Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Born again American

visit http://www.bornagainamerican.org/

This country has not always been straight with its citizens or its principals. For a hundred years the USA allowed many of its citizens to be bought and sold and for another hundred years it forced them to live separately from the rest. For centuries the USA condemned behaviours of other governments while practicing the same behaviours here.

Even so, the American people had a strong pride in themselves, a self-sufficiency, a will to succeed, a strong belief in God and a deep caring about their fellow man. Fifty years ago American began to change. The government lied constantly to the American people in an attempt to deceive us about the truth of Vietnam. Illegal drugs were gaining in popularity, and Americans were losing their faith in God and country.

Now we find it shocking only when the government tells the truth, someone who has never used illegal drugs is a rarity, and a Christian who lives and acknowledges their faith in public even rarer still. People seemed to be motivated by greed and self interest and the era of self-reliant hard-working loyal Americans seems to have come to a close.

Instead of being appreciated for their service and hailed as heroes Vietnam era Vets were despised and treated as traitors of the American people. Now, we falsely claim to support our troops but only if we can send them to war for a week or two and no one gets hurt. This country could no longer win a WWI or a WWII. We haven't the will.

America has become just the place I live and not who I am.

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