Saturday mail delivery may end.
The mailman coming is a big part of American cultureand ending Sautrday mail may seem counter-culture to some. Most businesses are closed on the weekends so they won't miss not having a Saturday mail run. Some residents will be upset at the prospect but let's be honest here. Have you really checked your mail lately?
Specials from Domino's Pizza, save $5.00 on your next oil change, set out collectibles for the Veteran's association, attend a money saving (or money-making ) seminar, ad-saver magazine, and various other articles of paper that we can just as well live without.
That personal letter from your friend or relative just doesn't come anymore unless that loved one is over eighty. If it wasn't for bills and advertising, we really wouldn't need a mailbox and to be hones, for most of us, we get all the ads we need on our computer. In fact we bank on-line, pay our bills on line and stay in contact with most of our friends and family via the internet.
Mail is so yesterday. Maybe we could go to Monday only delivery or eliminate the post office altogether.
1 comment:
I still get the occasional nice letter;)
And I'm not sure mail should be "so yesterday" (did you ever see Kevin Costner in "The Postman"?). I think there is still a role for the USPS.
But the PO should have gone to standard 5 day delivery (and charged extra for weekend services) a decade ago. They could have down & smart-sized considerably from that point (particularly in terms of labor costs).
Alas, neither top-heavy postal management nor the myopic labor unions (carriers/clerks/etc.) could see the forest for the trees. Everybody was out for number one.
Now they are all screwed.
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