What a difference a few hours make. I listened to his speech with interestexpecting to hear him announce his resignation. At the beginning of the speech he promised tio give the people what they wanted. Apparently Obama did too because Obama had announced earlier in the day that history would be made when Mubarak gave his speech. In a way, I suppose it was because it is the first time I ever remember a US President making an announcement of grave importance and being wrong.
Mubarak said in his speech he would not cave to foreign pressure which I understood to mean he didn't give a damn what Obama wanted so I doubt he changed his mind because Obama was embarrassed he announced something was going to happen that didn't. Murbarak probably believed that if he assured the people that he would use his remaining time in office to ensure a smooth transition out of office the people would accept that and go on home. He was wrong.
What happened in Eygpt is a rare event indeed. Most revolutions require plenty of bloodshed. I was pleased when the Army moved in to protect the protesters from attacks by pro-government forces.
Thinking back over US history, had the mindset of today been the prevailing mindset 150 years ago, would history then judge Lincoln to be barbaric? How often today does sentiment rest with the factions in a country trying to separate itself from the mother country like in the breakup of the Soviet Union?
The Eygptians toppled their government peacefully and Sudan divided itself without bloodshed and all this happened within the month. How sad that the Islamic nations cannot let Israel abide in peace. The Jewish people have been the subject of so much hate and violence over the course of their history and only wants to live in peace. Considering what they have been through it is quite understandable their reluntance to trust any Arab country.
I wish that the peaceful change of governement as a result of the Eygptian revolution was the prelude to peace in the middle east but in truth may prove only the beginning of the next global war. If the brotherhood get a good foothold on the leadership, who is to stop them?
Not us, I'm afraid.
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