46% of people responding to a survey believe prostitution is a victimless crime and should not be illegal. I am not among that number but not for the reasons one mat think. My views have nothing to do with my religion or my religious views. I believe a person has a right to their own lifestyle choices. I have made mine and think I should be allowed to live my life my way and you can make yours and I'll not criticize you for your choices. If a person decides they want to earn money by charging money to have sex with whomever wants to pay them then I am fine with that, but with the following exceptions:
1. If the prostitution is working in the employ of another or has a lover, boyfriend, husband, or another person in her life that is sustained by a prostitutes income.
2. The prostitute is addicted to or uses any addictive or illegal substance
3. Is mentally ill.
4. Is a convicted felon.
In other words, if a person is working as a prostitute entirely free from outside influence whether that influence is a person, a substance, or an mental condition and is not now or every has been involved in felonious criminal activity then that person should be free to charge for her services.
I do believe that girls and/or women that are involved in forced prostitution should be treated as victims and not criminals and those that are mentally ill or addicted to drugs or alcohol should receive treatment for their addictions and proper support to give them the opportunity to change their lives. If, however, they fail to take advantage of those opportunities, then they should have to go through the judicial system like any other criminal.
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