Monday, December 29, 2014

Watchnight Service

While many spend will spend the last day of the year at a New Year's Eve party awaiting the coming of the New Year, I will be at a watchnight service with my Christian brotherns and sisters awaiting the return of Christ.  Do I believe he will come at midnight?  The odds are stacked against it but as each day goes by we are one day closer to His coming to get his church.  The watchnight service is just a way to remind ourselves the importance of waiting and watching for His promised return.

  There will be a guest preacher, Time Pope, our pastor, Charles Garrett, and several other preachers there would will deliver messages. 
   I wish all of you could be there.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

You are built for jail

    I don't know exactly what that means except it has to do with race relations and black men going to jail because they are black.  From what I have experienced over my lifetime is that our parents didn't teach us to be prejudice.  That is something we are born unto as a survival instinct.  We have to be taught not to judge people except by who they really are.  At school we call it bullying  because you pick on the kid that is different.  No ones parents taught them to pick on the fat kid, or the skinny kid, or the tall child, or the ugly child, or the child that is different from you.  We have all done this at least once in our lives even if we want to deny it.  Sometimes bullying goes to far and we have to step up to make things right. 
    I remember the first time I took a school bus to a city school.  I was just starting the 10th grade and with the exception of a lady that was hired to take care of my brothers and I for a couple of weeks when I was thirteen I had never seen a black person.  I do remember the lady and I was fascinated by her.  Not because she was black but because she was beautiful and told such sad stories. 
   Anyway, on my first day we passed the black neighborhood and there were several black children walking on the sidewalk and another kid yelled "hey chocolate drop".  I asked him why he did that and he said because they were white on the inside and black on the outside, just like the candy chocolate drop.  Well the next day I yelled out the window too but a couple of the children looked up at our school bus and I saw the look of hurt in their eyes.  That made me feel really bad and I thought about those stories Geneva told me and I understood. 
   I went away to college and when I came back I went to the Community Center hoping to see some of my friends only to discover it was now a private club.  A young kid was sitting on the wall along the walkway and looked so sad and I asked him what was wrong.  He said he had hoped to join the community center but all the memberships had been sold. 
   I went up to the people checking membership passes and asked if it was okay if I just went in for a minute or two to see if any of my friends were there.  They told me no but I could buy a membership and go in for as long as I liked.  I remarked that I thought they didn't have any left.  At lest, I said, that's what I was just told.  Oh, you mean that young kid over there.  Yea, we sale memberships to keep his kind out.  I said, oh, okay and purchased a year membership.  I then walked back to the kid and handed him my membership card and told him he was now a member. 
   I don't know what ever happened to him but I know what happened to me. 
   To be perfectly honest, I'm like most folks and I am cautions  around people different that I am.  I don't like rap music nor any music that anyone plays too loud.  I will ask you to turn it down.  I don't like saggy pants, body jewelry, tattoos, foul language, people who use illegal drugs, liars, thieves,
people who pretend to be something they are not and snobby folks.  I like people who are clean, nicely dressed, and genuine. 
    You can be anyone you choose to be.  It's none of my business but it is my business who I let into my world and who I choose to let in.  A lot of folks don't like me because I'm   conservative and I'm not charming.  I'm not ugly but I'm not pretty either.  I'm just about as average as a man can get in most aspects of my life.  I prefer you go live your life and let me live mine. 
  Of course being white it is easier to sum up another white person.  I don't judge whether  they are a good person or not but only if I would consider letting them be part of my world.  There is no circumstance under which I would deny any one respect even if I determine you are not they type of person I want to be friends with.  yea, you are right.  There are plenty of people with tattoos  who were saggy britches and body jewelry who are perfectly nice, descent people who are as honest as the day is long.  Never said there wasn't.  I can't be friends with everyone.  Neither can you. 
     I don't like someone just because they are white anymore than I would dislike someone because they aren't.  that would not only make me a racist but I would also be a bully. 

I wished my brothers a merry Christmas

My older brother had no idea where is mother is.  My younger brother actually called my nephews wife and asked her advice about what to do with Mom but never spoke to me about it   and I had been her care giver for the past sixteen years and her son.  Oh, he didn't wish me a merry Christmas either.
     I know mom has a point when she justifies the youngest for taking her home after he promised to care for her.  She says it isn't any fault of his because the bible says a man must leave his parents and cleave to his wife.  That may be true but it doesn't excuse a man from making poor decisions, reneging on promises, ignoring his brother, and acting like a first class jerk. 
   First of all he should not have left the care od his mother to his wife.  Secondly, he should have been aware of his wife's growing resentment of having to take care of his mother and taken steps to ease her burden.    Third, when it became obvious that things were no going to work out he should have been more forth coming with information about the arrangements to bring her home so a plan of action could have been put into place for her care.  Instead he just dumped her off at her house with no telephone, and no groceries and no one knowing exactly when he was bring her and hat he planned on doing or not doing. 
    He (or his wife, I don't know but the e-mail was issued in his name) it simple read 'Do you know Mom's telephone number?"
   Really?  No, how is Mom doing.  Did she receive comfort from her hurt feelings and broken heart?  Was anyone able to come by and bring her some food?  No hoping she didn't fall and hurt herself with no way to call paramedics for help.  Did   she have any money to pay for anything she might need before family and friends could arrive to care for her since her youngest spend all her money and had control of all her accounts?   
     I figured if Mom wanted to talk to him or her eldest she could call them.  But if she didn't it wasn't up to me to allow them to contact her.  it was their need of privacy they threw her out to begin with so I wasn't going to be party to them invading hers. 
    Mom told me not to be mad at him for what his wife did.  I told Mom I wasn't mad at him but I did have enough sense not to allow him to continue to play his hurtful games with us.  No, I actually wished both my brothers a merry Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Surviving retirement

  Yeah, I'm one of those who rely on Social Security for the majority of my income  and my house isn't paid for.  No, I don't work.  But so far retirement has been a pleasure even though I can't take those extended vacations.  Sometimes I feel envious of my friend Dave and his wife Chris.  They have traveled up and down the east coast for 10 years now living in their RV and making friends and seeing many places.  But to be honest I'm satisfied with my life. 
   Boredom is not a problem by any means and so far each year has been different.  Actually my house payment is cheaper than the little duplex I was renting a few years back so making the payments isn't a serious burden.  The first few years after I purchased my house I busied myself in landscaping and gardening and the last four years I have worked at the church clearing land, mowing and doing what needed to be done around the church.  For two years I took care of Mom, doing her lawn, repairing her house and doing her shopping as well as helping take my mother-in-law to her doctor appointments.  For sure those activities kept me busy. 
    Well my wife's mom passed away earlier this year and there isn't much landscaping to be done here anymore:  it's just a matter of maintaining.  There is still plenty to do around the church and my mom needs a little more care now than she had.  My wife and I are both veterans so we get good care through the VA. 
  So far I am doing  what I want to do and even though I am one of those living near poverty I still give about 15% of my income away (sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less).  I can say that I am happy, healthy, and satisfied with how my life is going.   

Pennsylvania police find head on rural road, seeking body to match

Her mother always said she'd lose her head if it was tied on.  I guess the knot came lose.

Monday, December 22, 2014

It's time to stop

I know police are not popular today and seemed to be actually hated by many people.  I realize that there are some policemen out there that tarnish the badge and act as if they are above the law. 
Often times we break the law and when we get caught we get mad at the police officer who caught us.  Most often our dealings with the police are not beneficial to us as seldom do they have reason to deal with honest people.  And yes, they make mistakes and sometimes people die because of those mistakes.  Some times it's the bad guy that is killed but some times it's an innocent person who suffers. 
  There is no amount of reasoning that can make a bad cop behave correctly just as there is no reasoning with bad people to obey the law and act nice.  But because one officer acted in a way we think was wrong has seemed to motivate people to boldly attack and kill police officers with no justification.  if those that hate officers would really stop and think what life would be like without them then they wouldn't like the new reality.  I firmly believe that if ever person was law abiding and there were no speeders or thieves or burglars, or murderers, or arsonists, or crooks, or insider traders nor any other kind of mischief maker we would still need a police force. 
   Why I believe this is simple.  There will always be situations occur when we need someone of authority to take control of it.  Sometimes there will be large gatherings of people and there is a need of someone to take control to come to the aid of a person suddenly stricken  with an illness.  A traffic light quit working and no one knows who should proceed.  A sporting event is over and everyone is leaving in their vehicles at the same time.  A sudden storm comes up and people don't know where to go for aid, cover, or shelter. 
  If we all did what we were supposed to do then there would be no police to misbehave.  I think it is time we stop hating all police because when all is said and done they are more necessary than we really care to admit. 

Elderly Abuse

Mom has been back at home for 12 days now.  For those that haven't read my previous posts the story to date is this:  Mom is 89, legally blind, and almost deaf and she has bladder control issues.  It became obvious back in October that she wasn't capable of taking care of herself so I notified by two brothers.  My older brother has financial power of attorney and my younger brother has financial and medical.  I just take care of her as best as I can  from 110 miles away.  I call almost everyday and go take care of her at least once a month.  I buy her groceries, do her yard work, and do maintenance on her home and run errands for her.  My older brother has her two or three times a year and my younger brother calls her weekly but only chats for a few minutes.  I talk to her as long as she needs me too. 
   Its been sixteen years since dad died and about four years since the state took Mom's driving privileges  away.  Her only living brother passed away a few months ago.  Mom and Junior were close and his death was very hard on Mom. 
  Anyway my younger brother, the spoiled rich kid, swooped in to save the day.  He wanted the three sons to split the cost of an assistant living facility but my share would have been from $100.00 to $300.00 more per month than I make and my older brother didn't want to help at all.  Without any discussion my younger brother made the decision to move Mom to Ga. to live with him so he came, packed a few items for her and took her away. 
    His daily routine was to say hello in the morning and kiss her good night each evening and on occasion invite her to sup with the family but the majority of her time was spent in her room by herself.  My brother and his wife each had their cellphones and shared the landline with Mom.  The wife became Mom's caregiver which my brother took over all the others parts of her life.  His wife controlled what and when she ate.  The one thing she could not control was the number of friends Mom had and the fact they called her almost everyday. 
  As each day went by each phone call seemed to make my brother's wife madder and madder until one day she could take it no more.  She called her husband on the phone and told him to take the old lady back to Hickory   so he left work immediately, packed her up and took her home.  I received an e-mail stating that other arrangements had to be made for her care but no information on when she would arrive or what was to be done for her when he got her home.    He did cut the water back on for her and left her with a box of cereal and some milk.  He has yet to inquire about her well being and my older brother has shown no interest in her welfare either. 
   I did receive an e-mail yesterday asking if I knew her new phone number.  There was no inquiry as to how she was doing, no sympathy for her plight, nor concern about her whatsoever.  I did respond to the email informing them that I do not give out phone numbers belonging to other people.    I don't care if she is his mother, it should be her choice to talk with them or not.  She can call him if she wishes and give him her number.  She is deeply hurt by all that happened so how she handles things should be entirely up to her.
   My older brother is now a widower, makes $35.00 an hour and works 60 hours per week and lives in a two thousand square foot house.  He also draws social security.   My younger brother makes more money than I ever dared dream of making and could have made better decisions regarding her care.  I live on social security and have a disabled wife and a house that is probably smaller than my younger brothers living room but I would take her in if necessary.  It would be extremely hard on my wife with all her physical disabilities as well as the lingering effects of her brain aneurysm. 
  I am not as upset with my sister-in-law even though she is the one who kicked Mom out of her house.  My brother should never have stuck Moms care on her.  Mom didn't need to be held prisoner in a rich mans bedroom either.  What I had wanted to do was buy a place or rent a small apartment for Mom close enough to where I live so she could maintain her lifestyle yet close enough so I could give her daily care.  When I first proposed this to her my two brothers complained that I was just trying to manipulate Mom so I could get her to live me all her assets.   Even if that were true, which it wasn't, their involvement in Moms life would remain the same.  One could call her every three or four months and the other could continue making his five minute weekly call.  Both brother claim they have no interest in anything she owns anyway. 
   The only thing I care about is that my Mom is taken care of.  I have been there for her for sixteen years now and her will still divides things equally so I just don't believe if she lived closer to me it would make any difference in whom gets what.  If Mom ever changes her will it would be because of what they did or didn't do and would have nothing to do with me.  Frankly I hope she leaves the will as it is so maybe after Mom is gone then my two brothers can live their life happy Mom is gone and they don't have to ever see me again. 
   I know you are probably wondering why my brothers don't like me.  it's quite simple.  My older brothers first wife had five children while married to him and he was the father of the first one only.  he propositioned me one night and I turned her down so she got mad and told him I was the one who got her pregnant.  Any reasonable man could figure out that I wasn't even in this country when she conceived and it didn't matter anyway as I have medical proof that I am unable to father children. 
   My younger brother is a jerk and has always been a jerk.  When I was in the ninth grade members of the 7-8 grade basketball team came to me and said that my brother was a jerk and they wanted to kick his butt but out of respect for me they didn't.  I told them not to let that stop them.  Yea, I told my little brother but not for his safety but to protect my friends from getting into trouble because my brother was a jerk. 
   While he was a college professor I met one of his students and she admitted she disliked him  
intensely.  His first act as the new head of accounting at a big international company was to fire ever accountant that was under him because "they didn't know hat they were doing."  Really?   Everyone in the marching band was out of step but him.  Amazing.   
   He was an officer stationed in South Carolina and lived with his wife and was able to continue school and obtain his masters degree .while I pulled two tours of duty in Vietnam and 36 straight months of overseas duty with out a single day of leave yet he claimed I had the easier duty because enlisted me got to decide if they wanted to follow his orders or not.  He once told my father that the church he was pastor of was not good enough for him to attend.  Once he sat on Moms couch with his feet extended straight in front of him so that when Mom was unloading the car she had to step over his feet to get by.  he neither offered to help her nor to move his feet out of her way. 
   Once, as a Christmas present he gave me nothing while giving my wife and I a small display case about 5 inches high that had been reduced from $12.50 down to a buck seventy five.  The jerkiest thing he ever did was at Thanksgiving.  I had an idea that my parents myself and my two brothers would take turns hosting Thanksgiving.  I had it the first year and he the second.  Instead of just family he invited co-workers  and friends and he sat with them in the main dining room.  He sat my parents and my older brother in another room at a picnic table, and the children sat at a third table in what I suppose of the living room or family room.  My wife and I were seated my ourselves in a hallway.  Maybe he was offended because my wife was Oriental but that is no excuse to relegating my parents to a second rate table away from his friends and co-workers. 
    he always tried to blame me for us not being close.  When Mom's sister was alive my brother would drive her from Hickory to Burlington to see her.  On their way back home in would stop in Greensboro around two pm and call my house to see if they could stop by for a visit.  Seriously?  Almost everyone with a job is at work at 2 in the afternoon.  Even if one worked second shift one could hardly accept company that was as yet 45  minutes away from your home.  But he would always claim "I really wanted to see him."  Well gosh, if you really wanted to see me why didn't you call the day before and see when it would be convenient or better yet a week or so in advance so maybe I could take a day off from work? 
    That's what he did when he would come to Hickory on his biyearly visit when he wanted to get together with my other brother to play golf.  Me?  He had Mom call me at 7am and asked me if I wanted to join my brothers for breakfast.  Off course I live two hours away and they had already left home for the restaurant which they had forgotten to tell mom which one they were going to.  But he could always claim he really wanted to see me. 
  Yeah, he's a jerk.  Maybe I should have let the basketball team beat him up.  I couldn't then and I couldn't do that now.  But it is sweet to think aout.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Surprise Party was a real surprise

    I really didn't think I could pull it off.  After all having a surprise birthday party at the church for the pastor is no small feat because the more people that know the less chance one has to succeed.  I was fearful that someone would give it away at the last minute and that almost happened.  One of the little girls walked into the sanctuary carrying her present for the pastor but fortunately she was redirected to the fellowship hall without the preacher being the wiser. 
    I think the party came at the right moment because the preacher seemed a little down tonight and it was just the thing to cheer him up.  He was turning 60 and maybe that number was a little depressing.  As soon as the service was over I went to our out building and retrieved the wheel chair I had decorated with balloons while everyone else was whisked away into the fellowship hall.  I stepped back into the church and told the preacher I needed to see him outside.  He got a big kick out of the wheelchair and put on a little show for us.  I then asked hi to step into the fellowship hall which had been magically transformed.  There were two birthday cakes, one saying Happy and the other saying birthday.  I explained it took tow cakes because old peoples vision fades and we had to write real big so he could see. 
   We then gave him his presents, all gag gifts.  he received everdent, fixident, a denture brush, back ache pills, and other gifts related to growing old.  He received two pair of shorts, one red with white trim and the other green with bells on them.  Someone gave him a pocket watch which I explained by saying 'That's another timepiece the preacher can ignore ".  We then sang Happy birthday "really loud" to compensate for the reduced hearing people experience as they age.  I let the preacher cut his piece of cake then I sliced and served the rest of it. 
   It was a grand evening and the preacher was really surprised and it did cheer him up so. 
  I then cleaned up and helped take all the presents to the preacher vehicle, including the balloons and put away the wheelchair before locking up the church for the evening. 
   It was a special evening, not just the surprise birthday party but the service itself.  I have never been to a church where the members loved each other the way One Way Baptist does.  I believe we exhibit the kind of love for each other that would be pleasing to God. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

And the world shall wax worse and worse

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Taliban gunmen stormed a military-run school in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar on Tuesday, killing at least 84 people, officials said, in the worst attack to hit the country in over a year.
The overwhelming majority of the victims were students at the army public school, which has children and teenagers in grades 1-10.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dump the old lady off

Wow!  It's hard to believe the nerve of some people but the world is full of jerks.
    My Mom is 89 years old, deft, and legally blind to the point of only being able to see fuzzy shapes.  In October he fell asleep while trying to fry a hamburger patty and set the fire alarm off.  She has little control of her bowels and suffers from various aliments.  A week after she set the alarm off she fell and sat in the floor for several hours until she could reach a phone.  She managed to get to the door but couldn't open it so the rescue squad had to break into her home. 
   My younger brother wanted to move her to Savannah, Ga. to stay with him so he packed her up and took her away on my birthday.  Well, that should have been a happy ending for all concerned but it wasn't.
  It seems by little brother decided to leave the care of his mother to his wife and daughter.  Mom is a difficult person to get along with.  She is as sweet as she can be but she likes to talk, like no stop, and she is fiercely independent and she is very particular about what she likes and what she doesn't and s.  she will tell her friends about things.  If one is sensitive, and most people are, then one is better off not getting involved with Mom.  She is as good as gold but she will grate on a person's nerves, telling the same stories over and over talking about peoples faults and shortcomings.  Her biggest fault is she doesn't like to admit she has made a mistake. 
  Even so, I think the situation she has found herself in is deplorable.  Her daughter-in-law found it hard to deal with Moms talking and her dirty diaper pail and her complaining about missing home and leaving her friends.  The last straw for her came when she overheard Mom complain to one of her friends (over the phone) that she had been left alone with no food in the house.  She was justified in her decision to become upset at Mom's behavior.  Old people can be hard to deal with and the job should not have been hers to begin with.
   Little brother, on the other hand, had delegated his responsibility to her and his reaction to his wife becoming upset was to pack his mother and her belongings and drop her back in Hickory.  There is no food in the house and no telephone.  No one knows she is there but  me and my older brother and he doesn't care.    The worse part of the deal is he gave no thought to working out a solution to the problem nor discussing a timeline with me.  She drive her home and dump her off. 
   To me, he's always been a jerk and I believe he still is. 

Monday, December 08, 2014

Church and Beer

      I  suppose most Americans drink beer.  I don't really know because I never asked them but if not beer, then some form of alcohol is consumed by most people.  I never saw the need to drink,  I have to admit in my younger days I tried in a few times because I thought it was the cool thing to do but for the most part in either made me sick or made me do really dumb things.  For me if I have to drink to have a good time I'd rather be a party pooper.  I see no need to alter reality.  It doesn't taste all that good,   it doesn't cause me to relax or unwind, I don't think it's cool and it can be dangerous.  Thanks but no thanks but I'd rather deal with this cruel and unpredictable world with all my faculties in their best working order. 
    There are some churches that not only tolerate the drinking of alcohol but actively participate by keeping a stockpile on hand for special events.  On the news this morning some church through a singing and beer party so they can take the church to the people.  I found it upsetting that a church would do this.  They may be a social organization but they are no church.  I doubt Jesus would find
a beer guzzling religious crowd suitable to consider as his bride.  Seriously, I doubt if most people would want to marry a drunk so I'm sure the Christ has higher standards than most people. 

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

he tugged on my heartstrings and landed in jail (or who robbed the church)

 Sunday, November 30, 2014 Randleman, NC

   Stephen L.  was late getting to church but he made it in time for the preacher to deliver his sermon; and what a sermon it was!  Stephen was so impressed he stayed around after the service to chat with the preacher.   He captured the pastors attention with his tales of his singing in church and his faithful attendance until his father died and sadly, Stephen blamed God.    He was so angry at God for taking his dad he found himself in trouble but after hearing the preachers sermon he decided it is time to quit being angry and start living right. 
    He went on to tell of his pitiful situation and of how he needed to find some help for his baby son.  He wasn't looking for a handout, he said, just to be connected to someone that could help him take care of his baby. 
   Well, that did the trick as far as the giant of a preacher with an equally big heart.  ignoring church guidelines he gave the young man some money from the church coffers plus an equal amount from his own pocket.  'I'll definitely be back tonight" the young man said as he gladly accepted the cash.
    Tuesday morning it was discovered someone had broken into the church.  Nothing was taken but the rear door will have to be replaced which is a big expense for a struggling small congregation to have to pay, especially this time of year with all the extra expenses for the holidays.    It was painfully obvious that the burglar was after the jug of cash he saw in front of the remembrance table that he mistakenly assumed was left during non service hours. 
   The young visitor on Sunday morning didn't come back Sunday night as he promised he would but it was equally obvious he did return on Monday night in search on the money jug.  a burglar with transportation would have taken the stereo equipment and  any thing else of value but this one took nothing.  Our visitor arrived to church and left on foot. 
   He recognized one of our members and thought greeting them would enhance his credibility but in the end it proved to be his undoing.  He provided false information on his visitor card but the member was able to discover his real address and phone number.  The police was able to gather enough information to place the man under arrest. 
    It seems the backwoods country church was neither as easy a target or as dumb as he anticipated we would be and neither as forgiving.  (let me clarify that by saying we hold no ill will towards Stephen but he did the crime so must do the time.)