Friday, October 23, 2015

Yahoo does it again

It's my fault that I still use Yahoo as my homepage but that may change soon.  It was bad enough that every other story was actually a video.  Now, every other story is a one liner and then there is a video one has to watch to get the real story.  I can usually get the story from the comments without watching the video but now Yahoo will completely change the story after about 5 seconds and one can't back arrow to it.  I am not being forced to watch a commercial in order to watch a video to inform me of what I am interested in.  I can always buy a newspaper and read an article as many times as I want and never have to read an ad. 

Mom doing better

My mom is being moved into a regular room from ICU because there is no treatment done in ICU that can't be done from a regular bed.  I'm glad she is improved enough to be moved although I know she is still in danger,  After all 90 year old people with pneumonia are in a precarious position. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Serious delimna

Mom is 90 and recently got bronchitis and the doctor said she wasn't to be alone.  I spent Thursday and Friday with her and stopped in to see her Saturday after the balloon fest.  Tammy was supposed to be with her Saturday.  Regina was with Mom Sunday am and Christie was supposed to be with her Sunday pm. 
  I don't have anyway to take care of Mom, one brother tried and it was a disaster, and my other brother isn't able or willing.  I can't keep driving from Randleman to Hickory.  Neither my health or bank account will allow for that.   She refuses to leave her house and as long as she is of sound mind
she can't be made to leave.  So what am I supposed to do?  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Set-up for the future.

In December 2014 my younger brother decided to take Mom back to Georgia with him without consulting any of her children.  Now if he has asked me I would have advised him to get a small apartment near where he lived for her so she could be by herself yet close enough to check in on once in a while.  But no he took her to his home and dumped her on his wife to take care of. 
   I know she is his mother but he has been removed from her for so long he has no idea what it would be like trying to care for her.  But he is the rich one so he thinks being able to make money makes him smarter than everyone else.  In less than a month he bundles her up drives her to Hickory without stopping and drops her off at her house.  She has no running water, no food, no telephone, and no one knows she's there except him and he no loner cares.  People only discovered her whereabouts when they called wanting to speak to her and he claimed "he took her home." 
   No, he took her to a cold empty house with no way to survive on her own without notifying anyone.  Now one would think this saga would have ended there no his wife began making demands for payment of a stair climbing machine that David had purchased.  Mom refused to pay saying she never asked for the machine and never used it but once.  When she saw how much effort was required to pull her up stairs she refused to use it again.  David's wife said that if Mom refused to pay while she was living she would pay when she died. 
   Saturday David drove to Hickory from Georgia dropped off the stair climbing machine and went back home.  Mom's relationship with David is like King David's relationship with Absalom.  Even though Absalom rebelled and tried to dethrone David and would have killed the King if an opportunity arose, King David forever mourned Absalom's death.   Mom has forgiven David for all his transgressions and doesn't believe David will allow his wife to bill her estate and collect for the stair climbing machine.  Even though David is the executor of the will Mom thinks he will do the right thing.  Well so far he has demonstrated his willingness to acquiesce to his wife's demands.  She is an intelligent lady and she is also a trained accountant and I have no doubt that she will be paid for this piece of equipment, especially now that Mom has procession of it. 
   I get so tired of people trying to take advantage of old people, especially one's parents.  They gave you life and care while you grew into adulthood.  Shouldn't we at least him them respect in their old age?  David could sell the machine and he is well off enough to absorb the loss.  But the plan, I'm sure, is to dumb the machine on her and at her death to present the bill to her estate and collect payment in full. 


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Good Cop/Bad Cop

    I just saw an article on the meltdown of a little girl who blames her "Barbie" for her nail polish disaster and wonder how is it that's gets national exposure when some really heart warming stuff goes unnoticed.  I know we see stories abut bad cops all the time and occasionally one about a good cop: like one who purchased a pair of shoes for a homeless man without any or the two policemen who bought a buggy load of food for a family living in a car.  But what about the average person, the me and you people, who work hard, pay our taxes, and whose only contact with the police is when we get stopped for speeding?  Isn't there any angels of mercy out there that would just give us a little hope and faith in our fellow man, someone to give us a helping hand, a smile and a little encouragement?  
     Well, for one lady who had always been a hard worker, never even got that first speeding ticket, and now is entering the last days of her life, her turn has come.  She is ninety years old, almost deaf and blind but still managing to take care of herself.  It all started with a tragedy when someone burst out a window in her house to gain entry and steal.  Yes, they were eventually caught and normally that would have been the end of the story.  MPO Vang of the Hickory police department came over to the ladies house on his own time and at his own expense and repaired the damage to the window.  MPO Roberts also did her part by helping this lady get back and forth to the bank helping her recover the $900.00 that was stolen from her. 
   Those act alone are commendable and they were as the ladies son wrote letters to the city, the local paper and to the police department about the good deeds.  But even policemen with hearts of Gold have families and needs their downtime to pull themselves back together.  They have received their accommodations and one who think it's time to move on.   Yet, on Wednesday these two people came over to the ladies house and cleaned broken limbs and debris from off her roof and cleaned out her gutters and raked her yard. 
   You may feel like it seems the vocal majority of Americans do and cops.  But there are good ones out there and then there are some that are truly special.  Officer Vang and Officer Roberts are two angels in blue.

Monday, October 05, 2015

"I'm a Christian" death sentence

    It is rumored that the Oregon shooter asked people what their religion was and if they replied "Christian" he killed them.  If they answered differently he either wounded them or didn't shoot them at all. 
    Herein lies a dilemma.  If you consider yourself a Christian and someone points a gun at your head and asks what your religion is and you deny being a Christian in order to save your life, will Christ deny you?  But what if you answer you are a Christian and you really aren't, what then. 
   I know the likelihood of you, me, or any one else being in that situation is very remote but it did happen to those college students overseas about a year or so ago, it did happen in Colorado at that high school and it is believed to have happened in the recent shooting in Oregon.  Those people had no idea it would ever occur to them. 
    There are thousands of people murdered in the USA every year.  I have two friends that have had children murdered and back in 2000 when I was living in Greensboro, NC I was acquainted with  all the people murdered in that city that year but two.  How many people die in automobile accidents?  Add to those who die suddenly of heart attacks, industrial accidents, sports injuries, or some freakish method that one would never dream of, and you have a lot of people who die each year that had no idea when they got out of bed that day it would be their last on earth. 
    80% of Americans claim they are Christian, 50% of Americans belong to a church, and only about half of those attend church at all.  Many people think as long as their name is on a church roll somewhere, or they have been baptized, or they acknowledge that Jesus was a real person they are a Christian.    Are you sure you are One? 

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Who is a terrorist?

Some people complain that whites who commit shooting at work, schools, and colleges are referred to as mentally while people of color are called terrorists.  Why? 
   I don't suppose it has anything to do with skin color or lack thereof but the motivation behind   the crime.  If a person commits a mass shooting or bombing like was just happened in Oregon or what happened in that movie theater or the college in Virginia and the reason for committing that crime is revenge or anger or just to see what it was like the shooter or perpetrator is classified as mentally ill.  But if the person who di such acts commits those acts  does so in support of a movement or greater ideology espoused by an organization or country  then that person who be a terrorists. 
  The two men who did the Boston Marathon bombing did so not because marathon runners bullied them but because they made easy targets and the act was in support of their Muslim beliefs.  They felt they were part of a greater cause.