Lately, companies have been getting very innovative. Normally that would be a good thing but remember it was innovative financing schemes that put the world in such a financial mess. Because of the financial crisis and declining revenues, the creative juices are now flowing but instead of bringing us new products, more efficient products, or less expensive products, companies are finding innovative ways for us to pay more for the products and services we are already using.
An example of this is the new service plan for my phone. Instead of the straight 10 cents a minute phone rate, I now have to pay a $6.99 per month service charge. Another example is I reveived an e-mail that had an attachment from Kodak but in order to view the pictures Kodak required that I join their photo club. It was also true that Kodak is now requiring a certain dollar amount of their products and services be purchased by club memebers in order to continue to use their service.
I guess the big one was Time-Warner wanting to charge people by their bandwith usage. Lots of people were really mad about that one.
Is this what America has come too? Companies finding new ways to rip off their customers is not the way they should be doing business. I miss the old Mom and Pop stores were advice was free, help was plentiful, and clerks knew what they were talking about. Sure, thing seemed to cost a little more and one had to search a little harder to find what they needed, but what we have given up in order to get convenience and cheaper prices has cost us more that most of us will ever know.
Two spouses working in the same family meant only that ones kids were finally grown and life was probably getting boring. Now its necessary for survival. Think about it. Have all our innovations really improved our lives? it just doesn't sem so anymore.
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