Word has it that it will take the stock market another five to ten years to fully recover from the bursting of the bubble. (two years ago, a panel of economists on NPR said the bursting of the bubble would be a slow leak-that turned out to be totally wrong).
For me that seems to be good news. So far my retirement stocks have increased in value 150% since February 16, 2009 so I have not only recovered all that was lost but gained a good percentage as well. It was hard to stay in the market but with a few tweaks here and there it has paid off. I have a car payment on one car and my mortgage but otherwise I live on a pay as I go plan. Sometimes it is tempting to borrow money on a credit card to buy some things I need to finish a few projects around the house but I am able to resist. I work too hard for my money to be giving any of my meagar wages to someone else.
If I could pay the balance off within 30 days the I can save enough money in that time period to pay cash for what I want. So far, the economic crisis has worked in my favor. My savings have increased dramatically and I was able to afford a home at a very good price. Now if only I could sell my mountain property.
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