I've lived in Randleman for 4 years, in Randolph County for six years and this part of the state for the past 28 years and if I have learned one thing is that we never have an over abundance of rain. Sure, one year when I lived in Archdale it rained so much that, even though I lived on high ground, my koi ponds overflowed so much I had fish swimming in my back yard. But that was just for a few days and then back to normal.
It rained so much this spring my tomato plants were turning yellow. They are nice and green now and starting to produce although the tomatoes are small. My kale got tough because I couldn't get into the garden to pick it. Half my potatoes rotted in the ground, and many of my melon plants are still yellow from too much water. Grass has taken over a lot of my garden space because I can't get into the garden to weed it.
I replanted some items because seeds were rotting in the ground from the excess water. It has been a bad year for gardeners and farmers. I planted the crops that need a lot of water at the bottom of my sloping garden space and that is the area that is the muddiest and the plants are doing the worst.
I've never seen a summer like we are having now. Last year was hot and dry and I didn't think one could buy a drop of rain. My fish pond was being sucked dry by the heat and the water was a thick green from the excess algae growth. This year the pond has overflowed constantly, the water is fairly normal even though I had to go without a pump for a couple of weeks.
The cooler temperatures are nice this year but all this water is a bit much. I don't suppose we will ever have weather that makes everyone happy but a little less rain than we are having this year and a little more than last year would be nice. Everything in moderation, I suppose, is the answer.
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