Monday, August 29, 2016

Drama hopefully will end

Some work was done at the church a few weeks back and the man engaged to do the work made a mistake and pushed some tree stumps across the property line onto our neighbor's property.  The strip of land is 180 feet long but only 24 feet wide and is overgrown so he probably thought it would be okay but he didn't realize his actions would stir all the furry a red headed woman could muster. 
   If the woman had just told us about her concerns we would have cleaned up the mistake and that would have been the end of things but no, she went off like a Roman Candle, trying to dictate when and how the debris is to be removed and wanting the whole property cleaned up at the church's expense, refusing to let the work be done without her being physically present to supervise, threating to sue,  threatening to hire someone else to do the work and sending the church a bill, making derogatory statements about the church's pastor and otherwise proving herself to be a bad citizen 
  Through a check with the legal system it has been discovered that this woman is only the girlfriend of the owner of the property and has no legal say whatsoever.  With negotiations with the real property owner, an agreement has been reached but there is one complication that can undo the whole affair.  The man who is to clean the debris is contracted to conducted a funereal and if  it conflicts with the scheduled clean-up he will not be able to be there. 
  I know everyone involved is ready for this fiasco to be over with.

The Next President of the United States of America

Donald Trump will not be the next President nor has he ever wanted to be.  He has ran for the nomination several times and always resigned his candidacy before getting to far into the election cycle but this years was a surprise, even for him.    I don't think he ever intended to be taken seriously.
   Donald Trump isn't as stupid as he portrays himself to be because if he acted like he had some sense even his supporters wouldn't like him, I'm not saying he isn't a likeable fellow, I'm saying that he would not be liked as a candidate.   He doesn't want to be President.  It has all been about publicity. 
  I'm sure he has made a lot of money by running for office that otherwise he would not have earned.  But now that he is the party nominee he is walking a tightrope.  If he acts like he isn't a serious candidate people will turn against him and all he has accomplished by running will be lost and he will be worse off than he was before he ever thought about running.  But if he runs a serious campaign he jus might be elected and he knows he is not qualified nor does he want that job.  So he has to act like he really wants to win while sabotaging his chances by childish behavior. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


      A change I've noticed about the news one see on the internet is that there more videos than ever. I can see two reasons why.  If the provider can get you to watch a video of a story you are interested in it can force you to watch a commercial first.  I've also noted that some commercials allow you to opt out after a few seconds so forcing us to watch a commercial isn't all it's cracked up to be.  I think American youth have gotten so lazy we don't want to read anymore and the shortened commercials reflect their shorter attentions spans.  If they have to watch for the entire commercial they will opt out and not watch at all. 

   Unless what you are talking about has to be shown, I would much rather read than watch.  The biggest problem with reading nowadays is too few of the writers of server news know how to write to hold a person's interest.  Is communicating through the written word becoming a lost art?  It sure seems so.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

a boy in a tree

Yesterday my wife noticed a bicycle laying in the middle of the street in front of our home and thought perhaps the rider had fallen in the ditch.  I stepped out on the porch to check the situation out and heard someone yelling for help.  It seems a young boy was frightened by some dogs a neighbor had let out for a bathroom break and had climbed a tree for safety and he was both afraid of the dogs and of getting out of the tree. 
   I helped the lad down and stood watch for him as he pedaled home as fast as he could. 

Roy Cooper vs. the truth

  I don't know Roy Cooper but I do know he is the current Attorney General of NC and is running for Governor of North Carolina.  I have no idea what party he belongs to.  I do +know he has an ad on TV in which he brags about improving the conditions at the State Crime lab, eliminating the bag log of DNA samples waiting to be tested.   
   I also know that in September of 2015 a man broke into my mother's home while she was there sleeping.  He entered the home through a window he broke and while doing so he cut himself and left DNA on the window, on some money he dropped while fleeing and in several other places in the home.  In other to have an air tight case the prosecutor wants to have the DNA evidence but after a year the State Crime Lab is too far behind so the Police Department in Hickory elected to send the evidence to a private lab so they can move forward with the case. 
   Based on what I know to be true I can say that while conditions at the State Crime Lab may have improved they are still far worse than Roy Cooper would have us to believe. 

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Equal treatment

My pastor claims he treats everyone the same yet him and another preacher at the church go everywhere together, not only as just friends but as representatives of the church.  That is fine and I'm glad he has a close friend to do things with but if you never invite any of the other preacher's at the church to join yu don't say you treat everyone the same. 

Friday, August 05, 2016

Proud Poor Folks

  I just checked out an article (actually a picture and a comment)  and the responses of the readers.  It seems like many people are proud of their ingenuity in accomplishing things when they were poor.  That's called redneck ingenuity..   It seems though that some of the respondents were older now and still poor and proud of it but judging from their lack of ability to spell or other compose a sentence or express a coherent thought, I just can't imagine why they are still poor.  

Reality is beginning to set in.

    Went in to the eye doctor yesterday for a routine exam and came out we a big surprise.  I'm quickly approaching my 70th birthday and have been blessed with good health most of my life.  I retired 50 years after taking  my first job and during those 50 years I missed one day because of illness.  Ten or so years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes but until four years ago I was able to control it through diet.  I did have to go on insulin for three months and then to a pill ever since but I never let it interfere with my life.  The only recurring problem I have had that has adversely effected my life is dupredrens(sp)  contracture, which is a curling of the fingers.  I had corrective surgery on my left hand but my little finger on my left hand curled back up and now lays flat against my palm.  I may have to get it amputated soon.
    Now long after I left the eye doctor's I received a call from her informing me that she is referring me to a specialist outside of the VA to deal with some moisture detected behind my right eye.  She said that I have the beginnings of maculate degeneration.  There are two kinds, dry and wet.  One kind will keep progressing until one is blind.  The other kind can be corrected with surgery but that is a fairly recent development.  I can't remember which kind there is hope for and really don't know which kind I have. 
  It seems my aches and pains have increased lately and my body is beginning to deteriorate: pain in my left should, diabetes, dupredrens(sp)  contracture, high blood pressure, triglycerides too high, and now this.  In spite of this I will keep on keeping on doing as much as I can until I can no longer go.  I'm not giving in or giving up nor complaining.