Lady lumps and baby bumps and a pocket full of posies.
Are you glad government schools teach sex education so we will learn the truth about reproduction?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Responsible Debit Card Use
Some people can't handle credit cards (about 50% of us) and run up huge debts. Some people have problems with their debit cards as well. I was once in both categories but I am the type of person who learns from my mistakes. I never use credit cards, although my wife and I have one. Or rather she has one. I don't even know what it looks like.
I do have a debit card and it stays in my wallet except on Tuesdays. I use it to withdraw my weekly allowance from the ATM. The only other time I ever use it is to buy a tank of gas before i have the opportunity to get by the bank for my allowance. I just subtract the amount of the purchase from my withdrawal and I'm back on track.
A cashless society has it advantages but promoting fiscal responsibility isn't one of them. Using plastic to buy stuff with makes it easy to forget that the money supply is dwindling. Each week I decide what I need to spend money on: A tank of gas, a plant for the yard, a haircut, an oil change, a trip to visit my mother, or a project or want that I need to save up for. Sometimes it comes down to one need or another but not both. Paying cash brings home that reality while using plastic just postpones the inevitable: the piper will be paid or we will face dire consequences.
I do have a debit card and it stays in my wallet except on Tuesdays. I use it to withdraw my weekly allowance from the ATM. The only other time I ever use it is to buy a tank of gas before i have the opportunity to get by the bank for my allowance. I just subtract the amount of the purchase from my withdrawal and I'm back on track.
A cashless society has it advantages but promoting fiscal responsibility isn't one of them. Using plastic to buy stuff with makes it easy to forget that the money supply is dwindling. Each week I decide what I need to spend money on: A tank of gas, a plant for the yard, a haircut, an oil change, a trip to visit my mother, or a project or want that I need to save up for. Sometimes it comes down to one need or another but not both. Paying cash brings home that reality while using plastic just postpones the inevitable: the piper will be paid or we will face dire consequences.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
911 futility
Randleman's police department only staffs the department until 5 o'clock and calling 9-1-1 to have the cops enforce the noise ordinance is an exercise in futility. I wanted a nice quiet neighborhgood to live in and except for one family it is so. ..3
Why is there always one to make things bad for everyone?
Why is there always one to make things bad for everyone?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I said the day the Michael jackson died that one day rumors will float around claiming he isn't dead and today that rumor finally hit the internet. A video showing an ambulance picking up Jackson's body was referenced with another video of a person who had a strong resembalnce to Jackson' backside hopping out of the back of an ambulance. The proof that Jackson is alive is not only did the person resemble Jackson from the back, the a,bulance was the same make and model as the one which picked the body up and had a similar if not identical paint job.
I'm sorry but I'm sure a city like city like Los Angelas has more than one ambulance and I'm sure more than one similar van was purchased. I'm almost positive that the city would have a similar paint job on all their ambulances. Every city I've ever lived in has standard designs for their equipment. Hardly reliable evidence that the person was Jackson or even a male.
I'm sorry but I'm sure a city like city like Los Angelas has more than one ambulance and I'm sure more than one similar van was purchased. I'm almost positive that the city would have a similar paint job on all their ambulances. Every city I've ever lived in has standard designs for their equipment. Hardly reliable evidence that the person was Jackson or even a male.
not so sure I want to go
USMagazine, August 26, 2009
Related: Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt
Meet the new Queen of Pop?
Spencer Pratt tells MTV's "The After Show" that his wife Heidi is the "new, modern day, 2010 Michael Jackson."
When host Jessi Cruickshank points out Jackson is dead, Spencer gestures to Heidi and says, "Yeah, but here it is, it's living, like the Holy Spirit."
"Like, Michael Jackson's in heaven," he continues.
Related: Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt
Meet the new Queen of Pop?
Spencer Pratt tells MTV's "The After Show" that his wife Heidi is the "new, modern day, 2010 Michael Jackson."
When host Jessi Cruickshank points out Jackson is dead, Spencer gestures to Heidi and says, "Yeah, but here it is, it's living, like the Holy Spirit."
"Like, Michael Jackson's in heaven," he continues.
Good idea
The governor of California has decided to use Craiglist, e-bay, and the internet to sell stuff to help reduce the states deficit. Maybe Obama could do the same for the rest of the country. We could sell Alaska back to Russia, Lousiana back to the country we bought them from, and swap New York for a % of the debt we owe China.
Instead of holding elections next year, maybe the various states can just aution the seats off to the highest bidders like some governors have.
I also have a plan for health care reform. If one is rich, then you receive the best of care. If you are middle class, then you get what you can afford. if you are employed but poor, you can go to the nurse-in-a-box places along with the unemployed but not broke yet crowd.
If you don't have a job and never had a job, and don't want a job, then you get to attend the end of life classes the government wants to give us. If you are not an American citizen and do not have a legal right to be in this country, you will be entitled to receive alternative medicine treatments in Mexico.
Instead of holding elections next year, maybe the various states can just aution the seats off to the highest bidders like some governors have.
I also have a plan for health care reform. If one is rich, then you receive the best of care. If you are middle class, then you get what you can afford. if you are employed but poor, you can go to the nurse-in-a-box places along with the unemployed but not broke yet crowd.
If you don't have a job and never had a job, and don't want a job, then you get to attend the end of life classes the government wants to give us. If you are not an American citizen and do not have a legal right to be in this country, you will be entitled to receive alternative medicine treatments in Mexico.
I think I'm going to be sick
Would anyone really fix and then eat this c---.
Would anyone really fix and then eat this c---.
Recovery of economy
Word has it that it will take the stock market another five to ten years to fully recover from the bursting of the bubble. (two years ago, a panel of economists on NPR said the bursting of the bubble would be a slow leak-that turned out to be totally wrong).
For me that seems to be good news. So far my retirement stocks have increased in value 150% since February 16, 2009 so I have not only recovered all that was lost but gained a good percentage as well. It was hard to stay in the market but with a few tweaks here and there it has paid off. I have a car payment on one car and my mortgage but otherwise I live on a pay as I go plan. Sometimes it is tempting to borrow money on a credit card to buy some things I need to finish a few projects around the house but I am able to resist. I work too hard for my money to be giving any of my meagar wages to someone else.
If I could pay the balance off within 30 days the I can save enough money in that time period to pay cash for what I want. So far, the economic crisis has worked in my favor. My savings have increased dramatically and I was able to afford a home at a very good price. Now if only I could sell my mountain property.
For me that seems to be good news. So far my retirement stocks have increased in value 150% since February 16, 2009 so I have not only recovered all that was lost but gained a good percentage as well. It was hard to stay in the market but with a few tweaks here and there it has paid off. I have a car payment on one car and my mortgage but otherwise I live on a pay as I go plan. Sometimes it is tempting to borrow money on a credit card to buy some things I need to finish a few projects around the house but I am able to resist. I work too hard for my money to be giving any of my meagar wages to someone else.
If I could pay the balance off within 30 days the I can save enough money in that time period to pay cash for what I want. So far, the economic crisis has worked in my favor. My savings have increased dramatically and I was able to afford a home at a very good price. Now if only I could sell my mountain property.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Evil thoughts
My first thought after learning Ed Kennedy passed was now Obama only has 59 votes in the senate. Does that make me a bad person?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Time for a new party
If Obama can be defeated and the momentum taken out of his tenture in office and the bite removed from his words, the Republican Party might feel as if it has been rejuvenated. But after Bush and the mistakes of the GOP in the last eight years, I don't think America is ready for a revitalized republican Party. It is still the party of business, the ultra rich and the religious right.
What is needed is a new party, one that shows it cares about the people but also encourages self reliance while embracing business but not at the expense of the workers. Maybe it could be called the Progressive Party or the American Party.
What is needed is a new party, one that shows it cares about the people but also encourages self reliance while embracing business but not at the expense of the workers. Maybe it could be called the Progressive Party or the American Party.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
political cartoons and fat people
During this health care reform debate, several political cartoons have appeared that depict the high cost of health care is the USA on fat people. One of the most common reasons people file bankruptsy is because of medical bills and it is true that being overwight is not healthy, one cannot say because one is fat, everyone else's health care cost will increase.
Recently a local woman died. She was a beautiful women, in her fifties. Her identical twin sister died a year earlier. Car accidents, hunting accidents, injuries in war time (yes, we are at war), indudtrial accidents, failed murder attempts, cancers, industrial toxins, and other long term illnesses also take a toll on health care costs.
While probably true that for the average person costs of health care increases as they age, but so does the amount of ones income that is spent on health care. To be honest, I do not think that old people and fat people are the cause of the health care crisis in the USA.
Recently a local woman died. She was a beautiful women, in her fifties. Her identical twin sister died a year earlier. Car accidents, hunting accidents, injuries in war time (yes, we are at war), indudtrial accidents, failed murder attempts, cancers, industrial toxins, and other long term illnesses also take a toll on health care costs.
While probably true that for the average person costs of health care increases as they age, but so does the amount of ones income that is spent on health care. To be honest, I do not think that old people and fat people are the cause of the health care crisis in the USA.
Two Best Buy employees who tackled a shoplifter were fired for violating company policy
I understand the company policy. Many years ago. concealment of merchandise was considered proof and was all that was needed to get a conviction but the law now says that a shoplifter must have passed the registers thereby showing intent by passing up the last opportunity to pay for the items and the store must have continuance of evidence. (Store personnel must actually see the person pick-up an item, conceal it, and must not allow that person out of their sight until stopped).
Under shoplifting laws, an accused person did not have the right to sue the store or its employees if their detention was done in a reasonable manner but under current law, convictions are harder to get and the person must actually leave the store before many stores will stop a suspect. Once they leave the store it is not considered shoplifting but larceny and the accused does retain the right to sue a store if found not guilty of larceny.
Stores now require that only management level employees can stop a suspect to help protect the store from lawsuits and they also forbid employees from pursuing a suspect to prevent injury to the employee.
An employee can be disciplined for violating these policies because their actions in detaining or pursuing a suspect may prove to be mush more costly to the company than the value of the merchandise that was being stolen.
Under shoplifting laws, an accused person did not have the right to sue the store or its employees if their detention was done in a reasonable manner but under current law, convictions are harder to get and the person must actually leave the store before many stores will stop a suspect. Once they leave the store it is not considered shoplifting but larceny and the accused does retain the right to sue a store if found not guilty of larceny.
Stores now require that only management level employees can stop a suspect to help protect the store from lawsuits and they also forbid employees from pursuing a suspect to prevent injury to the employee.
An employee can be disciplined for violating these policies because their actions in detaining or pursuing a suspect may prove to be mush more costly to the company than the value of the merchandise that was being stolen.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The first ladies pants
Michelle wore shorts and the media reported some people were upset but so far no one has been quoted directly as being upset. I certainly wasn't upset by the shot of her wearing shorts. I was surprised when I found out that the guy on the right with the boobs was actually the first lady but I certainly wasn't upset by her shorts.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Definition: Open Mind
If you listen to my ideas then you have an open mind, but if you won't, then you are a closed minded person. A liberal wants you to tolerate their ideas, tolerate new ways of thinking, and entertain the ideas of change but don't dare disagree with them or they will hurt you or your business. In the story below, some customers disagree with the president of whole foods political views so are calling for a boycott.
I guess it is true: If you agree with Obama, you are liberated, if you don't you are un-American.
Why investors should cross Whole Foods off their shopping lists
Posted Aug 17 2009, 02:15 PM by Minyanville Filed under: Toyota, Whole Foods, Todd Harrison
This article was written by Minyanville's Josh Lipton
The Mother Earth-friendly crowd might enjoy the natural, organic foods lining the pristine shelves of their neighborhood Whole Foods Market (WFMI), but some of them don’t seem as appreciative of the politics of the company’s chief executive.
John Mackey, the controversial co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, penned an editorial last week in The Wall Street Journal, in which he came down hard on Obama’s health care reform plan. Mackey called for a move toward “less government control and more individual empowerment” rather than “a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system.”
Bing: Whole Foods
Unsurprisingly, not all of Mackey’s Prius (TM)-driving customers appear to agree with his views. (Though he's certainly managed to alienate them before: see CEOs Gone Wild: John Mackey for more.) Now, some of these once loyal patrons are threatening to boycott Whole Foods to demonstrate their opposition.
Those Whole Foods shoppers with a left-leaning political bias and a modem bent have moved to the Internet, where they’re reportedly calling for a boycott on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Read More...
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A Whole Foods boycott?
Posted Aug 17 2009, 01:44 PM by Kim Peterson Rating: Filed under: Kim Peterson, Whole Foods
There is a small movement afoot to boycott Whole Foods (WFMI) after chief executive John Mackey wrote an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal suggesting eight fixes for health care.
More than 10,000 people have joined the "Boycott Whole Foods" Facebook page. The site decries what it sees as Whole Foods' anti-union, anti-health insurance reform, right-wing stance. "Whole Foods has the right to be as hateful and selfish as they wanna be," the page states. "We also have the right to starve them of our $."
Bing: More on John Mackey
I read Mackey's piece, and I'm sure he didn't set out to enrage the good portion of his customer base that leans left. But some customers are upset, particularly with Mackey's decision to include this quote from Margaret Thatcher at the beginning: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
Here's the CliffsNotes version of the rest of the piece: Read More...
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I guess it is true: If you agree with Obama, you are liberated, if you don't you are un-American.
Why investors should cross Whole Foods off their shopping lists
Posted Aug 17 2009, 02:15 PM by Minyanville Filed under: Toyota, Whole Foods, Todd Harrison
This article was written by Minyanville's Josh Lipton
The Mother Earth-friendly crowd might enjoy the natural, organic foods lining the pristine shelves of their neighborhood Whole Foods Market (WFMI), but some of them don’t seem as appreciative of the politics of the company’s chief executive.
John Mackey, the controversial co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, penned an editorial last week in The Wall Street Journal, in which he came down hard on Obama’s health care reform plan. Mackey called for a move toward “less government control and more individual empowerment” rather than “a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system.”
Bing: Whole Foods
Unsurprisingly, not all of Mackey’s Prius (TM)-driving customers appear to agree with his views. (Though he's certainly managed to alienate them before: see CEOs Gone Wild: John Mackey for more.) Now, some of these once loyal patrons are threatening to boycott Whole Foods to demonstrate their opposition.
Those Whole Foods shoppers with a left-leaning political bias and a modem bent have moved to the Internet, where they’re reportedly calling for a boycott on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Read More...
Discuss (3 comments) 277 Views Digg this | Email this | Link to this
A Whole Foods boycott?
Posted Aug 17 2009, 01:44 PM by Kim Peterson Rating: Filed under: Kim Peterson, Whole Foods
There is a small movement afoot to boycott Whole Foods (WFMI) after chief executive John Mackey wrote an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal suggesting eight fixes for health care.
More than 10,000 people have joined the "Boycott Whole Foods" Facebook page. The site decries what it sees as Whole Foods' anti-union, anti-health insurance reform, right-wing stance. "Whole Foods has the right to be as hateful and selfish as they wanna be," the page states. "We also have the right to starve them of our $."
Bing: More on John Mackey
I read Mackey's piece, and I'm sure he didn't set out to enrage the good portion of his customer base that leans left. But some customers are upset, particularly with Mackey's decision to include this quote from Margaret Thatcher at the beginning: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
Here's the CliffsNotes version of the rest of the piece: Read More...
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What if John Edwards had won the Democratic nomination? What if he were president?
He didn't. Why speculate? There are enough problems in the real world so let us deal with them.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Woman sues marriot over rape
Three years ago, a woman was raped at gunpoint in front of her children at a Connecticut hotel. She sued. Now the hotel says she was careless and negligent.
Her claim is that a hotel employee saw a man loitering in the garage area and didn't question him as to why he was there. Apparently his presence didn't bother her enough to seek hotel security or police assistance. If she wasn't alert enough, or concerned enough about her safety and the safety of her children to alert security or the cops, then why would she expect the hotel to be concerned enough to question the man.
The article doesn't say if the victim was of one race and the rapist was of the same or different race but if the rapist was black and was questioned about his presence, couldn't that be construed as racial profiling and maybe the rapist could have sued the hotel for discrimination or cost them business by insinuating the motel.hotel chain was racist.
Cops couldn't stop and question the man because of probably cause laws and unless the employee saw the same man over an extended period of time he may not have had any idea that the rapist was a maintenance worker, a grounds keeper, a quest, or had some other legitimate reason to be there.
It it should have been obvious to the motel worker the man was dangerous, it should have been equally obvious to the victim that the man was dangerous.
I'm sorry she was raped but I'll have to side with the motel on this issue. When are Americans going to start taking responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming others?
Her claim is that a hotel employee saw a man loitering in the garage area and didn't question him as to why he was there. Apparently his presence didn't bother her enough to seek hotel security or police assistance. If she wasn't alert enough, or concerned enough about her safety and the safety of her children to alert security or the cops, then why would she expect the hotel to be concerned enough to question the man.
The article doesn't say if the victim was of one race and the rapist was of the same or different race but if the rapist was black and was questioned about his presence, couldn't that be construed as racial profiling and maybe the rapist could have sued the hotel for discrimination or cost them business by insinuating the motel.hotel chain was racist.
Cops couldn't stop and question the man because of probably cause laws and unless the employee saw the same man over an extended period of time he may not have had any idea that the rapist was a maintenance worker, a grounds keeper, a quest, or had some other legitimate reason to be there.
It it should have been obvious to the motel worker the man was dangerous, it should have been equally obvious to the victim that the man was dangerous.
I'm sorry she was raped but I'll have to side with the motel on this issue. When are Americans going to start taking responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming others?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
It doesn't matter the color, all Presidents lie
The only difference ; if you criticize Obama, you are a racist.
A liberal believes Conservatives are closed minded. A conservative believes he has sound principles to live by.
Some people believed Best Buy was selling $1700.00 TV's for $9.99,
Some people believe Jesus was a white man. Some proposed that he was black just for the shock value. Some people think Obama is Jesus.
Opponenrs of helth care freform think Democrats want to kill the elderly and control the masses by controlling ones access to health care and having access to all your personal records. Democrats think everyone who believes that is crazy.
Obama believes any kind of change is better than the status quo if the status quo isn't perfect. We all can believe in that.
A liberal believes Conservatives are closed minded. A conservative believes he has sound principles to live by.
Some people believed Best Buy was selling $1700.00 TV's for $9.99,
Some people believe Jesus was a white man. Some proposed that he was black just for the shock value. Some people think Obama is Jesus.
Opponenrs of helth care freform think Democrats want to kill the elderly and control the masses by controlling ones access to health care and having access to all your personal records. Democrats think everyone who believes that is crazy.
Obama believes any kind of change is better than the status quo if the status quo isn't perfect. We all can believe in that.
Deli Meat slugfeast
An article in the Courier highlighted the controversial decision by Harris-Teeter to switch from Deitz and Watson to Boar's Head. There is lots of money at stake in the decision but the article was misleading in one point. While it's true that H-T has over 100 stores not all are making the switch at once. For now, only the higher volume stores are changing.
The switch is expensive and time-consuming. Yes, it's a big deal. Boar's head furnished all relevant employees with hats, smocks, and shirts as well as company help during the promotional period and will provide a permanent worker who will be responsible for product rotation, ordering, and stocking.
Deitz and Watson plan to hold a taste test to gather ammunition to fight back with so they can regain the H-T business. Taste isn't the issue here and Deitz and Watson
can't win on those arguments. New Coke won in taste tastes agaisnt Coke classic and we all know what happened in that situation.
I've heard the customer complaints. Not once has anyone commented on rather having Deitz and Watson back or not liking Boarh's head nor have there been complaint about the price. The number one complaint has been the elimination of the Harris-Teeter brand from about the mix in the Fresh Foods (Deli) Department.
The switch is expensive and time-consuming. Yes, it's a big deal. Boar's head furnished all relevant employees with hats, smocks, and shirts as well as company help during the promotional period and will provide a permanent worker who will be responsible for product rotation, ordering, and stocking.
Deitz and Watson plan to hold a taste test to gather ammunition to fight back with so they can regain the H-T business. Taste isn't the issue here and Deitz and Watson
can't win on those arguments. New Coke won in taste tastes agaisnt Coke classic and we all know what happened in that situation.
I've heard the customer complaints. Not once has anyone commented on rather having Deitz and Watson back or not liking Boarh's head nor have there been complaint about the price. The number one complaint has been the elimination of the Harris-Teeter brand from about the mix in the Fresh Foods (Deli) Department.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Talk me into death
There seems to be some controversy about page 435 of the house bill on health care reform. Some say it's the governments way of getting rid of old people. In the Asheboro paper, one columnists laughed at the looney right and said the provisions on page 435 were just to insure that doctors are fairly compesated for their consulting services.
His arguments were well made and seemed to make nay-sayers seem foolish. But there was a basic flaw in his conclusion that page 435 was just to make sure doctors were fairly conpensated for their services. That flaw, as I see it, is that doctors consult with patients on many issues and good doctors will discuss optional treatment methods with their patients. Those situations were ignored on page 435. The only consulting that the doctors are guarenteed fair compensdation for is for living-will and end of life consulting.
How quaint!
His arguments were well made and seemed to make nay-sayers seem foolish. But there was a basic flaw in his conclusion that page 435 was just to make sure doctors were fairly conpensated for their services. That flaw, as I see it, is that doctors consult with patients on many issues and good doctors will discuss optional treatment methods with their patients. Those situations were ignored on page 435. The only consulting that the doctors are guarenteed fair compensdation for is for living-will and end of life consulting.
How quaint!
One's insensitive

Of these three men, one was called a racist, another claimed the racist acted stupidly, and the third man demanded an apology. In case you arn't aware of who these men are, one (the alleged racist is a police office) Mr. Crowley. The second man is Mr. Gates, a professor at Harvard who has a high opinion of himself, and the third is Barrack Obama, the current President of the United States of America who happens to hold the world record in spending this country into debt.
Now professor Gates is in his eighties and as such would have a difficult time walking down so many steps. True to form, the President is oblivious to what is going on around him. Mr. Crowley is the one helping the older gentleman down the steps.
I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt and said he wasn't aware of what was happening around him. Even if that were true, which isn't at all a good quality for our countries leader to have, it still is better than the other option: that he just doesn't give a damn.
You decide: fool or jerk
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Why Clinton?
The big question lately is what did the USA trade of the release of the two journalists from North Korea. According to one of the journalists, all Kim Jong Il wanted was Bill Clinton in his country and the photo op. Now how does one go about explointing that picture for his own benefit?
Maybe the organization that Bill clinton heads is causing the North Koreans problems and considering the reputation Bill has with women, perhaps Il thought Bill might compromise himself if allowed to travel half way around the world with two grateful women.
Maybe the organization that Bill clinton heads is causing the North Koreans problems and considering the reputation Bill has with women, perhaps Il thought Bill might compromise himself if allowed to travel half way around the world with two grateful women.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
links to no where
It seems that the latest gimmick in journalism in the link. More and more stories are being written where there is a link at the end of each paragraph. One such story was on "Mom" jeans, a term I had never heard or paid attention to until Obmama was accused of wearing a pair when he threw out the opening pitch during a ball game.
Now if I had writtten that it the new style, I would have included a link to Mom jeansand asked where Obama was when he was seen wearing a pair and included a link to that story.
I don't have time for that foolishness. If one is going to write a story then say what you have to say. It's okay to add a link if providing a way for the reader to gain more in dept information or to provide background to the story one is writting. To add one to the end of every paragraph or sentence makes for as much pleasure in reading as trying to eat dinner with a fork in your eyeball.
Here is an example article:
What are "mom jeans," and why do people make fun of them?
President Barack Obama has been accused of wearing them. The women of "Saturday Night Live" spoofed them. Jessica Simpson ended up on magazine covers because of them. We search for more on the fashion don't that is "mom jeans."
What are they? Key mom jeans features include a high waist, tapered legs, light blue denim and unflattering fit. (Search found photos.)
Live from New York: "Saturday Night Live" stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler helped further the anti-mom-jeans cause with their 2003 commercial parody. (Watch the video.)
Hail to the not-so-chic: President Obama was accused of wearing the dad's version of mom jeans when he threw out the first pitch at this year's MLB All-Star game. (What did he say about his fashion sense?)
Major fashion victim: Jessica Simpson took some heat for wearing mom jeans, causing speculation about her weight gain. (See pictures of her in the jeans.)
Not just for moms: Some famous, young, childless women seem determined to popularize the denim atrocities. (Who are they?)
Haute couture: High-waisted, pleated jeans were seen on one designer's runways this spring. (Who was it?)
The queen of talk: Oprah Winfrey joined other women on her show for much-needed denim interventions. (See photos of the blue jeans makeovers.)
Not as tasty as it sounds: One side effect of ill-fitting jeans is the dreaded "muffin top." (Find out more about this fashion no-no.)
In that short article there are thirteen (13) links. Who has the time or patience to search that many links, especially about something as mundane as "mom" jeans.
Now if I had writtten that it the new style, I would have included a link to Mom jeansand asked where Obama was when he was seen wearing a pair and included a link to that story.
I don't have time for that foolishness. If one is going to write a story then say what you have to say. It's okay to add a link if providing a way for the reader to gain more in dept information or to provide background to the story one is writting. To add one to the end of every paragraph or sentence makes for as much pleasure in reading as trying to eat dinner with a fork in your eyeball.
Here is an example article:
What are "mom jeans," and why do people make fun of them?
President Barack Obama has been accused of wearing them. The women of "Saturday Night Live" spoofed them. Jessica Simpson ended up on magazine covers because of them. We search for more on the fashion don't that is "mom jeans."
What are they? Key mom jeans features include a high waist, tapered legs, light blue denim and unflattering fit. (Search found photos.)
Live from New York: "Saturday Night Live" stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler helped further the anti-mom-jeans cause with their 2003 commercial parody. (Watch the video.)
Hail to the not-so-chic: President Obama was accused of wearing the dad's version of mom jeans when he threw out the first pitch at this year's MLB All-Star game. (What did he say about his fashion sense?)
Major fashion victim: Jessica Simpson took some heat for wearing mom jeans, causing speculation about her weight gain. (See pictures of her in the jeans.)
Not just for moms: Some famous, young, childless women seem determined to popularize the denim atrocities. (Who are they?)
Haute couture: High-waisted, pleated jeans were seen on one designer's runways this spring. (Who was it?)
The queen of talk: Oprah Winfrey joined other women on her show for much-needed denim interventions. (See photos of the blue jeans makeovers.)
Not as tasty as it sounds: One side effect of ill-fitting jeans is the dreaded "muffin top." (Find out more about this fashion no-no.)
In that short article there are thirteen (13) links. Who has the time or patience to search that many links, especially about something as mundane as "mom" jeans.
Monday, August 03, 2009
crime and recession
The cost ($28,000) to house a prisoner for a year in a NC prison is finally causing lawmakers to consder changes to our laws to reduce the number of people in our prison system. Indeed they should but not because of the cost. If we are having to build more and more prisons then at some point we have to realize the system isn't working.
One of the situations I've been pointing out for years is with crack addicted girls working the streets, selling their bodies tor money to get their next fix. Society, in an effort to convince these women to stop doing what they are doing is actually making it impossible to "get out" of the business.
They move from place to place, no permanent home, and with their worldly pocession stuffed into black plastic garbage bags. When they are arrested, they lose everything. When released after two or three days in jail they no longer have a place to live or any clothes so they have to start working again to afford a room for the night and a change of clothing.
Somehow it just seems so much cheaper to get these women drug treatment, phycological treatment, and job trainning, and give them a helping hand to enable them to start live again as a clean productive person.
One of the situations I've been pointing out for years is with crack addicted girls working the streets, selling their bodies tor money to get their next fix. Society, in an effort to convince these women to stop doing what they are doing is actually making it impossible to "get out" of the business.
They move from place to place, no permanent home, and with their worldly pocession stuffed into black plastic garbage bags. When they are arrested, they lose everything. When released after two or three days in jail they no longer have a place to live or any clothes so they have to start working again to afford a room for the night and a change of clothing.
Somehow it just seems so much cheaper to get these women drug treatment, phycological treatment, and job trainning, and give them a helping hand to enable them to start live again as a clean productive person.
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