Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A dear old saint passed today

Mrs. Dora Tickle, 93, of Old Randleman Road, Greensboro, passed today at Moses Cone Hospital.  I was hoping to see her one more time but I never had the chance.  The last time I saw her was in October.  My wife and Mrs. Tickle were both hospitilized it October at Moses Cone and both on the third floor.  My wife was on one end of the hospital and Mrs. Tickle was on the other. 

I did go by her house several times to see her but she wasn't able to receive company.  The pastor and I went by to see her Saturday but again she wasn't feeling well enough to have company.  At least the preacher saw her Sunday evening when she was taken to Moses Cone.  She had become frail but her spirit was always bright and unlifting. 

I will always miss Mrs. Tickle and count it one of the best blessings of my life to have known her. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

With One Accord

Starting last Saturday, the members of the church I attend all agreed to pray a 9pm every night.  It's awesome. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

To retire or not, that is the question

It seems that almost all of the articles on saving for retirement suggests that few, if any, have saved enough and that the best way to maximize retirement is to work until one is seventy, especially if you are a man and expect to die before your wife.  Apparently these articles must be written by young people who are afraid there will not be enough money left in the social security system for them to draw from so they hope us baby boomers will work until we are just about ready to die so we won't collect many benefits. 

No, I didn't save a fortune and I am still making house payments and I probably always will.  My retirement will not be spent traveling or camping or taking long vacation to visit the kids and grandkids.  No I spend my time working at the church, working in the yard and taking care of family members.  I don't have a great deal of extra money but I have saved enough to maintain my working man's lifestyle without having to work. 

I retired early.  Those that advocate people working until they are in their seventies just haven't been around many older people or haven't been paying attention.  Many seem to be decrepit by the time they hit sixty but even for those with few health problems, pain comes and doesn't seem to want to go away.  By the time one saves all he can save and has maximized everything, he is just to racked with pain to really enjoy life. 

Perhaps better advise would be to save all you can, retire early but wait as long as you can before drawing social security to maximize benefits there. 

There was a joke about the young business man that passed a man fishing under the bridge everyday.  One day he stopped to talk to the fisherman and learned that the fisherman never worked, lived in an old shack in the woods and did nothing but fish all day.  "You should get yourself a job, work hard and save your money" the young man advised. 

"And then what?"

"Then you can retire and enjoy life."

"Well, that's what I'm doing now" the older fellow replied. 

Sometimes I think that we live life backwards.  We should be born old and with our bodies racked with pain it is easier to sit and study and learn.  Once we have learned then our bodies don't hurt as bad and we can go into the work place with our strength and knowledge and as we get younger and wiser we are able to work harder and harder and with more enthusiasm.  Then when we have worked long enough, we can retire, being full of vim and vigor and play with younthful energy until time to leave this world. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Why is God Invisible?

No living person has every seen God.  The bible even refers to God as the invisible God.  Is God really invisible and if not why can't we see him?

I recently read a statement from a young man that said that God has had 2,000 years to convince him that He was real and having failed to do so he must conclude that God isn't real.  The young man had a lot of things wrong in that statement.  God has been around a lot longer than 2,000 years.  In fact He has been around forever.  The young man, on the other hand, has been around for just a few dozen years at the most and many of those he was too young to understand many things.  So the truth is, he has only had a relativbely short time to make a decision concerning God. 

In many ways it isn't easy knowing the truth.  There is the Christian bible, the Holy Bible, the atheist bible, the Koran,  and many other books that others claim to be the bible but have either added something too it or taken stuff away and thereby perverted the word of God.  The other day, a man called the preacher and stated that his wife didn't like the Sunday Sermon.  It wasn't the style or delivery she objected too but the message.  However, the message was exactly what the bible said and meant. 

People are lazy and don't want to study hard to understand stuff..  No only that but over time, our opinions change so what once was acceptable is no longer held as proper.  When people become "enlightened" they want the bible to be changed to reflect their new views on life.  The easiest way to accomplish that is to pen a new translation of the bible.  I have no problem with different translations but I have serious problems with new interpretations. 

Another problem people have is that they build a doctrine from just a few verses of scripture and the doctrine is contrary to what the bible actually teaches.  "Take a little wine for thy stomachs sake", Jesus turned the water into wine, deacons are not to be taken with much wine, seem to teach that the scriptures say it is okay to drink as long as we do not do so to excess. 

In I John chapter three one of the verses say "we sin not"  so some people teach that Christians cannot sin.  Yet in that same book, in chapter I verse 18 the bible says he who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him.  Careful study will reveal that there is no contridiction there.  It is true that people commit sin, even Christians, but as a Christian God forgives our sins. 

God cannot look upon sin.  Christ became sin for all of us and he did so while hanging on the cross at Calvary as reflected in His words "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  At the moment Christ became sin for all of us God turned His back on Jesus.  God is invisible to us because "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" 

God did however, send His son to earth to teach us and to show us.  He walked among us teaching and healing until His time had come for Him to lay down His life for our sins.  He did not have too.  It was His choice.  Just as Christ had a choice to die for you or to escape the cross, we have a choice to accept Christ as our savor or to reject Him. 

God gave us Christ, He gave us the prophets, the disciples, the churches, and His written word.  He God did not exist there would be no written word and no Christ.  That He exists is as plain as the nose on your face.  His existence is not dependent on our believing but our existence is dependent on Him.  God does not send people to Hell.  Hell was created for Satan and his angels not for man. 

There are many who have accepted the fact that Jesus is the Christ yet have not learned to fully trust Christ in their everyday lives.  What they are doing is believing in the concept of Christ but not fully believing in the personhood of a risen savor nor fully accepting that Christ loves us and will indeed honor the promises he has made.  I have to admit sometimes it is hard to fully trust Christ.  It is like having a fear of flying.  Flying commercial airlines is the safest form of mass transportation there is yet some people will drive rather than fly.  That is just human nature. 

There have been several incidents in my life that have proven to me that I can trust Christ and the stronger my faith becomes the more Christ proves that He can be trusted.  I know for a fact that God is real and that Jesus Christ is a savor and my Lord.  So why then is God invisible?

He is invisible only because we refuse to see Him.    

Sunday, February 17, 2013

homemade Pimento cheese

I like pimento cheese on celery as a snack but I don't buy pimento cheese at the grocery store because i don't think it has much flavor and it costs too much.  Today I decided to make my own.  I purc hased an eight ounce block of sharp cheddar cheese and a 4 oz jar of pimentos.  I sherred the cheese, added the pinmentos, mixed it some Duke's sprinkled in some salt and pepper and had a delicious treat.  Believe me, it is much better than anything Star or Ruth's ever produced; and much cheaper too. 

Of course, one can make variations on this simple recipe acording to ones taste.  Four ounces of cheddar and some Monteray or Colby cheese can be used or use four ounches of cheddar and some pepper jack.  Whatever ones taste.  But the recipe is still simple an easy.  I purchase the block and shred it because it is cheaper than the already shredded but to save some time call the General uh, I mean, by all means use the shredded cheese.     

Saturday, February 16, 2013

ungrateful kids

He was broke, no car, no job and about to lose his home and his daughter.  His only hope was to borrow some money and quickly.  But he had no credit and no collateral.  So he turned to his mother.  She came through for him to the tune of several thousand dollars. 

He got him some transportation, paid his rent and found himself a job.  And he repaid his mother.  The only problem was he was asked to repay the loan in small monthly payments but he just had to repay the loan in one lump sum from a tax return.  The whole point was to try to teach him to make wise money decision and to budget his money.  Of course his mother was glad he repaid her but disappointed that he refused to learn the lesson she needed him to learn. 

Well, it didn't take long for him to to find himself in desparate straights again and seeking another loan from his mother.  Only this time she didn't have it.  She could take in her granddaughter for the summer.  It would give her a chance to bond with her granddaughter and take some of the pressure of of him.  No, he siaid he would find another way.

As time went on he became more cold and distant from his mother and when she suffered a serious illness he never responded at all.  Finally, six months later she reached out to him via a letter.  He did call her but to cuss her out for not being there for him, for trying to take his daughter away from him, and to tell her that the God she believed in wasn't real and religion was just voodoo.  He said he didn't have any family.

That really hurt her.  She didn't deserve that.

Friday, February 15, 2013

10 formerly popular girls names

Joyce, ranked 969.  I had a cousin named Joyce and went to school with a Joyce. 
Rosanne, ranked 14, 265.  Of course most people know Roseanne Barr.  I knew a Roseanna once, the daughter of a good friend.  Hattie, number 993, is my mother-in-laws name.  Dorothy, number 937, was the name of a former girlfriend.  Madeline was the name of one of my favorite comedians.  You might remember her from Blazing Saddles with her rendition of "I'm so tired". 

Willow is another pretty name and the name of the girl who was one of Buffy the Vampire Slayers sidekicks and also one of the stars of "How I met your Mother".  And who could forget Pamela Anderson?  I've know many a girl named Pam and even dated a couple, one from Huntsville, Texas and one from Opelika, Alabama. 

Anne, number 996, was the first name of a girl I had a crush on in high school.  Leona at 929 is the name of that mean woman, Mrs. Helmsly. 

The last name on the list, Janet, is the 951st popular name.  I'm sure most of us have heart of Janet Jackson. 

So I know people with 5 of these formerly popular names and know of the other five. 
How about you? 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Upside down fish

Late last fall I noticed one of my larger Koi was floating upside down in the middle of the pond.  I assumed it had perished for some unknown reason but it was in such a position I could not fish it out.  It was a cold rainy day so I thought it better for me to wait for a nicer day before I uncovered the pond to fish it out. 

It was a good while later when I found the time to make another attempt to get the fish out of the pond but it was no longer in the middle of the pond but floating near the edge so it would be rather easy to get out .  When I touched the fish with the net, it turned upright and swam away.  What a surprise!

It didn't swim like a normal koi but only used the fins on its right side.  After it stopped, it rolled back over on its' back.   It is still alive.  Maybe it had a stroke and is paralyzed on the left side.  Maybe it will recover in time.  I don't want to kill a living creature but neither do I want it to suffer.  I am going to wait until spring when I clean my pond to retrieve it if it is still alive and I will place it in a tank of its own   so other creatures will not bother it. 

Any one know of a reason  for its behavior or a reasonable course of action concerning this fish?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm back with the Asheboro paper

As a present an in-law purchased a subscription to the Courier-Tribune for me and after a couple of years I dropped them and started taking the News and Record.  One of the main reseanos I dropped the Asheboro paper is that someone had damaged my newspaper box and I repeated asked that it be replaced but it never was. 

With the News and Rrecord I received a new set-up.  I liked some of the expanded sections.  However the paper wasn't always delivered and when it was no one could be quite sure what time of day it would get here.  I missed the local stories about what was happening in my community.  I get my state, national, and world news from TV and the internet and I can find out the important stories from Greensboro and Winston-Salem there as well.  But there isn't anything about my friends and neighbors any where but hte courier-Tribune. 

I like the law log and the gardening section and I did enjoy some of the local feature writers  work even though I don't always like them personally or agree with their viewpoint. 

But most of all I liked the dependability of my delivery person.  I know when I get up at 4 am on a bitterly cold and maybe rainy morning and head out to the  curb, my paper was nice and dry in the delivery box where it should be. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gardening News

I'm excited about this coming spring.  I've built my grape arbor and rooted new grape vines.  Besides the sixteen feet of vines I already have, I'll have an addtional 24 feet.  I just have to find me some vit B0-1 tablets to crush up and add to the water when I plant my vines.  I do believe it is 2 tabs per gallonof water and four gallons of water per vine. 

I just havested the last of my carrots and shredded them for carrot-rasin salad.   I don't care for it with pneapple in it like Golden Coral serves.  Just carrots and rasins.  In case you didn't know, you do not have to harvest your carrots at the end of the growing season.  Just leave them in the garden and pick when you want some fresh carrots.  Some recomment covering them with a board during the winter but I don't and mine have done just fine.  Carrots from the garden have a strong taste than ones you buy at the store.  Of course, the ones at the store would have tasted like home grown if you could eat them fresh picked. 

I like cooked carrots.  Many people don't.  If you are one of those, I suggest sprinkling some brown sugar on them when you cook them.  They taste like sweet potatoes then.  Sweet sweet potatoes.   

I'm planting all my vine plants at the Sunset Street garden except for my tomatoes.  I'll have a separate garden spot for them in the back yard.  My regular garden in the big space beside my house. 

I'll have my pumpkin garden this year as well as cataloupes, watermelon, and maybe some gourds.  Come fall, if you need some gourds or pumpkins for decorations or pies, look me up.  Organic produce cheaper than Walmart. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

The pope is quitting. What does this mean?

Some people believe that there is a prediction about how many Popes there will be and according to those predictions there won't be but one more before the world ends.  Of course, no one knows how long the next pope will live. 

No one know when Christ will return.  The apostle Paul didn't know.  Even Jesus himself did not know.  I have no idea how anyone else would have a clue as to how many Popes there would be before Christ's return either. 

I firmly believe that he will come back when everyone has quit looking for him.  Anticipation is high because many believe that there has been thousand years gaps in great events and because they believe the bible says that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.  The six days of creation and the seventh day of rest equates to six thousand years of man on earth as ruler and the thousand years reigh of Christ.  It was two thousand years from Adam and Eve being kicked out of the garden until the flood and two more thousand years until the birth of Christ.  It now has been two thousand years since His birth so it is time.  But soon, people will quit believing.  Few actually believe now and more and more people are becoming hostile to the idea of God really existing and that Christ is God in the flesh and that he really lives and is coming back.  Most people today, even in the USA believe that isn't true.  Few people actually trust God and Jesus Christ.   

Friday, February 08, 2013

Offer on property

I have a piece of land for sale in the mounttains and I was asked if I would consider owner financing.  Anyone have any ideas about what is a fair deal? 

Thursday, February 07, 2013

ze-a-Palooza: Kathie Lee and Hoda’s Dry Spell ...

After going 30 days without a drink of alcohol katie Lee and Hoda celebrated with a glass of wine.  Thirty days is a piece of cake.  It has been twenty-one years for me. 

Monday, February 04, 2013

A different world

A different world was the name of a TV program and is also a reality not only in different places around the globe but in the life I live.  When I was young it seemed most people were either Christians or had respect for Christians.  For the most part it was a good world.  It was far from perfect though. 

I believe Vietnam did more to change the world I knew more than anything else.  I just can't imagine anyone taking someone serious who thought that prayer should be banned from schools.  Yet during Vietnam the drug culture was introduced to American youth, people became brave and foolish enough to flee to other countries to avoid their duty to their country, values changed, music changed and the world in which I grew up in ceased to exist. 

I believe that people should be allowed to own guns but I just don't believe guns makes people as safe as gun owners believe they do.  It's not the gun laws or lack thereof that makes the American society so dangerous but the value system we now have in place.  There is a large anti-government sentiment.  Police are not liked, drugs are either embaraced or tolerated, and not believing in God and being hostile towards that do  are the ideas that make this country far less safe than it should be. 

Things are such now that it is not even safe to invite people to church.  I am certain this isn't the type of world I want to live in and I know that the problem is far bigger than I can possible handle.  Christ tried to love people and he was crucified for it.  I've tried for two years to get people to come to church and have failed. 

The preacher thought maybe it was the hard benches that were in sore need of replacing so we purchased chairs with 4" of padding but no one came.  He thinks now it is the size of the building but i've seen smaller and far less attractive facilities serve as a meeting places and they grew into grew churches.  "Maybe it what I preach" was a sentiment expressed by our pastor but if no one comes how do they know how or what he preaches?

I don't know what the secret is.  All I do know is I b elieve God placed me there and I will stay there until either God tells me to move on, I die, or I'm the only one left.  I just pray that some people that love Christ and want to do his will and his work will find there way there.  If they could, just maybe this could become a different world, one in which we will feel safe and proud    to live in. 

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Courier-Tribune makes mistake

The singing at One Way Baptist church on February 10, 2013 will be held at 10 am until 12, not at 6 pm reported by the paper.  I sent the copy correctly but I guess they just wanted to make stuff up. 

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Mountan Joy on the tenth

Eight days and counting.  Mountain Joy will be appearing at One Way Baptist Church in Randleman on the 10th of February.  One Way Baptist is located on Sunset (runs between 220 Business and Stout Street.  Turn left onto Sunset in front of Sir Pizza on 220 business-Main Street),

Sunday School is at 10 c'clock and Worship Service starts at 10:45 but instead of our regualr service Mountain Joy will be singing for us.  I suggest that you come at ten as seating is limited.  No decision has been made about having Sunday School yet but even if we do, you will enjoy that as we have an excellent teacher. 


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You really can't worship God and not go to church

I once was shown an illustration about the importance of church attendance.  Pour charcoal in the center of your grill and light them.  After the coals start getting hot, take one and set it off to the side.  Which briquette goes out first: the one by itself our one in the pile? 

I have met many people who say they don't like organized religion or say they can worship God just as well without going to church.  Yet the scriptures say not to forsake the assembling of ourselves so if we don't go to church then we are not obeying God's word.  If we are out of his will we are out of his fellowship.

I have never met anyone who does not attend church who regularly studies the bible, supports missionaries, takes care of widows and the elderly, and does all the functions that are normally done by a God-fearing church.  We need the church to encourage us and to give us support and knowledge.  More can be accomplished by the collective will than any individual can accomplish on their own. 

Attending church does not make one holy, righteous or saved but how will your neighbors know you even believe in God if you never attend church?  You really can't make an effective witness for Christ when you live in disobedience to him. 

How is your prayer life?  Are you finding that your prayers seem to lack power and never receive an answer?  The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much we are told. We are also told that if we have ought against our brother go and forgive him and then come back and pray.  Prayer will not be heard by God if we have unconfessed sin and purposely failing to obey God is a sin. 

Those people who fail to attend church do not keep the Lord's Day holy, do not give their tithes and offerings, do not have an effective prayer life if they have one at all, do not study God's word, do not witness nor support those that do. 

I realize that a person's Christian life is what goes on itside him and not what goes on around him but we must bear fruit or we are of no use to God.  I have never seen a tomato plant, squash, corn nor any other vegatable growing in the wild but always in a garden.   I have never met a person that was actively working for God, growing in faith and knowledge that was not attending church. 

Friday, February 01, 2013

Me 1, Insurance company zero

  On Oct 17, 2012 my wife fell while we were on vacation in Mt. Airy.  As a result of the fall I took her to the Mt. Airy hospital where she received a CAT scan and then was rushed to Baptist because of a brain bleed.  There she received an MRI which showed the bleed was in the center of the brain.  She has also suffered damaged to her 4th cranial nerve resulting in blurred vision. 

A week after her release she was talking incoherently  and the rescue squad was called but by the time they examined her she was able to answer questions so she was not transported.  However the next day I found her passed out in the laundry room and I did have her transported to Moses Cone where they diud a MRA which is an MRI with the dye.  The reason  for her gibberish talking and her passing out were diagnosed as mini-strokes caused by flakes of blood from her brain injury.  She was placed on anti-seizure medication.

My wife had an accident policy  and they denied her claim saying the medical evidence showed she suffered an aneurysm. What all the doctors have told me has been the same story.  Brain bleeds in the center of the brain are usually caused by aneurysms and not falls they cannot find evidence of an aneurysm. I needed a statement from a doctor that stated that her brain injury was not caused by an aneurysm.  Today, a doctor confirmed that and is sending me a letter that states that fact. 

All other possible medical conditions have been ruled out.

Me 1, insurance zero.