Sunday, May 31, 2015

Local News

     No one was murdered, Randleman High won their ballgame and move on to the State finals, I lost my cell phone, the air conditioner broke at the church, and we have visitors stealing soft drinks from the church. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

General News

    I visited my Mom Thursday.  I took her to lunch at I-Hop then grocery shopping.  She is blind, deft, lives alone and will be ninety in a few short weeks.  She's a sweet lady.
    My recovery from my cataract surgery is going slower than expected.  While the cloudy part of my vision is gone, when I close my left eye everything seems just a little darker and out of focus.  My regular glasses keeps me off balance somewhat but my reading glasses are sunglasses which are fine for outside but not much good inside.  I'm running out of time and hope for a proper recovery.
   The garden is doing good.  I have tomatoes on the vine as well as yellow squash and zucchini.  The cucumbers and cantaloupe plants have blooms.  Lettuce will be ready next week  and there are wax beans on the plants.  The regular green beans have flowered out.
   The blackberry bushes are loaded and I do have blueberries for the first time ever.  The peach trees are loaded and I've had to cull them several times picking over 300 off one tree.  I'm disappointed in my apple trees  as they continue to be plagued with cedar rust, well, all but one tree.  It is as big as all the other trees combined but only has one small apple on it.  The pear tree is tall but the top want to bend towards the ground.
   My flower gardens are changing from their spring blooming plants of daffodils and Iris to roses. lilies,  pickerel,   and a host of other flowers.
   I hope you will join me in Sunday school tomorrow. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thanks Robert

Robert 2 hours ago
As a veteran I'm kind of tired of being compared to this group or that. I served my country because three words meant more to me than anything else...duty, honor and country. For those that want to truly memorialize and honor the fallen veterans or to give tribute to those that are still with us, here is my list of things you can do that would mean more to a veteran than your words:
1) Vote- liberal, conservative, doesn't matter. They gave their lives to allow us this right.
2) Fly a flag and put it at half-mast on Memorial Day (and all others). If you don't have a flag pole, get a smaller one you can mount on your home. If all else those simple smaller flags are appropriate.
3) When you're at a ballgame (or other event) actually sing the National Anthem. Take your hat off and put your hand over your heart. Take the time to make sure that little one you took to the game knows what to do also. Sing it with pride.
4) Volunteer at a VA hospital and spend time just talking to them. If you don't have a VA hospital close, find a local nursing home. The odds of finding a veteran there are pretty good.
5) Say the Pledge of Allegiance in your home. Teach it to the next generation. It does mean something.
6) When you get that notice of jury duty, go there with pride that you are doing your civic duty...not remorse or looking for a way out.
7) Respect the Constitution. Read it, understand it...and most important, teach it to others. Respect those with opposing views but never allow it to be compromised.
8) Love our country. Our country is more than a place but our home. It is where we live and raise our children. Speak about it with pride, ensure it is kept clean and most important...know that is is for ALL Americans.
9) Be kind to your neighbors. Black, white, Asian, Irish, Native American, Christian, Jewish, Catholic...I don't seem to remember the bullets of our enemies showing any regard to a fallen soldier's race, creed, color or sex...why should we? Let them know you and they are both Americans. If they're not Americans, let them know you would want them to become US citizens. If they are only here for a short period of time, let them go back to their country thinking how wonderful their USA neighbors treated them.
10) Say 'please', 'thank you', 'yes ma'am', 'no sir', 'you're welcome'. Funny how simple words of politeness have gone away. It seems like we have become a country who same four letter words faster than we say 'thank you'. Even when we it with politeness.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

When being competent is a bad thing

We all know a person is is good at their job.  They don't ever seem to screw up, they accomplish much, others have confidence in them, and they seem to live a charmed life.  Yea, we know a person just like that and we hate them, don't we. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Garden News: pictures

    In my center flower garden which I started as a tribute to my wife.  Instead of giving her a dozen roses I planted her a rose garden.   I started with two blue boy roses and wanted to add a white and a red this year.  There was a briar growing in the garden late last year and I thought it may be just a wild briar bush as I didn't plant a roses bush in that spot.  Well it turned out to be a rose bush with deep red roses, almost a burgundy color.  It is well that it did come up as my red rose turned out to be peach colored.
    As far as the vegetable garden goes, my tomato plants and a zucchini plant.  I may post pictures later but for now just a few shots of my roses in the center garden.  There is one picture of the center of the center garden, a close-up of my water lily, and a shot of my water Iris. 


Monday, May 11, 2015

working in the garden

      I try to keep ahead of the weeds by working in the yard and garden everyday.  I'm seldom without my two-prong hoe in search of a new weed to dig up but it seemed like a lost cause after a couple days of wet weather and then a return to normal and warm temperatures.  It seems my big patch of dirt turned green almost overnight and not with vegetables.  So today out comes the cultivator. 
    Garden tillers made quick work of breaking up the soil at the beginning of the growing season but it has always seemed that no matter how deep I dug up the dirt weeds started popping out before I could even get the tiller put away.  This year I purchased a cultivator and an electric one at that.  Yea, it does take longer to get the soil ready for planting as it just scratches the surface.  There are some areas of the hard red clay the cultivator can really dig down into but the cultivator is made for weed control and keeping the soil loose around plants so the ground is aerated,  Actually, the weeds seemed to take much longer to reappear using the cultivator. 
    One great thing about the cultivator is one can get right up next to a tender seedling without touching the desirable plant and eliminate the weeds.  The cultivator doesn't dig as far down and stir up weed seeds like a tiller does.  I think i made a wise decision in getting my cultivator. 
  As far as the garden,  it is looking good.  I've got watermelons, 4 varieties, two varieties of cantaloupe, straight neck, crook neck and zucchini squash, green beans (3 kinds) onions, beets, carrots, jalapeno peppers, green peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers,  and pumpkins.      It's not a big variety but melons and pumpkins take a lot of room to grow. 
   I believe I'm going to have a good peach crop this year and next year I will have apples and cherries.  Hopefully my blackberries will continue to expand and both blueberry bushes will produce next year.  And as always my grape vines are heavy with clusters and my newer vines are growing quickly.  Soon my property will be able to support me and be a source of beauty as well as good for wildlife. 
   I've definitely done my part for the toads and frogs.  On a night like tonight it can be deafening out by the pond.  Oh but it is so pretty. 


     Bill Clinton used pot but claimed he didn't inhale.  Some famous dunce recently claimed "Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol" like alcohol was safe.  Now there is an article out claiming to tell us about the confessions of Morgan Freeman and pot use.  I didn't read the article so I can't say Mr. Freeman confesses to using pot or not.  You'll have to read the article for yourself.  I'm sure that you have already made up your mind about pot so it really doesn't matter what I say or Mr. Freeman says.
     There are many people that use pot and I'm sure the majority of them believe it should be legal.  Added to that bunch are those that do not use pot but think it is harmless enough and can see no danger in making it legal.   if pot smokers used it responsibly I would vote to legalize it too.   Although I can see no benefit to anyone from using any substance that altars one's perception of reality, if one want to screw up their own head then let them.
   But you know as well as I do that isn't going to be the case.  It's staggering the amount of traffic stops in which the driver and/or passengers reek of the smell of marijuana.  It's illegal, affects one's judgement, and still people choose to use it on public roadways where there are vehicles with families and innocent children.   It sure would be nice if people purchased their drugs and alcohol and took it home to consume and never leave the premises until they are sober again.  But in spite of all the monetary costs and the property damage and the toll in takes on our well being and the number of deaths just from driving and drinking alone, drinkers continue to drink and drive.  Add to that bunch
a whole lot of pot heads behind the wheel and it becomes scary just to think of the dangerous that lurk on our highways and city streets.
    Legalize pot for medicinal reasons and the number of people with glaucoma will mushroom over night.  We'll suddenly transform into a nation of people staggering around in darkness  with only a cloud of pot smoke to lead us home.  Well, that may be a little dramatic but you know as well as I do doctors will diagnose people with whatever illness they want it it means extra money in their pocket.  No, not all doctors by any means but there are enough out there just like the business women who was just busted for abuse of pain medication.  She profited to the tune of 17.5 million in just 4 years.
     I know this article did nothing to convince a pot smoker to leave the stuff alone or even to convince them to smoke more responsibly but maybe one person out there will think about the situation and do the proper thing.      

Sunday, May 10, 2015

No Floaters

       It has been 7 days since my cataract surgery and I have yet to have a floater.  When my left eye was done in 2007 I had floaters so bad that on several occasions I keep a fly swatter with me because I could not tell if the black things I were seeing were just floaters or real flying insects.  And the floaters seemed to last forever.  They were really bad for several months and annoying for several years after surgery so now you can understand why I'm so excited at having had no floaters so far.
      I had to put eye drops in my eyes 10 times a day for 7 days and it wasn't until I wondered what to do with the excess drops that I discovered the correct way to administer the eye drops.  It seems one is supposed to pull ones lower lid down and administer the drops there while tilting ones head back then closing ones eye until the drops are absorbed, usually about two minutes.   The instructions from the doctor says to wait a while if you have to take two drops at the same time but not how long to wait.
     It seems just administering eye drops into the eye like we are used to doing with regular eye drops allows the drops to flow out of the eye, down the back of ones throat, or into the tear ducts and doesn't allow the eye the opportunity to absorb the medicine.     Too late for me but if you ever have  cataract surgery you will know how to properly administer the drops.   

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Road Rage in Archdale

     Monday morning my wife and I were on our way to Salisbury for my cataract surgery when I had to stop for the traffic signal on US 311 near the Sheetz service station.  The light turned green as just as I started to move forward a car came through the intersection not stopping for his red light.  I ta;;ed my brake and then started to pull forward again when the pickup truck behind the car came into the intersection.  It was close but i managed to stop before we collided.   As a warning i tooted my horn which seemed to have triggered the anger button on the driver of the pickup.  He stuck his left arm out his window and gave me the one finger salute.   I can attest he had very big hands.
    I think what really set him off is when he turned to look to see if he had made me mad I blew him a kiss.  I thought the man was either going to come out of the truck after me or blow a gasket.  He was moving forward while hanging his head out the window and yelling profanities at me.  He moved his truck to the inside lane and slowed ; a move I suppose to encourage me to  my vehicle besides his so he could curse at me some more and this time I'd be able to hear. 
   When he stuck his head out the window to see if I was going to take the bait his hat flew off his head and landed right beside my wife's door.  She could have easily opened the door and picked his hat up and from the look on his face I think he half expected her too.  I do know that his face turned from white to red as he sat there trying to plan the best way to get his hat and not look like a bigger fool.
    I'm not sure what he did.  I made my left turn and proceeded on to Salisbury hoping he had a better day.  Well, actually I didn't hope that.  My wife and i just had a good laugh. 

Garden News: Do Iris Change?

     When I moved into my house in 2008 there was a bearded Iris garden already growing.  Most of the Iris were purple.  Over the years I've noticed more and more yellow Iris.  I did a little research.  No, articles claim, Iris do not change colors.  Some colors are more dominant that others and will choke out the less dominant colors.  It seems  also that a particular Iris plant may bloom this year but not next.  Occasionally an Iris will develop what is know as a sport, which is a bud of an entirely different color and while the sport will always bloom the different color all subsequent growth will be the color of the original plant, so so the experts say.
     That may well be true but falls way short of explaining what is going on in my Iris garden this year.  First I noticed two Iris plants, one yellow and one purple, were not like the other bearded Iris.  These plants had flowers that opened with petals that resembled a six-sided star.  Today I found a rustic red growing in an Iris bed.  In the same bed where the yellow star Iris is growing was another unusually Iris.  This one was a pale yellow Iris with one part that was almost white.  The rest of the yellow Iris are a much deeper yellow and the coloration is consistent over the entire flower.  Could this Iris be turning white? 
     If it is it will take several years to confirm.  I've posted three pictures.  The first is a close-up of the different Iris, the second is a shot showing the contrast between the other yellow ones and this one.  The third shot is of a rustic red Iris.  I've never had one and never planted one and unless it hast remained dormant for more than eight years, is a plant introduced by some unknown method.  I'll follow this strange yellow Iris for several more years to determine if it is a mutant or if it really is changing. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Inactivity is killing me

    Recovering from cataract surgery is inconvenient what with the dark glasses and the shields and the salve and the drops and the rules about lifting and stooping and bending not to mention the appointments but the hardest thing for me is the inactivity.  I can't get out and work in the yard, I can't work in or on the koi or goldfish ponds, and even though I am allowed to drive   it really isn't safe for me to venture far or often.  I wanted to go pick strawberries today for something to do besides just sit all day but the wife wasn;t up to it.  "It's too hot" she said. 
   My back hurts from just sitting and I don't want to go just before lunch.  My wife has a doctor's appointment tomorrow ar 8:30 and even if she is home by 10, lunch is at eleven (I eat breakfast at 4>30)  so that gives me little time out and about and the rest of the day to sit and do nothing.  She is always so slow getting started and in such a hurry to get finished.  She:s a planner and I'm more of a spur of the moment guy. 
     i know I;m different and sometimes it gets frustrating when people don't understand what motivates me.  I do and give so much tie and energy to others and sometimes I just need some time for myself and those moments can't always be planned for some future date.    Sometimes I need it now. 

Monday, May 04, 2015

Funny looking bearded Iris

    When I purchased my house in 2008 there wasn't much to look at as far as landscaping.  There was a patch of phlox by the driveway close to the road in he right-of-way and then there was a small patch of purple bearded Iris to the left of the driveway facing the house .  I let them grow for two seasons but the weeds and grass had taken over so I spent a lot of time cleaning the Iris garden up.  The third season it was a nice display but I noticed there were yellow Iris mixed in with the purple.    The fourth season I moved the entire garden up on a hill and spread the plants out  It made it easier for me to mow my yard can the plants more room to grow and added a buffer between my property and the vacant lot next door. 
   Actually I moved the Iris after the end of the third season so they did very well last year except I noticed that there were a lot of yellow Iris.  This season over half the Iris ae yellow except for one patch I planted in a corner by the driveway.  I planted somne around my pond and some in the center garden.  At least half are yellow.
   This year I noticed two    that were different.  One was yellow and the other purple.  One was in one section by the driveway and the other inb the center memorial garden.  They look to be a cross between a tiger lily and a bearded Iris.

Operation succesful

My cataract surgery went well.  Got there at 9:30, checked in, was called back at 10, preped, operated on and sent to recovery.  At 11;30 I was onb my way home.  It was freaky being awake for surgery on my eyeball but it went very well.  I was a good patient.

Police: Man shoots, kills would-be carjacker outside store

     Orem, Utah

    A shopper with a concealed weapon's permit shot and killed a man trying to carjack a car in a Macy's parking lot.  The carjack had earlier assaulted another woman and had driven to Macy's in a stolen pickup.  He was trying to remove a woman from her SUV when the shooter confronted him.  When the carjacker attacked the good Samaritan he was shot once in the chest and died.  No charges are expected to be filed.
     If the citizen had been a white cop and the carjacker a black felon would we be facing another Baltimore? 
    Sometimes an unarmed person is just as big a threat as an armed person.  Of course the citizen could have just walked away or just watched as perhaps many others did that day allowing the police to catch the man later.  Chances are good that there may have been a high speed car chase with one or more people injured or killed.  Of course there is always the chance it could have ended peacefully. 
I suppose there is even a chance the carjacker could have felt guilty about his crimes and drove to the nearest police station and turned himself in. 
   Of course there are going to be those that argue that if the citizen didn't have a gun his well being would have never been threatened.  After all, he killed a man over an SUV which is a high penalty for such a common crime.
  So, is the shooter a hero or just another jerk who overstepped his bounds   because he was carrying a weapon? 

Cataract Surgery Today

     Surgery is something I've done so seldom.  I had an appendectomy in 1970, surgery on my hand about six or seven years ago and cataract surgery on my left eye in 2007.  I slept through all those events.  It seems this time I will be awake for this one.  Kind of scary thinking about watching strangers insert sharp objects into your eyeball.