sick” I thought to
The vet gave
us some medicine to administer by mouth twice daily. He judged her to be only 6 to 10 weeks old so
we just gave her a birthday of May 1, 2012. Even though Debbie gave Smokey the medicine
sometimes, it seems the kitten came to view me as the villain. Smokey
was always glad to see Debbie and would sit in her lap and let Debbie groom her
but she would not let me come near her. Smokey
learned quickly, like she could tell time, because she would always run when it
was time for her treatment.
I don’t want
to imply that our kittens are spoiled but we made them their own room and I
built them a scratching post with two different kinds of rope and the dangling
toys on the sides. I’m proud to say they
enjoy the scratching post. Smokey was
the first one to climb to the top and survey her kingdom.
After six
weeks Smokey finished her medicine and was no longer tolerating me in any
fashion except for food, it was off to the vet we went. She had gained a pound and a half while Ryder
has gained a half pound. Both seemed
healthy and their shots were caught up to date.
Smokey began to tolerate me as she realized she wasn’t getting her shots
anymore. The medicine we gave her was a
liquid that was placed in a syringe looking thing and squirted into her
mouth. I never had seen a cat blow
bubbles before but Smokey would. The
first time Debbie panicked but we began to realize it was just a nervous
It seems
that the kittens get a new toy every time Debbie leaves the house. Smokey is getting more aggressive but still
defers to Ryder most of the time. Ryder
loves the feather on a stick but Smokey is still afraid on it. Smokey likes the
ball carousel. Her favorite exercise is
to get a small stuffed toy and carry it
to the carousel. She will attack Ryder
who hides behind the curtain, then jump on the stuffed toy and bat in around
for a bit and then attack the carousel and spin the ball around and
around. Then she will attack Ryder
again, then the stuffed toy and then the carousel. She repeats this cycle six or eight times before
moving on to something else.
The two love
the tunnel and the scratching post. Ryder’s
favorite toy is a pick ribbon looking thing which she loves to carry
about. When it comes to rest, Smokey is
at home in Debbie’s lap. Ryder tries to
sit in mine but she is too hyper most often.
It seems though that when she is able to nap in the lap Smokey has to
attack her.
Ryder knows
she is my cat and Smokey knows she belongs to Debbie. For some reason people think Ryder is a
boy. Maybe it’s the name. But Smokey has cute down pat. If people watched the two kittens play they
would see nothing to change their minds either.
Ryder will jump as high as she can in order to grab the feather on the
feather on a stick toy but Smokey will not even chase it. Smokey will pursue the laser light but even
then she isn’t as intense as Ryder.
I told
Debbie that Smokey will have forgiven me for the medicine thing whenever she
curled up on my lap for a nap. She has
twice but if Debbie sits down Smokey is quick to claim Debbie lap as her own. Today, Smokey wants to lie on my computer desk
and watch me type. Ryder was here
earlier but she was too hyper to stay.
Smokey is content to just watch.
Did I mention she has cute down pat?
Well, she does.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Turtle taped to balloons floats over Calif. city
My commenter button doesn't work and neither does my video play button. I had downloaded the latest Open Office because in the older version one could not number pages and in the latest version one can. However every time I turned my computer on Open Office loaded and I would have to "x" out of it and I found that to be an irritant. Any way, one thing led to another and it turned out to be much more complicated than it should have been so now I have no Open Office at all and a screwed up Yahoo that won't let me make comments or watch videos.
Anyway, Yahoo has a story about someone taping a turtle to balloons and letting them float around. I know people are upset about the turtle and indeed they should be. But the balloons have the potential to do much more damage to wildlife if they landed on the beach or anywhere that wildlife could be attracted to the balloons. Recently a bird used a balloon to build its nest and one of its babies straggled on the balloon.
If the person that taped the turtle to the balloon is apprehended I hope part of his/her sentence is to clean up the beaches.
Anyway, Yahoo has a story about someone taping a turtle to balloons and letting them float around. I know people are upset about the turtle and indeed they should be. But the balloons have the potential to do much more damage to wildlife if they landed on the beach or anywhere that wildlife could be attracted to the balloons. Recently a bird used a balloon to build its nest and one of its babies straggled on the balloon.
If the person that taped the turtle to the balloon is apprehended I hope part of his/her sentence is to clean up the beaches.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Giving bacon a hate crime?
It seems some religious zealots are celebrating a festival in which the participants fast (don't eat). Someone provided uncooked bacon. True, the bacon was just thrown about the grounds and the zealots believe it is wrong to eat pork products (they will lose their twelve ugly virgins if they do, I suppose), but I fail to see how providing food to starving people is hate. Making fun of them I can understand but I can notsee this as a hate crime. The only hating is the zealots themselves because I'm sure they will vow to kill whoever provided the beacon while swearing that Americans just don't understand they Islam is a religion of peace. In spite of the fact that the sky devil they worship promises them 12 virgins if they kill non believers.
Whatever would they do with twelve virgins if they were gay?
Oh lordy, I just opened byself up to being accused of hating by having a little fun at the expense of Muslims and gays. But there aren't that many oportunities to work the two subjects into a conversation and not have to be totally serious. Hey, if you find this blog offensive you are either in the wrong country or just wrong.
Whatever would they do with twelve virgins if they were gay?
Oh lordy, I just opened byself up to being accused of hating by having a little fun at the expense of Muslims and gays. But there aren't that many oportunities to work the two subjects into a conversation and not have to be totally serious. Hey, if you find this blog offensive you are either in the wrong country or just wrong.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Come to One Way
You are invited to attend One Way located at 604 Sunset in Randleman, SS at 10, morning worshop at 1045 and evening worship at 545.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Bullies and Jerks
My first experience with bullies came when I started school. I grew up in a middle of the road middle class neighborhood but the kids seemed to be mean. Well, one family was anyway. Their name was Harwell and there were three boys, bobby, charles and gary. When I was in the third grade one of the pupils from another neighborhood was a little fat fellow. He had the misfortune of getting on the bus first and whenever the Harwells got on they punched the round fellow in the face before taking their seat.
This activity went on every day for the entire school year and the fat kid never said a word. It had gotten so bad that there were five or six kids that joined in smacking the big boy around. Well, on the last day of school, Bobby, the oldest readied himself for his morning ritual when the fat kid stood up. "I've had enough" he exclaimed and proceeded to beat the crap out of every kid that had ever hit him. The bus driver waited patiently until he was done and then took us to school.
Even though I played sports and was always good at them I was small. I was strong and fast but just a little smaller than average. Ever now and then some new kid (new in the sense that we didn't know of each other) would decide to pick on me because of my size. In the eighth grade there was this guy that decided it would be fun to knee me in my thigh. When I came into the classroom one morning he asked me if I knew what a Charlie Horse was. I was a country boy and we just called them cramps but I digress. When I said no, he kneed me in my thigh and this big knot appeared on my thigh and it really hurt.
The next morning when I came to class he just grabbed me and kneed me in my thigh again. The third day when I got to class he stood up to knee me again but he wasn't expecting me to react the way I did. He was mad when he picked himself up off the floor. While he was brushing his pants off I kneed him in the thigh. He challenged to to a fight after school. It was a tough go I first but I really enjoyed whopping his butt.
I know big brothers usually protect their younger or smaller siblings but I just didn't happen to like mine very much. Well, not at all really. Still don't if the truth be known. One day one of the basketball players came up to me. Actually, it was an eight grader named Albert Lands and he stood am even 7 feet tall. Anyway, out of respect for me he thought I should know that the team thought my brother was a jerk. He wanted to give me the chance to talk with my brother about his smart mouth before they whooped his butt. "Don't let me stand in your way" I replied.
As much as it pained me, I finally did give in and warn my brother. Not for his good though. I just didn't want my friends on the basketball team to get into trouble.
I know fighting isn't the proper way to handle bullies and most of the time if one acts like they don't care the bully isn't having any fun and will go away on their own. But now and then one just won't go away. Now its difficult to take down a much bigger guy, especially when he has the upper hand to begin with. Bullying just isn't fun unless one has some friends to show off in front of. I would just find out when he got to school and where he hung out before school started. I would just walk up to him and punch his lights out before he knew what was happening.
I know, I got in a lot of trouble too and even was kicked out of school once but I was never bothered by that particular bully again.
Bullying is just a part of life and has been going on forever and will most likely to continue until the end of time. But i have never been one to take crap off of anyone and I'm still not. Sometimes I have even jumped in the middle of a fray to help a policemen out. There are four occasions that come to mind.
That is just my personality. I'm a doer and impossible task or hard work never has bothered me. If something needs to be done I do it. I take care of business, as they say. I suppose I always will.
This activity went on every day for the entire school year and the fat kid never said a word. It had gotten so bad that there were five or six kids that joined in smacking the big boy around. Well, on the last day of school, Bobby, the oldest readied himself for his morning ritual when the fat kid stood up. "I've had enough" he exclaimed and proceeded to beat the crap out of every kid that had ever hit him. The bus driver waited patiently until he was done and then took us to school.
Even though I played sports and was always good at them I was small. I was strong and fast but just a little smaller than average. Ever now and then some new kid (new in the sense that we didn't know of each other) would decide to pick on me because of my size. In the eighth grade there was this guy that decided it would be fun to knee me in my thigh. When I came into the classroom one morning he asked me if I knew what a Charlie Horse was. I was a country boy and we just called them cramps but I digress. When I said no, he kneed me in my thigh and this big knot appeared on my thigh and it really hurt.
The next morning when I came to class he just grabbed me and kneed me in my thigh again. The third day when I got to class he stood up to knee me again but he wasn't expecting me to react the way I did. He was mad when he picked himself up off the floor. While he was brushing his pants off I kneed him in the thigh. He challenged to to a fight after school. It was a tough go I first but I really enjoyed whopping his butt.
I know big brothers usually protect their younger or smaller siblings but I just didn't happen to like mine very much. Well, not at all really. Still don't if the truth be known. One day one of the basketball players came up to me. Actually, it was an eight grader named Albert Lands and he stood am even 7 feet tall. Anyway, out of respect for me he thought I should know that the team thought my brother was a jerk. He wanted to give me the chance to talk with my brother about his smart mouth before they whooped his butt. "Don't let me stand in your way" I replied.
As much as it pained me, I finally did give in and warn my brother. Not for his good though. I just didn't want my friends on the basketball team to get into trouble.
I know fighting isn't the proper way to handle bullies and most of the time if one acts like they don't care the bully isn't having any fun and will go away on their own. But now and then one just won't go away. Now its difficult to take down a much bigger guy, especially when he has the upper hand to begin with. Bullying just isn't fun unless one has some friends to show off in front of. I would just find out when he got to school and where he hung out before school started. I would just walk up to him and punch his lights out before he knew what was happening.
I know, I got in a lot of trouble too and even was kicked out of school once but I was never bothered by that particular bully again.
Bullying is just a part of life and has been going on forever and will most likely to continue until the end of time. But i have never been one to take crap off of anyone and I'm still not. Sometimes I have even jumped in the middle of a fray to help a policemen out. There are four occasions that come to mind.
That is just my personality. I'm a doer and impossible task or hard work never has bothered me. If something needs to be done I do it. I take care of business, as they say. I suppose I always will.
better to rent than to own
Breakeven horizon: 8.3 years
Price-to-rent ratio: 18.9
Median list price: $590,000
Median rent price: $2,050
$2.050. a month for rent? And that is the medium price?
I live in a small house, maybe 1300 sq feet which I paid $89,000.00 for and my house payment is less than I paid for a 680 sq foot duplex (less taxes). In order to pay $2,050 a month rent I would have had to work 2 full time jobs and walk between them. I'm glad I live in North Carolina.
Ever wonder why the sun wasn't created first?
Some people doubt the genesis account of creation because the sun wasn't created first. If they had read, studied, and understood the scriptures then they would realize the brightness of God and would know he doesn't need an external light source. If they knew God they would not doubt his word but if they know not God they can't be trusted to explan creation.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Obama camp: ‘Hail Mary’ Ryan pick like ‘Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle’
Yea, like Joe Biden was an intelligent choice.
Invisible bike helmet
people make excuses for not wearing helmets. claims of them being hot, obstructing vision, causing hat hair, heavy, uncomfortable, etc. are common excuses. What if bicycle helmets were invisible? Impossible, you say.
Well, not anymore.
"The invisible helmet, which is currently being sold in Swedish stores and online under the brand name Hövding, is actually a collar that’s worn around a bicyclist's neck"
Invented by two women, they are now available. Wonder if they work for motorcycles too?
Well, not anymore.
"The invisible helmet, which is currently being sold in Swedish stores and online under the brand name Hövding, is actually a collar that’s worn around a bicyclist's neck"
Invented by two women, they are now available. Wonder if they work for motorcycles too?
Anti-Christian sentiment
Churches seem to be shrinking in numbers and membership and the anti-Christian sentiment seems to be growing. When I was young even non-Christians were hesitant to say derogatory things about Christians, God or a church out of respect but it doesn't bother people today. It fact people are not just critical but openly hostile towards people of faith.
Some commenter's blame Christians because it seems Christians cannot have a conversation with a non-Christian without being critical of their lifestyle. This causes the non-Christian to close off their hearing. No one likes to be criticized.
I think that because of the teaching of the theory of evolution, which is too often quoted as the law of evolution, and the lack of exposure to Christian teaching, people are not as aware of the importance of religion in their lives today.
Many years ago churches canvased door to door. There was a hostile home owner now and then but it was rare. Most people were nice and would promise to come even though both you and them knew they had no intentions of coming to church. Today, it is rare not to encounter openly hostile people and many are rude and few make promises they don't intent on keeping. They just flat out tell you they don't want to go.
I can appreciate someone being honest and I can understand why people have rejected God. He is invicible, and he never talks to people and just doesn't seem to interact with the human race. And the bible seem to relagate certain people to second and third class status. Women can't be preachers and men are the head of the household and homosexuals are sinners. People just don't agree with that today.
One thing men forget about being the head of the household is that being in charge also brings with it responsibility and accountability. Failure to lead your family as God wills you too will bring you His condemnation.
Homosexuals are sinners but so are liars, thieves, adulterers, and everyone else on the face of this planet. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". Homosexuals are not singled out for special condemnation in the scriptures.
If there was two things I could get people to understand about Chritianity it is this: one, Cristianity is not about living a certain way by a bunch of can do this and cannot do that rules but a relationship between God, Jesus and man, and the second thing is this: that it is about God and not us.
Some commenter's blame Christians because it seems Christians cannot have a conversation with a non-Christian without being critical of their lifestyle. This causes the non-Christian to close off their hearing. No one likes to be criticized.
I think that because of the teaching of the theory of evolution, which is too often quoted as the law of evolution, and the lack of exposure to Christian teaching, people are not as aware of the importance of religion in their lives today.
Many years ago churches canvased door to door. There was a hostile home owner now and then but it was rare. Most people were nice and would promise to come even though both you and them knew they had no intentions of coming to church. Today, it is rare not to encounter openly hostile people and many are rude and few make promises they don't intent on keeping. They just flat out tell you they don't want to go.
I can appreciate someone being honest and I can understand why people have rejected God. He is invicible, and he never talks to people and just doesn't seem to interact with the human race. And the bible seem to relagate certain people to second and third class status. Women can't be preachers and men are the head of the household and homosexuals are sinners. People just don't agree with that today.
One thing men forget about being the head of the household is that being in charge also brings with it responsibility and accountability. Failure to lead your family as God wills you too will bring you His condemnation.
Homosexuals are sinners but so are liars, thieves, adulterers, and everyone else on the face of this planet. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". Homosexuals are not singled out for special condemnation in the scriptures.
If there was two things I could get people to understand about Chritianity it is this: one, Cristianity is not about living a certain way by a bunch of can do this and cannot do that rules but a relationship between God, Jesus and man, and the second thing is this: that it is about God and not us.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Pet names
I just read a list of unusual or interesting names for pets. I had dogs named Isaac Von Braun and Mr. Belvedere. I named a female cat Fred. When people question my sanity I just say Fred is short for Freda but it really isn't. My newest kitten I named Ryder. Peopl;e think its a guys name but Ryder is a girl. I named her that because she rode home from the place I got her from like she enjoyed riding.
My neice and nephews once had a dog we named "dumb doggie" mainly because it was, well, dumb.
What arer some unusual pets names you know of/
My neice and nephews once had a dog we named "dumb doggie" mainly because it was, well, dumb.
What arer some unusual pets names you know of/
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
How to avoid paying taxes
There are only two ways of not paying taxes: On Yahoo there is an article which explains hoiw the super rich avoid paying taxes. Well, not all taxes but a large portion of Federal income tax. I'm not super rich so none of those techniques will work for me. So, what about the rest of us?
If ones income is low enough, one doesn't have to pay income taxes. I fall into that group. I'm retired. I do have a retirement plan but I take so little each month that it doesn't push my income up to the taxable level. In fact, even as bad as the economy is, my retirement plan earns enough that I earn more than I withdraw.
Of course there are other ways of making money and avoiding taxes that arn't legal. One can earn money legally, sort of, if thet paid under the table. Of course theives and drug dealers don't pay income taxes on their earning and neigher do street prostitutes or con artists.
One can earn money at yard sales and flea markets, barter or trade stuff, or operate a business at a loss. I've done all of these and believe me, the last one isn't really a good idea.
Let's face the truth here. This blog isn't going to help anyone avoid paying taxes nor should it. Taxes are necessary and we do benefit from paying them. Our biggest problem is not the taxes we pay but the people who spend our taxes. Borrowing from the Social Security Funds should never have been allowed, we shouldn't pay for the staff of elected officials or give them such a huge benefit package.
The trouble with term limits is that by the time one learns the ropes, they are no long eligible to hold office.
I like the idea of a flat tax which is not an income tax but a sales tax. It would work except it would scare someone to pay 22% sales tax (in addidtion to the state sales tax and state income tax).
Under our current system, if a person earns $20.00 he pays at least $3.00 in income tax or 15%.
Under the fair tax, he would get to keep the entire $20.00 (less of course non income tax deductions and state taxes). If a person buys an item for $10.00 now he pays no additional income tax but under the fair tax if buys a ten dollar item he will pay a 22% tax or $2.20, which is 80 ents less than he was paying in income tax. But if there is no income tax, the manufacturer and the retailer didn't have to pay tax either so they can afford to lower their retail price. The cost of the ten dollar item now is just a shade over $8.00 so when you purchase it your total price is around ten bucks.
So you actually have more money now than yoiu had before. Everyone has to pay this tax regardless of income. Even if the money was earned illegally if it is spent legally one has to pay income tax.
For poor folks like me who do not earn enough to pay income tax, the fair tax has a rebate program so that the first x number of dollars of income is tax free so all taxes payed that should not have been payed will be returned.
That is why it is called the fair tax--everyone pays their fair share. A flat tax is still a tax rate on income and it isn't necessarily fair. A man earning $25,000 a year is way better off if he is single than a man manking $40,000 a year with a wife and three kids, one of whom is a special needs child. Under the flat tax, both would pay the same percentage. Under the fair tax, both would pay only what is fair.
The great thing about the fair tax is no one pays income tax!
If ones income is low enough, one doesn't have to pay income taxes. I fall into that group. I'm retired. I do have a retirement plan but I take so little each month that it doesn't push my income up to the taxable level. In fact, even as bad as the economy is, my retirement plan earns enough that I earn more than I withdraw.
Of course there are other ways of making money and avoiding taxes that arn't legal. One can earn money legally, sort of, if thet paid under the table. Of course theives and drug dealers don't pay income taxes on their earning and neigher do street prostitutes or con artists.
One can earn money at yard sales and flea markets, barter or trade stuff, or operate a business at a loss. I've done all of these and believe me, the last one isn't really a good idea.
Let's face the truth here. This blog isn't going to help anyone avoid paying taxes nor should it. Taxes are necessary and we do benefit from paying them. Our biggest problem is not the taxes we pay but the people who spend our taxes. Borrowing from the Social Security Funds should never have been allowed, we shouldn't pay for the staff of elected officials or give them such a huge benefit package.
The trouble with term limits is that by the time one learns the ropes, they are no long eligible to hold office.
I like the idea of a flat tax which is not an income tax but a sales tax. It would work except it would scare someone to pay 22% sales tax (in addidtion to the state sales tax and state income tax).
Under our current system, if a person earns $20.00 he pays at least $3.00 in income tax or 15%.
Under the fair tax, he would get to keep the entire $20.00 (less of course non income tax deductions and state taxes). If a person buys an item for $10.00 now he pays no additional income tax but under the fair tax if buys a ten dollar item he will pay a 22% tax or $2.20, which is 80 ents less than he was paying in income tax. But if there is no income tax, the manufacturer and the retailer didn't have to pay tax either so they can afford to lower their retail price. The cost of the ten dollar item now is just a shade over $8.00 so when you purchase it your total price is around ten bucks.
So you actually have more money now than yoiu had before. Everyone has to pay this tax regardless of income. Even if the money was earned illegally if it is spent legally one has to pay income tax.
For poor folks like me who do not earn enough to pay income tax, the fair tax has a rebate program so that the first x number of dollars of income is tax free so all taxes payed that should not have been payed will be returned.
That is why it is called the fair tax--everyone pays their fair share. A flat tax is still a tax rate on income and it isn't necessarily fair. A man earning $25,000 a year is way better off if he is single than a man manking $40,000 a year with a wife and three kids, one of whom is a special needs child. Under the flat tax, both would pay the same percentage. Under the fair tax, both would pay only what is fair.
The great thing about the fair tax is no one pays income tax!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
40 years ago
This was me on my honeymoon 40 years ago. I had forgotten about these pictures.
No I do not have a mustache although I look like I do. All my pictures back then were like that.
Herb Dean in Concert
To my surprise the singer at the church tonight was Herb Dean, the former song leader at Victory in Truth Baptist in High Point where I attended church many years ago. It has been twenty or so years since I have seen or heard from him. I opened the church doors for him to set up tonight and as we were talking I mentioned a singer that I knew from many years ago and told him how much I really liked the way the man sang. He recognized himself from the story and after he told me his name I recognized him. I suppose he got first hand experience in what people thought about him.
Anyway he has still got it and did I really enjoy the music tonight. I do have it on DVD and if anyone wants a copy I can make you one for $3.00. Just let me know.
Anyway he has still got it and did I really enjoy the music tonight. I do have it on DVD and if anyone wants a copy I can make you one for $3.00. Just let me know.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Full to overflowing
My koi pond is finally full to overflowing, the first time since spring I have been able to get the pond full. Last week it was down 6", low enough for the top shelf to be dry. The frogs are out in force tonight, the first time in many weeks, and singing the glorious tune of much water.
Actually they are seeking mates as they do every spring and the middle of the summer. I know, we sometimes think of August as late summer but the season is only half way through.
Speaking of frogs, there hasn't been as many this year as in years past, just several hundred seen so far, and no koi babies were born this year as the mother koi died last year after giving birth. I lost another of my original koi last week. It was the one I named shark; an orange and black koi. One of the first offspring was one that resembled shark closely. I named that one Tiger. I still have spot and big orange from the original four I purchased. Zero is the other "baby" from two years ago and both zero and shark are about a foot long. That translates into a weight of about 12 ounces and a retail value of about $80.00.
The one that just died weight about 3 pounds and had a retail value of around $240.00. Spot and is around 15" long and weighs just under two pounds while big orange is about 20" long and weighs about 3 pounds. He has a retail value of around $375.00.
I'll need the pond full to help the fish survive the winter. The deeper the water the harder it is for predators to catch them and it ensures that a hard freeze won't affect them. Of course I keep my pond covered to keep debris and predators out of the pond but it isn't totally fool proof. One year I did lose a fish that was worth a thousand dollars to a blue heron that poked it in the head through the pond net.
I'm glad for the rain as it not only refilled my pond but will help in diluting the salt. I'll have to wait until tomorrow on money to check the salinity level. It isn't as critical during the colder months as it is in the summer as the colder the water the higher the oxygen levels. Night time in the hot summer can be deadly. That is why Shark died.
Sometimes one has to trade off one condition for another; in this case higher salt levels and low oxygen in order to reduce algae and improve the health of the fish.
Actually they are seeking mates as they do every spring and the middle of the summer. I know, we sometimes think of August as late summer but the season is only half way through.
Speaking of frogs, there hasn't been as many this year as in years past, just several hundred seen so far, and no koi babies were born this year as the mother koi died last year after giving birth. I lost another of my original koi last week. It was the one I named shark; an orange and black koi. One of the first offspring was one that resembled shark closely. I named that one Tiger. I still have spot and big orange from the original four I purchased. Zero is the other "baby" from two years ago and both zero and shark are about a foot long. That translates into a weight of about 12 ounces and a retail value of about $80.00.
The one that just died weight about 3 pounds and had a retail value of around $240.00. Spot and is around 15" long and weighs just under two pounds while big orange is about 20" long and weighs about 3 pounds. He has a retail value of around $375.00.
I'll need the pond full to help the fish survive the winter. The deeper the water the harder it is for predators to catch them and it ensures that a hard freeze won't affect them. Of course I keep my pond covered to keep debris and predators out of the pond but it isn't totally fool proof. One year I did lose a fish that was worth a thousand dollars to a blue heron that poked it in the head through the pond net.
I'm glad for the rain as it not only refilled my pond but will help in diluting the salt. I'll have to wait until tomorrow on money to check the salinity level. It isn't as critical during the colder months as it is in the summer as the colder the water the higher the oxygen levels. Night time in the hot summer can be deadly. That is why Shark died.
Sometimes one has to trade off one condition for another; in this case higher salt levels and low oxygen in order to reduce algae and improve the health of the fish.
Gospel singing
New Generation will be at One Way Baptist tomorrow night, August 12, 2012 starting at 6 o'clock. No preaching, just singing. Come and enjoy. 604 Sunset in Randleman. Turn left onto sunset (across the street from Sir Pizza) coming from Asheboro on 220 business. See you in church!
Rain water dilemma
As any city dweller knows using city water can be expensive. I have a water pond which needs to be refilled to replace evaporation and it can take 500 gallons to refill it, which isn't cheap. The discount the city gives for water use in a pond isn't worth the phone call and with all the added chemicals city water isn't the best to use even if the chemicals are diluted enough when mixed with the water already in the pond as to not be deadly.
I added lots of salt a few weeks ago to kill of the algae and it did a good job for a fraction of the coast of chemicals but salt in high concentrations also depletes the oxygen level in the pond and sometimes the fish struggle to breath, especially at night so I need to dilute the pond water to lower the salt level.
I have two rain barrels set up, one for my garden and one for my pond. When I don't need the water for my garden I'll drain that water into the pond. The bigger barrel has two overflow valves which I have rigged to drain into the pond. Any significant rainfall will quickly fill the barrels so in doesn't concern me to empty them if I need to but after the barrels are full, any rain above a sprinkle will bring water down the drainpipes faster than the overflow valves can deplete the incoming water and much is wasted. The small barrel doesn't have overflow valves nor does it need one being as it is on the higher end of the house and doesn't fill up as quickly.
I do have the drain plugs which on the big barrel is already affixed with a drain hose that goes into the pond but because of the distance I don't keep a drain hose on the small barrel. I usually dip the water from it with a bucket to water my plants with instead of with a hose.
I just hate to see water wasted and if the drain plug was opened on the big barrel less water would spill onto the ground and more go into the pond. But who wants to run out during a downpour to open a valve? Sometimes I do but occasionally when I do I don't get the valve closed in time to keep it from emptying the barrel once it quits raining. Sometimes I'm asleep and others times I have other places to be.
Rain is so unperdictable here that even if the forecast calls for a 100% chance of rain it isn't always advisable to open the drain plug in expectation of rain refilling the barrel. Things often just don't work out that way. I'm sure if I had the money I could rig a system in which the drainplug could be opened automactically or a control valve could be installed in the house but I'm a poor boy so that just isn't going to happen.
I added lots of salt a few weeks ago to kill of the algae and it did a good job for a fraction of the coast of chemicals but salt in high concentrations also depletes the oxygen level in the pond and sometimes the fish struggle to breath, especially at night so I need to dilute the pond water to lower the salt level.
I have two rain barrels set up, one for my garden and one for my pond. When I don't need the water for my garden I'll drain that water into the pond. The bigger barrel has two overflow valves which I have rigged to drain into the pond. Any significant rainfall will quickly fill the barrels so in doesn't concern me to empty them if I need to but after the barrels are full, any rain above a sprinkle will bring water down the drainpipes faster than the overflow valves can deplete the incoming water and much is wasted. The small barrel doesn't have overflow valves nor does it need one being as it is on the higher end of the house and doesn't fill up as quickly.
I do have the drain plugs which on the big barrel is already affixed with a drain hose that goes into the pond but because of the distance I don't keep a drain hose on the small barrel. I usually dip the water from it with a bucket to water my plants with instead of with a hose.
I just hate to see water wasted and if the drain plug was opened on the big barrel less water would spill onto the ground and more go into the pond. But who wants to run out during a downpour to open a valve? Sometimes I do but occasionally when I do I don't get the valve closed in time to keep it from emptying the barrel once it quits raining. Sometimes I'm asleep and others times I have other places to be.
Rain is so unperdictable here that even if the forecast calls for a 100% chance of rain it isn't always advisable to open the drain plug in expectation of rain refilling the barrel. Things often just don't work out that way. I'm sure if I had the money I could rig a system in which the drainplug could be opened automactically or a control valve could be installed in the house but I'm a poor boy so that just isn't going to happen.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Woman's Hair Turns to Black Fingernails
A woman from Tennessee has fingernails growing from her hair folicles. It is reported that it even effects her bones and eyes. She is the only person in the world with this condition.
Carl Lewis dissed
Usain Bolt dissed Carl Lewis. Usain Bolt is an egomaniac, a braggard, and supposedly the most popular foreign athlete in America. I never cared for him. So he runs fast. I know he runs faster than the other 1 ,699,699,000 on earth but that is only temporary. One day, someone will run faster.
For now, he is the best in the world at what he does and he has the right to be proud of that and, yes, to be a little cocky. I appreciate a gracious winner and a respectful loser. You won. Leave it at that.
For now, he is the best in the world at what he does and he has the right to be proud of that and, yes, to be a little cocky. I appreciate a gracious winner and a respectful loser. You won. Leave it at that.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Obama warns ‘Romney Hood’ will take from poor, give to rich
Obama was elected the first time for three reasons: 1. Americans were tired of George Bush was was desperate for effective leadership. 2. White Americans was ready to prove that they could be fair minded when it came to race relations and 3. Blacks were anxious to have a black man in the white house, someone they believed would understand their problems and make life better for them.
Obamas redistribution of wealth idea was believed by many to force the rich people and corporations to give money to poor people. Notice I didn't say give poor people the opportunity to work to earn money or to give them a bigger piece of the action in return for their work. Now that Obama is up for reelection and his promise to redistribute the wealth and to make life better for poor Americans has not happened, he is wanting to blame that failure on the opposition party for not allowing him to raise taxes on the rich.
I agree that the middle class is shrinking and wealth is being concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people but that can hardly be blamed on the tax structure. What happens when Coke and Pepsi continue to buy up their competitors? Less and less drink companies and fewer executives and the more money the presidents of Coke and Pepsi make. We read about these things frequently where one company purchases another one. It takes less people for one company to run two businesses than for the companies to remain separate.
In order to redistribute the wealth, increased taxes on the rich is not going to do the trick. The only real and lasting and effective strategy is government control of corporations so that the government can set pay scales and dictate production selection and distribution. But it would take a man with a socalist frame of mind to pujll that one off and, of course, Obama isn't a socialist. Ask any die-hard Democrat if you doubt that statement.
Obamas redistribution of wealth idea was believed by many to force the rich people and corporations to give money to poor people. Notice I didn't say give poor people the opportunity to work to earn money or to give them a bigger piece of the action in return for their work. Now that Obama is up for reelection and his promise to redistribute the wealth and to make life better for poor Americans has not happened, he is wanting to blame that failure on the opposition party for not allowing him to raise taxes on the rich.
I agree that the middle class is shrinking and wealth is being concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people but that can hardly be blamed on the tax structure. What happens when Coke and Pepsi continue to buy up their competitors? Less and less drink companies and fewer executives and the more money the presidents of Coke and Pepsi make. We read about these things frequently where one company purchases another one. It takes less people for one company to run two businesses than for the companies to remain separate.
In order to redistribute the wealth, increased taxes on the rich is not going to do the trick. The only real and lasting and effective strategy is government control of corporations so that the government can set pay scales and dictate production selection and distribution. But it would take a man with a socalist frame of mind to pujll that one off and, of course, Obama isn't a socialist. Ask any die-hard Democrat if you doubt that statement.
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Who to pull for?
Sometimes the home town team isn't who one pulls for, even if he is supposed too. I was born and raised in Hickory and when the Hickory Crawdads came to Greensboro to play the Grasshoppers my wife wondered who I would pull for. That time it was easy. The grasshoppers of course even though I am emotional closer to Hickory and Mom still lives there. Still Greensboro is my hometown team and I know no one one the Hickory team.
But the Olympics are a different story. Of course I want the USA to win but sometimes I want the underdog to win. Not the underdog in athlectic ability but the underdog in life. I know that growing up in an American Ghetto neighborhood is tough but a family doesn't have too in America. I know a child doesn't have a choice where their parents live but most often life can be better if one puts in the effort. Still, life in the Ghetto is better than life in many other countries and those folks have no choice. It is just a matter of which Ghetto and the one you know is almost always better than the one you don't.
You know that chances are almost certain that a person born into one of those situations is going to live and die the same way as they were born. You learn a little about a person that is stuck there and see the smile and the intelligence and the beauty and the determination and one can't help but be drawn to them and hope they can, for once in theiur life, come out a winner. It is more than just a race for a gold metal or a little fame. It is the difference between having an opportunity to live or to be condemned forever into poverty.
Sometimes ones heart just wins out.
But the Olympics are a different story. Of course I want the USA to win but sometimes I want the underdog to win. Not the underdog in athlectic ability but the underdog in life. I know that growing up in an American Ghetto neighborhood is tough but a family doesn't have too in America. I know a child doesn't have a choice where their parents live but most often life can be better if one puts in the effort. Still, life in the Ghetto is better than life in many other countries and those folks have no choice. It is just a matter of which Ghetto and the one you know is almost always better than the one you don't.
You know that chances are almost certain that a person born into one of those situations is going to live and die the same way as they were born. You learn a little about a person that is stuck there and see the smile and the intelligence and the beauty and the determination and one can't help but be drawn to them and hope they can, for once in theiur life, come out a winner. It is more than just a race for a gold metal or a little fame. It is the difference between having an opportunity to live or to be condemned forever into poverty.
Sometimes ones heart just wins out.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Vast international child-porn network uncovered
This article is on Yahoo and it will sicken any normal person. Unbelievable. And to think the ring was busted up because of a stuffed toy.
"They are the worst of the worst," said Bruce Foucart, agent in charge of the U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement agency's Homeland Security Investigations unit in Boston. "This isn't just a child that's nude and someone's taking pictures of him; this is a child that's being raped by an adult, which is horrific."
The case began to unfold when Robert Diduca, a Sheraton hotel manager from Milford, Mass., sent the photo of the Dutch boy to an undercover federal agent in Boston. Diduca, a married father of three who used the screen name "Babytodd," thought he was sending the picture to another man with a sexual interest in babies and toddlers.
Agents forwarded the photo to Interpol, the international police organization, and to several other countries.
An investigator for the Dutch police recognized the stuffed bunny as Miffy, a familiar character in a series of Dutch children's books. She also traced the boy's orange sweater to a small Amsterdam store that had sold only 20 others like it.
The boy's photo was broadcast on a national TV program similar to "America's Most Wanted." Within minutes, friends and relatives called the child's mother.
Robert Mikelsons, a 27-year-old day care worker who baby-sat the boy, was arrested. On his computer were thousands and thousands of images of children being molested and raped, including the boy holding the stuffed bunny.
Photos and online chats found on computers owned by Diduca and Mikelsons led to more than three dozen other suspects in seven countries, including Canada, Britain, Germany, Sweden and Mexico. The oldest victim in the Netherlands was 4, the youngest just 19 days old.
Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, whose office prosecuted Diduca, said the demand for photos of sexual assaults of young children, including babies and toddlers, has increased sharply in recent years.
"This demand leads to the abuse of children, yet there is this misconception that somehow, viewing child pornography is a victimless crime," said. "It clearly is not."
Diduca pleaded guilty to child porn and sexual exploitation charges and was sentenced to 18 years in prison. His lawyer, Richard Sweeney, said Diduca was sexually abused as a child by a Boy Scout leader. "He gets it, he knows he needs to be punished, he knows what he did is wrong," Sweeney said.
Mikelsons also received an 18-year sentence, followed by indefinite psychiatric commitment, after confessing to sexually abusing more than 80 children.
The horror did not let up after the Mikelsons case.
In May, authorities arrested Michael Arnett of Roeland Park, Kan., after finding pornographic photos he allegedly produced. Agents discovered the pictures when they searched the computer of a Wisconsin man who had been chatting online with Mikelsons.
What they found on Arnett's computer was unlike anything some of the investigators had ever come across: long, graphic, online chats about his desire to abduct, kill and eat children. They said he had also made photos of a naked 2-year-old boy in a roasting pan inside his oven. The child and two other boys Arnett allegedly abused and photographed were later identified and found alive.
In July, authorities arrested four men they say had online discussions with Arnett about kidnapping and eating children. Those arrested included Ronald Brown, a children's puppeteer from Largo, Fla. (A YouTube video shows Brown during an appearance on a Christian TV kids show in the 1980s. In the video, he tells a child puppet that he did the right thing by refusing to look at "dirty pictures" some other youngsters tried to show him.)
In excerpts of an online chat between Arnett and Brown from 2011, the two men appear to be discussing their desire to cook a child for Easter.
"he would make a fine Easter feast," Arnett says.
"yes, his thighs and butt cheeks would be fantastic for Easter," Brown responds.
A lawyer for Arnett would not comment on the allegations. Brown's lawyer did not return calls.
Prosecutors said Brown acknowledged his online conversations but said that it was all a fantasy and that he would never hurt anyone.
"Obviously the discussions regarding their claims of cannibalism are disturbing and a concern to our agency," said ICE spokesman Ross Feinstein. He said agents are following all leads "to make sure these individuals didn't follow through on any of their claims."
To find the young victims, investigators carefully studied thousands of photos, read hours of Internet chats and worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They also employed some forensic wizardry.
After finding a video on Diduca's computer of a bound, 2-year-old boy being raped, investigators enhanced the images of furniture and carpet and determined the attack took place in a motel room in Bakersfield, Calif.
Then they pinpointed the date by way of a TV that was playing in the background in the video, figuring out exactly when a particular episode of "Family Matters" aired along with a certain Pepperidge Farms commercial.
A man from Black Forest, Colo., was arrested and is awaiting trial.
Similarly, in the Arnett case, investigators discovered that a water bottle in one of the photographs carried the name of a swim and scuba center in Overland Park, Kan. With the help of teachers at an elementary school, they identified three children shown in the photographs, including the toddler posed in the roasting pan.
The mother of one of the boys said she initially did not believe the allegations against Arnett, a family friend for about 15 years. She said her son, now 7, and several nephews often spent weekends at Arnett's home four or five years ago.
"Well, when we first got the phone call, we thought there's no way. You guys got the wrong guy," she said. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual abuse or their families.
But then investigators showed her photos Arnett had allegedly taken of her son with a shirt and no pants.
"Regret? For sending my son with a sick-minded guy, that's the only regret I have. I had no idea," she said. "It's depressing."
For the agents working on the case, the leads never seem to end.
Last week, they arrested another Massachusetts man after finding child pornography and photos of what appeared to be dead children on his computer. He allegedly had online chats with Arnett and Brown.
BOSTON (AP) — The men came from
different walks of life on two continents: a children's puppeteer in Florida, a
hotel manager in Massachusetts, an emergency medical technician in Kansas, a day
care worker in the Netherlands. In all, 43 men have been arrested over the past
two years in a horrific, far-flung child porn network that unraveled like a
sweater with a single loose thread.
In this case, the thread was a stuffed toy
The bunny, seen in a photo of a half-naked,
distraught 18-month-old boy, was used to painstakingly trace a molester to
Amsterdam. From there, investigators made one arrest after another of men
accused of sexually abusing children, exchanging explicit photos of the attacks
and even chatting online about abducting, cooking and eating youngsters.
Authorities have identified more than 140
young victims so far and say there is no end in sight as they pore through
hundreds of thousands of images found on the suspects' computers. They are also
trying to determine whether the men who talked about murder and cannibalism
actually committed such acts or were just sharing twisted fantasies.
The still-widening investigation has been code-named Holitna, after a river
in Alaska with many tributaries."They are the worst of the worst," said Bruce Foucart, agent in charge of the U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement agency's Homeland Security Investigations unit in Boston. "This isn't just a child that's nude and someone's taking pictures of him; this is a child that's being raped by an adult, which is horrific."
The case began to unfold when Robert Diduca, a Sheraton hotel manager from Milford, Mass., sent the photo of the Dutch boy to an undercover federal agent in Boston. Diduca, a married father of three who used the screen name "Babytodd," thought he was sending the picture to another man with a sexual interest in babies and toddlers.
Agents forwarded the photo to Interpol, the international police organization, and to several other countries.
An investigator for the Dutch police recognized the stuffed bunny as Miffy, a familiar character in a series of Dutch children's books. She also traced the boy's orange sweater to a small Amsterdam store that had sold only 20 others like it.
The boy's photo was broadcast on a national TV program similar to "America's Most Wanted." Within minutes, friends and relatives called the child's mother.
Robert Mikelsons, a 27-year-old day care worker who baby-sat the boy, was arrested. On his computer were thousands and thousands of images of children being molested and raped, including the boy holding the stuffed bunny.
Photos and online chats found on computers owned by Diduca and Mikelsons led to more than three dozen other suspects in seven countries, including Canada, Britain, Germany, Sweden and Mexico. The oldest victim in the Netherlands was 4, the youngest just 19 days old.
Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, whose office prosecuted Diduca, said the demand for photos of sexual assaults of young children, including babies and toddlers, has increased sharply in recent years.
"This demand leads to the abuse of children, yet there is this misconception that somehow, viewing child pornography is a victimless crime," said. "It clearly is not."
Diduca pleaded guilty to child porn and sexual exploitation charges and was sentenced to 18 years in prison. His lawyer, Richard Sweeney, said Diduca was sexually abused as a child by a Boy Scout leader. "He gets it, he knows he needs to be punished, he knows what he did is wrong," Sweeney said.
Mikelsons also received an 18-year sentence, followed by indefinite psychiatric commitment, after confessing to sexually abusing more than 80 children.
The horror did not let up after the Mikelsons case.
In May, authorities arrested Michael Arnett of Roeland Park, Kan., after finding pornographic photos he allegedly produced. Agents discovered the pictures when they searched the computer of a Wisconsin man who had been chatting online with Mikelsons.
What they found on Arnett's computer was unlike anything some of the investigators had ever come across: long, graphic, online chats about his desire to abduct, kill and eat children. They said he had also made photos of a naked 2-year-old boy in a roasting pan inside his oven. The child and two other boys Arnett allegedly abused and photographed were later identified and found alive.
In July, authorities arrested four men they say had online discussions with Arnett about kidnapping and eating children. Those arrested included Ronald Brown, a children's puppeteer from Largo, Fla. (A YouTube video shows Brown during an appearance on a Christian TV kids show in the 1980s. In the video, he tells a child puppet that he did the right thing by refusing to look at "dirty pictures" some other youngsters tried to show him.)
In excerpts of an online chat between Arnett and Brown from 2011, the two men appear to be discussing their desire to cook a child for Easter.
"he would make a fine Easter feast," Arnett says.
"yes, his thighs and butt cheeks would be fantastic for Easter," Brown responds.
A lawyer for Arnett would not comment on the allegations. Brown's lawyer did not return calls.
Prosecutors said Brown acknowledged his online conversations but said that it was all a fantasy and that he would never hurt anyone.
"Obviously the discussions regarding their claims of cannibalism are disturbing and a concern to our agency," said ICE spokesman Ross Feinstein. He said agents are following all leads "to make sure these individuals didn't follow through on any of their claims."
To find the young victims, investigators carefully studied thousands of photos, read hours of Internet chats and worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. They also employed some forensic wizardry.
After finding a video on Diduca's computer of a bound, 2-year-old boy being raped, investigators enhanced the images of furniture and carpet and determined the attack took place in a motel room in Bakersfield, Calif.
Then they pinpointed the date by way of a TV that was playing in the background in the video, figuring out exactly when a particular episode of "Family Matters" aired along with a certain Pepperidge Farms commercial.
A man from Black Forest, Colo., was arrested and is awaiting trial.
Similarly, in the Arnett case, investigators discovered that a water bottle in one of the photographs carried the name of a swim and scuba center in Overland Park, Kan. With the help of teachers at an elementary school, they identified three children shown in the photographs, including the toddler posed in the roasting pan.
The mother of one of the boys said she initially did not believe the allegations against Arnett, a family friend for about 15 years. She said her son, now 7, and several nephews often spent weekends at Arnett's home four or five years ago.
"Well, when we first got the phone call, we thought there's no way. You guys got the wrong guy," she said. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual abuse or their families.
But then investigators showed her photos Arnett had allegedly taken of her son with a shirt and no pants.
"Regret? For sending my son with a sick-minded guy, that's the only regret I have. I had no idea," she said. "It's depressing."
For the agents working on the case, the leads never seem to end.
Last week, they arrested another Massachusetts man after finding child pornography and photos of what appeared to be dead children on his computer. He allegedly had online chats with Arnett and Brown.
More arrests are expected.
"The agents that work for me are extremely
driven on this type of investigation," said Bart Cahill, assistant agent in
charge of Homeland Security Investigations in Boston. "They really believe that
they are taking out horrific violators and saving kids."
Associated Press writers Maria Sudekum in
Kansas City, Mo., and Matt Sedensky in West Palm Beach, Fla., contributed to
this report.
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