John mcCain was desperate to revitalize a dying campaign. He needed to find a candidate that would counter Clinton, Obama, and youth as his running mate. He was viewed as too old, too white, and too much like George W. Bush. Who better, he thought, than a young, beautiful, dynamic, proven candidate to shore up his sinking campaign. He choose Sarah Palin.
It didn't work for him. It could have had she been someone people could take seriously. She has the charisma, the fire, and the ambition to be more than she is capable of being. Many men, in thier dreams, are capable of pitching that perfect game in a World Series, or put on a exhibition of broken field running in pulling out the Super Bowl for their team, but it reality all we can do is buy some tickets to a regular season game.
Reality just hasn't sunk in for Sarah Palin yet. When it comes to answering substance questions like "what newspspaers do you read?" or "What was the Reagan Doctrine" or any of a host of other questions a viable candidate should know, she doesn't have a clue.
Adolph Hitler was a master of emotion, as are Penecostal Holiness preachers. if a person can get the mindless masses all worked into an emotional fernzy, they can lead you anywhere, even into murdering millions of people and into putting your life on the line in the belief you deserve to rule the world.
The truth is, the people were innocent and the world is just too big and nasty to be ruled by anyone man. Few us us ever make it to the big leagues. Sarah Palin is like the Scare Crow on the Wizard of Oz: she may be lovable but "if she only had a brain".