Tell Sarah: Keep Your Claws Off the Senate
Sarah Palin is playing kingmaker: she’s traveled the country building up candidates she calls “Mama Grizzlies” – super conservatives who’ll use Palin as a political role model.
It’s time to put the “Mama Grizzlies” in a political cage before they get loose in our nation’s capital.
Sign the petition below, and give Sarah Palin a piece of your mind. Tell her to go back to ignoring the people of Alaska instead of playing political games with our nation’s future.
No, you can't sign the petition here. I like Sarah Palin but not as the President of the United States. But she would be much preferred over Nancy Pelosi.
I'm not sugesting one vote Republican this Novmber--just don't vote for a Democrat.
I suppose that in the minds of the present leadership they believe they are doing a good job but in reality they arn't. The economy is stagnant, jobs are hard to come by, everyone place is trying to raise revenue to keep in place progrmas they have already passed (though some may need to be cut or eliminated).
In my family, if my income goes down, I have to look for ways to cut expenses or increase my income. government does the same thing except that government produces nothing. They claim they do things for the public good but in reality they can only take from you and give to some one else.
I have no way to combat higher sales taxes but to spend less. if we go to the value added tax, I may have to resort to making my own stuff or getting rid of some of the stuff I already have.
I like to grill out but charcoal is expensive. I enjoy my fish pond but I may have to drain the pond and eat thr fish. I may have to learn to make candles and turn off a few lights around the house. I don't need any more fairy tale "hope I can believe in" promises, any more good for me government programs, or nervous feelings about an uncertain future.
Like me, the government needs to learn to spend only what they have and to let the normal ebbs and flows of life take it course with only gentle guidance from above, a more dimplomatic approach to solving the worlds problems and more pragmatic solutions to solving our own.
We don't need political parties unwilling to solve the immigration problems because they are trying to woe the minority vote in order to remain in power. We don't need a dominate political power because once we have such a system in place, the ballot box no longer controls the politicians. Just like the econmy gets out of wack and needs a guiding hand to lead it back in the right direction, our political system gets out of wack and needs a vote to steer us correctly, Lately, things have gotten so out of whack and Republicans and Democrats have become enemies insteak of just adversaries that the pulls, pushing and jerks of the wheel are threatning to tear this country apart rather than gentle guide it down the path.
we need candidates that can tell use why they should be elected rather tahn candidates telling us why their opponents should be defeated. We don't need to remake this country into something different but we do need to keep it on course. Our country was designed to be controlled from the bottom up and not the top down and I believe our leaders have forgotten that. we need a way to find our way back to where we were so we can continue to be the great nation we once were.
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