"What if" is a stupid game. No one knows what would have happened if he had been white. Maybe if he had been white he wouldn't have been living in the ghetto. Maybe if he had been white he would have went home instead of standing around white Zimmerman used the phone in his car. If he had been white this wouldn't have made national news.
If Trayvon had been white maybe his parents would be divorced because the mother had a baby of a different race than the father. We can play this "What if" game all day and half the night but it would not make any difference. Is the mother saying that if her son had been white he would have been a better person? Is the father saying that if his son had been white he would have won the fight?
We can't deal in "What if's" What if I had not hurt my arm in high school could I have been in the major leagues? If I had been taller, or better looking, or had not got drafted during Vietnam or... I did hurt my arm, I am not tall, and I look like what I look like, and I did get drafted. What if doesn't matter.
I know. People play this game all the time. "What if I had not been late to work on that fateful day of Sept 11. We cannot live by what if. We have to live in the real world and deal with the decisions we make and the hand that life has dealt us. We were not born 100 years ago, a different race, or in a different place, or with a different face. What if Ted Bundy's mother had told him the truth and not claimed to be his sister? "What if" makes for good TV (Quantum Leap, anyone?) but it isn't real. We can only play the "What if" game before something happens. Maybe if we did we would make far better decisions.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Miley Cyrus had a wardrobe malfunction
How quaint. She now joins a long list of celebrities who can't keep their clothes on. The headlines claim she had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction and they were correct. No she wasn't embarrassed. I was. That is one ugly woman with a punk haircut. When her bra came loose my face turned red. She acted like she was pleased with herself.
Stevie Wonder boycotts Florida
Stevie Wonder boycotts Florida over verdict, saying that he will never perform in that state again. Next time a non-black is on trial for murder in the death of a black person instead of having a fair trial as guaranteed by our constitution a state should just call up Stevie Wonder and have him pronounce the verdict. After all he is blind like lady justice.
The funny thing about that is he really doesn't know he is black because he can't see. He has just accepted someone else's word about his skin color. He has accepted on faith that he is a certain color
so we should accept on faith that without hearing all the evidence, interviewing any witnesses, or knowing exactly what the legal definition of the charges against Zimmerman were, he has announced his verdict. Shame on Florida for using judges and lawyers and such to determine quilt or innocence.
After all Stevie Wonder has to know the truth because, after all, he is famous and has been told he is black. Geez, we should know better by now than to do things the legal way. Just hand people over to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jr. and Stevie Wonder. After all, they brand of justice has to be just as fair as that of the KKK.
The funny thing about that is he really doesn't know he is black because he can't see. He has just accepted someone else's word about his skin color. He has accepted on faith that he is a certain color
so we should accept on faith that without hearing all the evidence, interviewing any witnesses, or knowing exactly what the legal definition of the charges against Zimmerman were, he has announced his verdict. Shame on Florida for using judges and lawyers and such to determine quilt or innocence.
After all Stevie Wonder has to know the truth because, after all, he is famous and has been told he is black. Geez, we should know better by now than to do things the legal way. Just hand people over to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jr. and Stevie Wonder. After all, they brand of justice has to be just as fair as that of the KKK.
Darryl refused to join
Justice for Darryl
On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Green’s body was found behind a boarded-up house in the 6500-block of South Damen, face down on basement stairs. The body was so badly decomposed that originally, local news reports suggested that he had died of blunt force trauma. On Friday, an autopsy showed he had been shot to death. Relatives reported that Green had refused to join a gang at school.
Meanwhile, members of the media including Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson focused on the “not guilty” verdict in the George Zimmerman trial over Trayvon Martin. The only media outlets that have covered the murder of Darryl Green are The Chicago Sun-Times and ABC 7 Chicago. The New York Times’ Joe Nocera mentioned Green in passing in a blog post devoted to highlighting gun crimes across the country. President Obama has not commented on Green’s death. Neither have any other politicians, including local Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Neither has anyone at MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, or throughout the Hollywood community.
Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).
Monday, July 15, 2013
Legal Pot
This country is becoming more and more liberal. Not so many years in the past certain activities were frowned upon because they were considered wrong. Maybe no one could tell you exactly why the thing was wrong but in your heart you just knew it wasn't the thing to do. Values have changed and what was once unthinkable has now become more than just an under the radar activity but openly practiced and if not accepted at least tolerated.
Pot smoking is one of those things. Of course at one time it wasn't illegal. It didn't have to be as no one did it. I don't know who was the first to smoke this stuff or why they wanted to but they did. Criminals smoked the stuff but then again they did lots of stupid stuff. I really don't know when or why enough people started smoking marijuana that society felt threatened enough to make this stuff illegal. I don't know why anyone needs or wants to drink alcohol or abuse drugs, legal or illegal. But they do. They sniff paint, buy white powder from a thug in a dark alley or in neighborhoods no descent person would venture into during the daylight much less after dark, and inject liquids into their veins willingly with dirty needles when they fear getting a shot by a professional at the local medical clinic.
Personally it makes no difference if pot is legal or illegal as I've never tried it, used it, nor do I ever intend to, not even to only inhale. I believe the time is coming when pot is legal. After all women were given the right to vote, blacks were integrated into the school system, women can kill unborn babies legally, homosexuals can serve openly in the military, and if little Johnny decides he wants to dress like a girl he has to be allowed to use the girls restroom at school. What smoking a joint in the grand scheme of things?
The truth is I am surprised that pot has not already been legalized. After all, tobacco has been demonized (and rightly so) so the big tobacco companies are having to force their products overseas more and more. They will eventually have to stop producing cigarettes and certain economies will suffer greatly. North Carolina is one of those economies as big tobacco as always been a vital player in our well being.
With the push to ban smoking and reduce the number of smokers, it would make sense to substitute marijuana joints for cigarettes. The equipment and distribution network is already in place. Ohm I know when this does occur people will be smoking marijuana at their leisure just like they did cigarettes twenty years ago. Not sure just exactly how that is going to affect traffic accidents and insurance rates and job performance but it doesn't promise to be a pretty picture. But then again that's why it is illegal.
Pot smoking is one of those things. Of course at one time it wasn't illegal. It didn't have to be as no one did it. I don't know who was the first to smoke this stuff or why they wanted to but they did. Criminals smoked the stuff but then again they did lots of stupid stuff. I really don't know when or why enough people started smoking marijuana that society felt threatened enough to make this stuff illegal. I don't know why anyone needs or wants to drink alcohol or abuse drugs, legal or illegal. But they do. They sniff paint, buy white powder from a thug in a dark alley or in neighborhoods no descent person would venture into during the daylight much less after dark, and inject liquids into their veins willingly with dirty needles when they fear getting a shot by a professional at the local medical clinic.
Personally it makes no difference if pot is legal or illegal as I've never tried it, used it, nor do I ever intend to, not even to only inhale. I believe the time is coming when pot is legal. After all women were given the right to vote, blacks were integrated into the school system, women can kill unborn babies legally, homosexuals can serve openly in the military, and if little Johnny decides he wants to dress like a girl he has to be allowed to use the girls restroom at school. What smoking a joint in the grand scheme of things?
The truth is I am surprised that pot has not already been legalized. After all, tobacco has been demonized (and rightly so) so the big tobacco companies are having to force their products overseas more and more. They will eventually have to stop producing cigarettes and certain economies will suffer greatly. North Carolina is one of those economies as big tobacco as always been a vital player in our well being.
With the push to ban smoking and reduce the number of smokers, it would make sense to substitute marijuana joints for cigarettes. The equipment and distribution network is already in place. Ohm I know when this does occur people will be smoking marijuana at their leisure just like they did cigarettes twenty years ago. Not sure just exactly how that is going to affect traffic accidents and insurance rates and job performance but it doesn't promise to be a pretty picture. But then again that's why it is illegal.
Friday, July 12, 2013
One is the lonliest number
Being isolated is a terrible thing. Separation is used as punishment in our prison systems and as a form of torture in Korean and Vietnamese prisoner of war camps. One can be lonely in a crowd. One of the worst forms though comes about through the loss of a loved one.
I have a friend who married his high school sweetheart (but not until after his military service was complete) and stayed married to her until her death 48 years after they said "I do". He is really a likeable fellow and has friends but as he told me "no friend is going to spend the night and talk, listen, and care like a spouse would".
All I can be is a friend and I just don't know how to help him out of his depression. It is serious as he has thought about suicide to relieve the loneliness. What can I do to help?
I have a friend who married his high school sweetheart (but not until after his military service was complete) and stayed married to her until her death 48 years after they said "I do". He is really a likeable fellow and has friends but as he told me "no friend is going to spend the night and talk, listen, and care like a spouse would".
All I can be is a friend and I just don't know how to help him out of his depression. It is serious as he has thought about suicide to relieve the loneliness. What can I do to help?
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Darwin Award NOMINEE
GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. —A man has died after an accident he was involved in while setting off fireworks, according to Greenville County Deputy Coroner Mike Ellis.
Ellis said Robin Rhodes Smith, 54, died on the way to the hospital Thursday night.
Ellis said Smith was using lock-and-load launcher which involves dropping a flaming ball packet into a tube.
He said Smith was having an issue getting the device to work so he took the flaming ball packet out of the tube, used a pocket knife to put holes in the packet and put a fuse from another firework in it.
Witnesses told Ellis that Smith put the flaming ball packet in upside down and it went off and hit him in the chest.
Ellis said the base of the launcher is supposed to be put on the ground but Smith was holding the launcher in his hand with the base in the direction of his chest.
Read more: http://www.wyff4.com/news/local-news/greenville-news/coroner-upstate-man-dies-after-fireworks-shoots-into-his-chest/-/9654794/20850620/-/dhks6w/-/index.html#ixzz2YNsLwVdZ
Official cause of death was blunt force drama to the chest. Unofficial cause was stupidity.
The last bit of rain is finally succeeding in killing most of my garden. Potato plants died long ago and early on seeds were rotting before they could germinate. I did my best to save my tomato plants
but they are finally succumbing to excess water. Pumpkins rotted on the vine, cantaloupes are yellow, kale is tough and onions are soft. Beets and radishes didn't grow. It's just a disaster. My okra is hardly bigger than some of the grass that came up in the garden space. Not a single bit of clover germinated. If there if there is anything edible from the garden it does me not good as it is so muddy getting into the garden is near impossible.
If I had a raised garden bed drainage would have been much better and I would be looking at a bountiful harvest so as much as I would like to blame the weather I really can't. Making a raised garden bed is expensive and I'm not sure I could ever grow enough crops to justify the expense.
My pumpkin patch is a double disaster. Not only am I going to get few if any pumpkins, the pumpkin leaves that I counted on to shade the ground to retard weed growth just aren't there so I have an acre full of weeds. I guess I'll just have to save my money and hire someone to ploy the field for me this winter.
I don't think there is much, if anything, left to do for the garden. I did pick two squash, 4 cucumbers,
a couple of tomatoes, and about 8 pounds of kale. It wasn't a total loss but not very cost effective this year. Like the cubs fans say, there is always next year.
but they are finally succumbing to excess water. Pumpkins rotted on the vine, cantaloupes are yellow, kale is tough and onions are soft. Beets and radishes didn't grow. It's just a disaster. My okra is hardly bigger than some of the grass that came up in the garden space. Not a single bit of clover germinated. If there if there is anything edible from the garden it does me not good as it is so muddy getting into the garden is near impossible.
If I had a raised garden bed drainage would have been much better and I would be looking at a bountiful harvest so as much as I would like to blame the weather I really can't. Making a raised garden bed is expensive and I'm not sure I could ever grow enough crops to justify the expense.
My pumpkin patch is a double disaster. Not only am I going to get few if any pumpkins, the pumpkin leaves that I counted on to shade the ground to retard weed growth just aren't there so I have an acre full of weeds. I guess I'll just have to save my money and hire someone to ploy the field for me this winter.
I don't think there is much, if anything, left to do for the garden. I did pick two squash, 4 cucumbers,
a couple of tomatoes, and about 8 pounds of kale. It wasn't a total loss but not very cost effective this year. Like the cubs fans say, there is always next year.
Friday, July 05, 2013
Lost FOB
I purchased a used vehicle today. I think I got a good buy even though the car is nine years old. It looks almost like a brand new one with only 60,500 miles on it. After I agreed to purchase the car and the paperwork was filled out I noticed the salesman only had one key. I asked about the second one and he said the paperwork showed two. He couldn't find it.
I inquired later about ordering a new FOB and was told a new one was $50.00 plus there would be a forty-five dollar fee for programing it. Somehow I don't think that is right. If I lost it sure I should pay. But the dealership misplaced it. I think they should make it good. Don't you?
I inquired later about ordering a new FOB and was told a new one was $50.00 plus there would be a forty-five dollar fee for programing it. Somehow I don't think that is right. If I lost it sure I should pay. But the dealership misplaced it. I think they should make it good. Don't you?
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Your working environment
I've worked in retail for most of my life. With the exception of one construction job, and a couple of manufacturing jobs, most of my life has been in retail and most of that in grocery retail. I've never worked in an office. It's probably true that more of todays jobs involve office environments than when I started out but there are a lot of people who work manufacturing, retail and service industries who are not office workers. Why do Web Masters like Yahoo write so many articles that relate to the business man/office worker and ignore the rest of us?
Bizy Bodies
I never wanted to be a Bizy Body but sometimes ones neighbors just do stuff that is so outrageous that one just can't help but notice and want to do something about. Well, I have one of those neighbors.
First, he build a wooden shed, outbuilding, storage building, or whatever you want to call it. I had to listen to the Mexican Pokka everyday for 5 months but I suffered through it. After it was built he wrapped it with tar paper. I don't mean he covered it with tar paper. I mean he literally wrapped it in the stuff. Tar paper on one end flaps in the breeze. It's an eye sore.
he had some trees cut done and then he burned the brush. He set a neighbors outbuilding ablaze while burning his brush. He did not get a builder's permit nor did he anchor his building. He didn't get a burning permit either.
Oh, did I mention he built the building with it overlapping the property line? Yea, it's built about 2 or more feet across the line.
For the past year he has kept two pit bull puppies on his back porch. No affection, no play time, no attention to their needs. Last week he got rid of one of them. Now he has that one tied to a tree in his back yard. He still gives it no affection, attention, or exercise.
The frustrating thing is there isn't a thing I can do about it.
First, he build a wooden shed, outbuilding, storage building, or whatever you want to call it. I had to listen to the Mexican Pokka everyday for 5 months but I suffered through it. After it was built he wrapped it with tar paper. I don't mean he covered it with tar paper. I mean he literally wrapped it in the stuff. Tar paper on one end flaps in the breeze. It's an eye sore.
he had some trees cut done and then he burned the brush. He set a neighbors outbuilding ablaze while burning his brush. He did not get a builder's permit nor did he anchor his building. He didn't get a burning permit either.
Oh, did I mention he built the building with it overlapping the property line? Yea, it's built about 2 or more feet across the line.
For the past year he has kept two pit bull puppies on his back porch. No affection, no play time, no attention to their needs. Last week he got rid of one of them. Now he has that one tied to a tree in his back yard. He still gives it no affection, attention, or exercise.
The frustrating thing is there isn't a thing I can do about it.
Weather extremes
I've lived in Randleman for 4 years, in Randolph County for six years and this part of the state for the past 28 years and if I have learned one thing is that we never have an over abundance of rain. Sure, one year when I lived in Archdale it rained so much that, even though I lived on high ground, my koi ponds overflowed so much I had fish swimming in my back yard. But that was just for a few days and then back to normal.
It rained so much this spring my tomato plants were turning yellow. They are nice and green now and starting to produce although the tomatoes are small. My kale got tough because I couldn't get into the garden to pick it. Half my potatoes rotted in the ground, and many of my melon plants are still yellow from too much water. Grass has taken over a lot of my garden space because I can't get into the garden to weed it.
I replanted some items because seeds were rotting in the ground from the excess water. It has been a bad year for gardeners and farmers. I planted the crops that need a lot of water at the bottom of my sloping garden space and that is the area that is the muddiest and the plants are doing the worst.
I've never seen a summer like we are having now. Last year was hot and dry and I didn't think one could buy a drop of rain. My fish pond was being sucked dry by the heat and the water was a thick green from the excess algae growth. This year the pond has overflowed constantly, the water is fairly normal even though I had to go without a pump for a couple of weeks.
The cooler temperatures are nice this year but all this water is a bit much. I don't suppose we will ever have weather that makes everyone happy but a little less rain than we are having this year and a little more than last year would be nice. Everything in moderation, I suppose, is the answer.
It rained so much this spring my tomato plants were turning yellow. They are nice and green now and starting to produce although the tomatoes are small. My kale got tough because I couldn't get into the garden to pick it. Half my potatoes rotted in the ground, and many of my melon plants are still yellow from too much water. Grass has taken over a lot of my garden space because I can't get into the garden to weed it.
I replanted some items because seeds were rotting in the ground from the excess water. It has been a bad year for gardeners and farmers. I planted the crops that need a lot of water at the bottom of my sloping garden space and that is the area that is the muddiest and the plants are doing the worst.
I've never seen a summer like we are having now. Last year was hot and dry and I didn't think one could buy a drop of rain. My fish pond was being sucked dry by the heat and the water was a thick green from the excess algae growth. This year the pond has overflowed constantly, the water is fairly normal even though I had to go without a pump for a couple of weeks.
The cooler temperatures are nice this year but all this water is a bit much. I don't suppose we will ever have weather that makes everyone happy but a little less rain than we are having this year and a little more than last year would be nice. Everything in moderation, I suppose, is the answer.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Dennis Rodman wins Nobel Peace Prize
Not really . Well, at least not yet. He thinks he should receive it and I'm not so sure he isn't being considered. Barrack Obama won it a few years back and cheapened the prize. If Dennis Rodman wins one might as well hand them out to everyone that has never been arrested for a violent crime.
Dennis Rodman's visit to North Korea did nothing to advance peace. In fact it was shortly after his visit there that North Korea threatened to start a war. Let him go to Chicago or La and bring peace to the streets of those cities or sent him off to Mexico to end the drug wars between gangs and between drug lords and the police.
I think it hilarious that one conversation with an unstable man that almost caused a war is a poor excuse for thinking one is entitled to the Nobel Peace prize. How did Rodman get a passport anyway?
Dennis Rodman's visit to North Korea did nothing to advance peace. In fact it was shortly after his visit there that North Korea threatened to start a war. Let him go to Chicago or La and bring peace to the streets of those cities or sent him off to Mexico to end the drug wars between gangs and between drug lords and the police.
I think it hilarious that one conversation with an unstable man that almost caused a war is a poor excuse for thinking one is entitled to the Nobel Peace prize. How did Rodman get a passport anyway?
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
A legal question
"A man died late last night after being shot and run over.
Philadelphia Police say the yet-to-be-identified man was shot multiple times along the 4500 block of Morris Street -- near where Route 1 crosses through Fernhill Park -- in the city’s Germantown neighborhood around 10 p.m.
The victim managed to stumble down the street despite being shot twice in the back and once in the wrist, according to investigators. He eventually collapsed in the street.
A passing driver didn’t see the man passed out and wound up running over the man.
Police rushed the shooting victim to Temple University Hospital where he died from his wounds.
The driver who struck the shooting victim stopped and wasn’t charged, police said."
The above story was just reported and is true. My question is this: since the victim did not die of his bullet wounds would he be guilty of murder? I would think not since he did not actually kill the man.
Some may feel he is guilty of some degree of murder since his actions (shooting the man twice) lead to the mans eventual death and he should have known that his actions of shooting the man and leaving him without calling for help would likely lead to the mans death.
All of this is academic if investigators determine that the man who ran the victim over is also the shooter.
Monday, July 01, 2013
Road Rage
An Orlando man was killed in an alleged road rage shooting after he called 911 to report someone was chasing him. What would you do in a similar situation?
The victim, Fred William Turner, 47, was driving on Interstate 4 on Saturday afternoon when he made the 911 call. The other car then pulled up beside him, and someone inside pulled out what appeared to be a semi-automatic weapon, Turner told a dispatcher.
The dispatcher then heard multiple gunshots, Orlando's WKMG-TV reports. Turner was found dead at the scene.
The victim, Fred William Turner, 47, was driving on Interstate 4 on Saturday afternoon when he made the 911 call. The other car then pulled up beside him, and someone inside pulled out what appeared to be a semi-automatic weapon, Turner told a dispatcher.
The dispatcher then heard multiple gunshots, Orlando's WKMG-TV reports. Turner was found dead at the scene.
As the road rage shooting investigation continues, Orlando authorities are looking for the gunman. The suspect is believed to have been driving a newer model gray Ford Taurus with tinted windows, according to WKMG.
If caught, the shooter could potentially face a first-degree murder charge in Florida. While first-degree murder generally requires premeditation, even a few seconds of contemplation can suffice under the law.
So what should drivers do if they're caught in similarly scary road-rage situations? Here are a few tips:
Related Resources:
I was attacked in Marion, NC by a man who was mad because he couldn't merge onto the interstate and blamed me. He bent the top of my car. The police told him he needed to find a better way to handle his aggression and then let him go. The police then left me on the street with my engine running and me locked out of my car.
Sometimes one is better off not calling the cops.
If caught, the shooter could potentially face a first-degree murder charge in Florida. While first-degree murder generally requires premeditation, even a few seconds of contemplation can suffice under the law.
So what should drivers do if they're caught in similarly scary road-rage situations? Here are a few tips:
- Don't egg on aggressive drivers. You must realize that you can't control another driver's behavior -- but you can control your own. When another driver cuts you off or gives you the middle finger, don't engage him. Doing so could spell the difference between life and death. It may be best to try to put distance between you and the other driver, or even just take the next exit or turnoff.
- Know your own driving style. If you have a habit of tailgating, flashing headlights, making undignified gestures or talking on your cell phone, others may see you as an aggressive driver. This means you may need to keep your driving in check. When one aggressive driver engages another, things can escalate very quickly. Try to take the high road in such situations.
- Don't be the instigator. Don't be the driver who inspires the wrath of other drivers -- the one who drives way under the speed limit, skips turn signals, slows down excessively early for exits, accelerates unevenly and hogs lanes. If you don't improve these potentially annoying driving habits, you may provoke a road rage attack.
- Call 911. If you've taken all of the above precautions and find someone following you or making you fear for your safety, call the police immediately. There are a number of things you can do to make an effective 911 call, like describing the person who's chasing you, along with your present location and direction of travel. Above all, don't get out of your car, and don't hang up on the dispatcher.
Related Resources:
I was attacked in Marion, NC by a man who was mad because he couldn't merge onto the interstate and blamed me. He bent the top of my car. The police told him he needed to find a better way to handle his aggression and then let him go. The police then left me on the street with my engine running and me locked out of my car.
Sometimes one is better off not calling the cops.
tomatoes: The Superfood Cure-All
I love tomatoes and always have know they were good and good for you but an article on Yahoo sings the praises of a tomato as a super food. The article says they improve eye sight, reduce your chances of having a stroke and/or heart attack along with other virtues, like reduces your chances of getting sunburned.
I've eaten several out of my garden although all the rain threatened to kill all my tomato plants. A friend of mine lost all 72 of his put I only lost one. The fruits are smaller than normal but are beginning to ripen so in the next several weeks I should be getting plenty off the vine. I'm getting excited as I love home grown fresh tomatoes.
Wild blackberries are starting to ripen too. I've picked a couple of handfuls but I don't have many vines and they are hard to get to this year. I'm starting me a run of seedless blackberry plants. I only have one now but will expand them next year after I move one run of grapes.
My blueberry bushes are really growing this year but I discovered they are subject to cedar rust too. I've cut down many cedar trees but I can't go onto other people's property and I have a couple I set out as a privacy border but I treat them to prevent the formation of cedar rust. It doesn't seem as bad this year and I'm hoping as my grape vines get longer and some other plants get larger it will help prevent cedar rust from attacking my fruit trees and bushes.
My black cherry tree had a few berries this year; about five or so. Hopefully my other cherry trees will start producing next year although it could be another two or three years before they flower out.
My peaches are small. I'm not sure if that is due to all the rain or not. 0
I've eaten several out of my garden although all the rain threatened to kill all my tomato plants. A friend of mine lost all 72 of his put I only lost one. The fruits are smaller than normal but are beginning to ripen so in the next several weeks I should be getting plenty off the vine. I'm getting excited as I love home grown fresh tomatoes.
Wild blackberries are starting to ripen too. I've picked a couple of handfuls but I don't have many vines and they are hard to get to this year. I'm starting me a run of seedless blackberry plants. I only have one now but will expand them next year after I move one run of grapes.
My blueberry bushes are really growing this year but I discovered they are subject to cedar rust too. I've cut down many cedar trees but I can't go onto other people's property and I have a couple I set out as a privacy border but I treat them to prevent the formation of cedar rust. It doesn't seem as bad this year and I'm hoping as my grape vines get longer and some other plants get larger it will help prevent cedar rust from attacking my fruit trees and bushes.
My black cherry tree had a few berries this year; about five or so. Hopefully my other cherry trees will start producing next year although it could be another two or three years before they flower out.
My peaches are small. I'm not sure if that is due to all the rain or not. 0
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