Someone posted a picture on my facebook page with the question: If one person believing in a make believe friend makes one delusional, what does million believing in a make believe person make them? I responded that neither God nor Jesus were make believe. One lady responded that of the 7 billion people on earth only 2.7 consider themselves Christians. Even the most evil among them would send over 4 billion people to live forever in a burning hell they pointed out so why would a so-called loving God.
God sends no one to hell. From the very beginning of time God has made a way of escape and Jesus himself stated that God does not wish any to perish but for all to have eternal life. The choice of where to spend eternity belongs to us.
For sure this world can be cruel and unforgiving and evil things happen to good people and good things happen to evil people. It just doesn't seem fair nor does it seem like a loving God would allow good people to suffer. God says that there is none good, no not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
What people fail to realize is that we have free will and having free will means that we are in control of our lives and our environment. God has made the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. In other words, life happens and some times good happens to us and sometimes bad happens to us, just as sometimes we get caught in the rain and sometimes we don't. Sometimes the rain is good and sometimes its bad.
Now if the people who complain about God being unfair by allowing bad things to happen to good people really wanted God to make things so that bad things didn't happen to good people then all they have to do is give their lives over to God. One day God will bring them to His home and they will live forever in peace. But if they want to remain in control of their own lives and reject God then who are they to complain because God doesn't make all their dreams come true?
Folks, one can't have it both ways. Either God is God and we allow Him to be the God of our lives
or God is God but we want to retain control of our own lives. Regardless of how we feel God is God
and he is as real as you or I. I said that to a lady and she said "He's real to me."
To me that is like expressing a belief that God is a concept or a belief system that one chooses to live by or under in order for it to exist. I'm sorry but God I real and your feelings or beliefs about Him does not determine whether he is real or not any more than your opinion of me changes whether I am a good person or a bad person.
God does not send people to Hell. Hell was created for Satan and his angels. God sent his son to die on the cross so that any that should believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life. That sounds like a loving and caring God to me. So if 4 billion people chose to reject his offer then it isn't a character flaw in God nor is it a reflection of God's will. It is our free will to chose and they have made their choice.
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