My mother in law passed away last Friday morning. She was a meticulous in her habits and how much her oldest daughter and her were alike is scary. I've always said that to know my wife is to know her. The middle child, a boy, is a pretty close clone of her habits and values too.
She was a very good person and I will miss her greatly.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
rebuilding Noahs ARK
Noah's Ark could have been round, according to building instructions on a recently discovered, 4,000-year-old cuneiform clay tablet at the British Museum.
LONDON — It was a vast boat that saved two of each animal and a handful of humans from a catastrophic flood.
But forget all those images of a long vessel with a pointy bow — the original Noah's Ark, new research suggests, was round.
A recently deciphered 4,000-year-old tablet from ancient Mesopotamia — modern-day Iraq — reveals striking new details about the roots of the Old Testament tale of Noah. It tells a similar story, complete with detailed instructions for building a giant round vessel known as a coracle — as well as the key instruction that animals should enter "two by two."
The tablet went on display at the British Museum on Friday, and soon engineers will follow the ancient instructions to see whether the vessel could actually have sailed.
I wonder who is going to shut the door on this one. It reminds me of the story of the scientist who claim they could make a human life just like God did. The scientist scooped up some dirt to add to their mold. God said "Wait sirs. make your own dirt!'
But forget all those images of a long vessel with a pointy bow — the original Noah's Ark, new research suggests, was round.
A recently deciphered 4,000-year-old tablet from ancient Mesopotamia — modern-day Iraq — reveals striking new details about the roots of the Old Testament tale of Noah. It tells a similar story, complete with detailed instructions for building a giant round vessel known as a coracle — as well as the key instruction that animals should enter "two by two."
The tablet went on display at the British Museum on Friday, and soon engineers will follow the ancient instructions to see whether the vessel could actually have sailed.
I wonder who is going to shut the door on this one. It reminds me of the story of the scientist who claim they could make a human life just like God did. The scientist scooped up some dirt to add to their mold. God said "Wait sirs. make your own dirt!'
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
In Candy Crush Saga while waiting to advance to the next level I decided to play Candy Crush Saga Dreamland. There is a little bird, ODUS, that sits on a perch and the perch has two candy eggs, one on each end. What colors they are change with each break so one has to pay attention. If one of the
candy eggs is blue and one connects three blue eggs together then the perch tilts. If the player connects on blue candy eggs, or jelly beans, whatever they are, too many times in a row Odus falls off his perch.
I've played games where I only needed one more move to win and Odus fell off its perch. One level a score of 60,000 was needed to advance and I had 972,000 points and one move left and Odus fell off. I believe it was level 53 that I didn't think I would ever complete but I finally did and advanced not only to the next level but today I completed all the levels.
Dreamland is neither easier or harder than regular Candy Crush Saga. It's just different but it doesn't have nearly as many levels. It just gets harder quicker than regular Crush.
candy eggs is blue and one connects three blue eggs together then the perch tilts. If the player connects on blue candy eggs, or jelly beans, whatever they are, too many times in a row Odus falls off his perch.
I've played games where I only needed one more move to win and Odus fell off its perch. One level a score of 60,000 was needed to advance and I had 972,000 points and one move left and Odus fell off. I believe it was level 53 that I didn't think I would ever complete but I finally did and advanced not only to the next level but today I completed all the levels.
Dreamland is neither easier or harder than regular Candy Crush Saga. It's just different but it doesn't have nearly as many levels. It just gets harder quicker than regular Crush.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Sunday Surprise
As regular readers of this blog have determined, I attend One Way Baptist Church in Randleman, NC. The church is on Sunset and is easily mistaken for a museum as it looks to be too old and too small to be taken seriously as a modern day house of worship. It is small and will only seat 39 people plus the pastor. The church started as Highland Baptist church in the 1980's and had three or four different pastors but it just didn't grow and eventually the building was left vacant for many years. Seven or eight years ago another man restarted the church under the name One Way Baptist but after a few years his ministry failed due in part to poor health.
Four years ago, Charles Garrett of Thomasville and son of the founder of Wayside Baptist Church in Thomasville, took over leadership of the church. It began anew with some of his friends who came just to support him and a few family members who never intended to stay. The only person to remain at the church from previous ministries was Dora Tickle. My wife and I were perhaps one of the first to join the church in earnest, i.e., with the intention of making One Way Baptist my permanent church home.
During the following three and a half years I have seen a lot of things change at the church. Family members and friends of the pastor quickly dropped away. In fact, most were already gone by the time I started attending. The only ones left was the man who served as associate pastor. The only local family to join the church was still there making the membership count 14. We had some regular visitors. At the end of the second year the first family to join was gone and the associate pastor and his family left soon after, and the church was down to the pastor and his wife, my wife and I, Mrs. Tickle, and one other man, an older gentleman who lived alone.
Rather than follow suit with all the previous pastors there, we began out nine o'clock prayer. Every evening, no matter where we were or what we were doing, we stopped and prayed. over the course of the next two years people came and people went and a few stayed. Over the course of the last four years, over twenty people have made confessions of faith in Jesus Christ. We now have around twenty people in any given service. We even have toddlers and teenagers. It is a remarkable group of people, an assortment of misfits if you will. Except for me, all the men are disabled. Even though I'm retired almost all of the physical work around the church is done by me.
Thanks okay because I love my church. I was surprised when a couple showed up Sunday
morning. This couple are faithful members of another church in another town and come to visit us once or twice a year on Wednesday nights if their church isn't having service. Not only did they come but they brought their children and grandchildren with them as well. For the first time since the fellowship meeting our little church was full. We had 37 people in attendance.
In a couple of weeks, on February 9, 2014 Mountain Joy will be singing at the church from 10:45 until 12. This is the only group that has ever performed during the morning worship hour and we allow it because their testimony is so strong. They are talented singers as well but what draws our church to them is that they actually live the type of life they sing about. They aren't in this for the money or to showcase their talent.
All of us at One Way would be honored if you came that Sunday morning. Even though we are small we will find you a seat. In fact most of us would gladly give up our own seats for your sake. We do have a few that are very old and some that are crippled but that is to be expected.
One Way Baptist is a church of dedicated believers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't have any weird or strange beliefs or practices. We have a good Sunday School teacher who isn't boring. Even though our pastor can be long winded sometimes he speaks clear and plain and delivers good messages. But you won't hear him preach on the ninth. Well, maybe not. Come and see.
Four years ago, Charles Garrett of Thomasville and son of the founder of Wayside Baptist Church in Thomasville, took over leadership of the church. It began anew with some of his friends who came just to support him and a few family members who never intended to stay. The only person to remain at the church from previous ministries was Dora Tickle. My wife and I were perhaps one of the first to join the church in earnest, i.e., with the intention of making One Way Baptist my permanent church home.
During the following three and a half years I have seen a lot of things change at the church. Family members and friends of the pastor quickly dropped away. In fact, most were already gone by the time I started attending. The only ones left was the man who served as associate pastor. The only local family to join the church was still there making the membership count 14. We had some regular visitors. At the end of the second year the first family to join was gone and the associate pastor and his family left soon after, and the church was down to the pastor and his wife, my wife and I, Mrs. Tickle, and one other man, an older gentleman who lived alone.
Rather than follow suit with all the previous pastors there, we began out nine o'clock prayer. Every evening, no matter where we were or what we were doing, we stopped and prayed. over the course of the next two years people came and people went and a few stayed. Over the course of the last four years, over twenty people have made confessions of faith in Jesus Christ. We now have around twenty people in any given service. We even have toddlers and teenagers. It is a remarkable group of people, an assortment of misfits if you will. Except for me, all the men are disabled. Even though I'm retired almost all of the physical work around the church is done by me.
Thanks okay because I love my church. I was surprised when a couple showed up Sunday
morning. This couple are faithful members of another church in another town and come to visit us once or twice a year on Wednesday nights if their church isn't having service. Not only did they come but they brought their children and grandchildren with them as well. For the first time since the fellowship meeting our little church was full. We had 37 people in attendance.
In a couple of weeks, on February 9, 2014 Mountain Joy will be singing at the church from 10:45 until 12. This is the only group that has ever performed during the morning worship hour and we allow it because their testimony is so strong. They are talented singers as well but what draws our church to them is that they actually live the type of life they sing about. They aren't in this for the money or to showcase their talent.
All of us at One Way would be honored if you came that Sunday morning. Even though we are small we will find you a seat. In fact most of us would gladly give up our own seats for your sake. We do have a few that are very old and some that are crippled but that is to be expected.
One Way Baptist is a church of dedicated believers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't have any weird or strange beliefs or practices. We have a good Sunday School teacher who isn't boring. Even though our pastor can be long winded sometimes he speaks clear and plain and delivers good messages. But you won't hear him preach on the ninth. Well, maybe not. Come and see.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
21 tips for being a better man
"Lest you think you're about to be nagged, these tips all come from a drinking, swearing, bacon-loving guy. See how to step up your game without too much pain."
I really don't need, or want, advice from a drinking, swearing guy. I take my guidance from Jesus.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Candy Crush Saga
The game by King made famous on Facebook is addictive and one could easily spend a small fortune on it trying to win. Personally I refused to spend a dime. I have made it through level 125 on regular Candy Crush and through 48 on Dreamland. If you haven't played Dreamland give it a try. It is different and starts off really easy but quickly becomes harder. There is a bird that sits in a nest and it hold two eggs, each a different color. When a person connects three eggs in a row (or more) of one of the two colors the basket tips towards that color. If a player connects eggs of a certain color too many times in a row the bird falls out of the nest and the game is over.
A prearranged times the bird will fly out of the nest and the board goes crazy or a few seconds then the bird flies back into the nest and the nest eggs change colors. The higher the round the farther the nest tips with each connection and the less often the bird flies out on its own to set the board free-wheeling. Round 47 was extremely hard for me but I made 48 the first try.
In regular Candy Crush I found level 123 to be almost impossible but 124 and 125 were a breeze.
If you haven't played Candy Crush Saga in awhile there is a new feature. I don't know if it starts at level one or at a higher lever but once a day a player can spin the wheel and get a free booster. On a really hard level one could spin the wheel several days in a row without using the booster to enhance their chances of winning. Some boosters one can use whenever you want so one can play and still save the booster for another day but other boosters, like the chocolate sprinkle ball have to be used the very game in which you claim your prize.
The game is a challenge and it does give me something to do when I need a break from studying and I'm stuck inside because of the nasty weather. To tell the truth I would have quit long ago if my step son had not made it to level 441. I have no aspirations to beat that level. In fact I'm satisfied with 125 on regular candy crush. I would like to get to 50 before I quit on Dreamland.
A prearranged times the bird will fly out of the nest and the board goes crazy or a few seconds then the bird flies back into the nest and the nest eggs change colors. The higher the round the farther the nest tips with each connection and the less often the bird flies out on its own to set the board free-wheeling. Round 47 was extremely hard for me but I made 48 the first try.
In regular Candy Crush I found level 123 to be almost impossible but 124 and 125 were a breeze.
If you haven't played Candy Crush Saga in awhile there is a new feature. I don't know if it starts at level one or at a higher lever but once a day a player can spin the wheel and get a free booster. On a really hard level one could spin the wheel several days in a row without using the booster to enhance their chances of winning. Some boosters one can use whenever you want so one can play and still save the booster for another day but other boosters, like the chocolate sprinkle ball have to be used the very game in which you claim your prize.
The game is a challenge and it does give me something to do when I need a break from studying and I'm stuck inside because of the nasty weather. To tell the truth I would have quit long ago if my step son had not made it to level 441. I have no aspirations to beat that level. In fact I'm satisfied with 125 on regular candy crush. I would like to get to 50 before I quit on Dreamland.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Watch out for scam artists in Randleman
Saturday, January 11, 2014 was a rough day with sustained high winds of 60 miles per hour and heavy rains. My home suffered some rood damage with loose and missing shingles. Today we called a roof repair person and as they were fixing to leave to go get a trap to cover the roof with a man in an old corolla drove by. He caught my attention because he was staring at my house. Most people just driving through the neighborhood at looking at the house across the street that is for sale.
A few minutes after the roofing company left the guy pulls into our driveway and starts asking my wife for information. She was on the phone at the time talking with our insurance company and came inside to get some information for them. After she hung up I asked her about the man outside and she said he was from "Roof Pro". I told her to go out and ask the man to leave. If he didn't leave immediately, then I would deal with him. When she went out I put on my shoes and jacket and retrieved my cell phone (to use to call 9-1-1 with if he didn't want to go). When my wife told him that we didn't want to do business with him he left quickly.
I know he had on a name tag that said "Roof Pro" but it didn't have his name. He was driving an old Toyota Corolla and he was wearing flip flops. The clip board with the estimate pad did help his image somewhat but seriously now, would you really do business with a door to door roof repairman? Which reputable companies solicit business that way?
The only people I would ever do business with selling their wares or services door to door would be girl scouts selling their cookies or teen age boys wanting to cut grass. and I don't think teen age boys do that any more.
Be careful who you talk with and give information too, especially if you are older folk like me.
A few minutes after the roofing company left the guy pulls into our driveway and starts asking my wife for information. She was on the phone at the time talking with our insurance company and came inside to get some information for them. After she hung up I asked her about the man outside and she said he was from "Roof Pro". I told her to go out and ask the man to leave. If he didn't leave immediately, then I would deal with him. When she went out I put on my shoes and jacket and retrieved my cell phone (to use to call 9-1-1 with if he didn't want to go). When my wife told him that we didn't want to do business with him he left quickly.
I know he had on a name tag that said "Roof Pro" but it didn't have his name. He was driving an old Toyota Corolla and he was wearing flip flops. The clip board with the estimate pad did help his image somewhat but seriously now, would you really do business with a door to door roof repairman? Which reputable companies solicit business that way?
The only people I would ever do business with selling their wares or services door to door would be girl scouts selling their cookies or teen age boys wanting to cut grass. and I don't think teen age boys do that any more.
Be careful who you talk with and give information too, especially if you are older folk like me.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Bigfoot hunter claims to have killed beast
Personally I feel that if a creature called bigfoot really existed and someone killed it, then the killer should be charged with either murder or illegal hunting. As far as I know there is not a bigfoot season nor should there be. If bigfoot is the "missing link" then it is part human and therefor murder.
I don't believe any such creature exists and if it does it is so rare it should be placed on the endangered species list and illegal to kill.
I don't believe any such creature exists and if it does it is so rare it should be placed on the endangered species list and illegal to kill.
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
"Merry Christmas" was texted
It was Christmas day 2013 at 3:57 pm when Alex Hooper thought it a good idea to text "Merry Christmas" or maybe it wasn't thinking. He was driving through Wadesboro, NC when he typed the words into his phone. I don't know if he ever got to hit "send" or not but he did drift across the divider line on the road and hit another car head-on. The collision seriously injured the two occupants of the other car, himself and his wife, Kelsey.
There was one other occupant of the Hooper vehicle. Alex and Kelsey had a daughter, just thirteen months old. She didn't survive.
Alex was charged yesterday with texting while driving and failure to maintain his lane.
I didn't know Alex or Kelsey but I did know Kelsey's mother: she was my niece. Kelsey's grandfather is my older brother.
I passed people on the highway and glanced over and it looked as if the car had no driver. As it turns out, it really doesn't because while the driver is typing his text no one is really in control of the car. So many times I wanted to admonish the driver for his inattention but one can't. Even if I were able it would only made the driver angry. Tragedy, after all, only happens to the other person.
There was one other occupant of the Hooper vehicle. Alex and Kelsey had a daughter, just thirteen months old. She didn't survive.
Alex was charged yesterday with texting while driving and failure to maintain his lane.
I didn't know Alex or Kelsey but I did know Kelsey's mother: she was my niece. Kelsey's grandfather is my older brother.
I passed people on the highway and glanced over and it looked as if the car had no driver. As it turns out, it really doesn't because while the driver is typing his text no one is really in control of the car. So many times I wanted to admonish the driver for his inattention but one can't. Even if I were able it would only made the driver angry. Tragedy, after all, only happens to the other person.

Sunday, January 05, 2014
Comedian 'not sorry' for Pearl Harbor joke on NBC's New Year's Eve
I read the joke. I thought it witty and saw no offence in it. I doubt any of the people who were offended were involved in Pearl Harbor. I am a war vet with two tours of duty in a war zone to my credit and I am also old. It wasn't a joke about war or the people who fought in that war. To tell the truth, if I had thought of it I would have said it myself.
Thursday, January 02, 2014
Mountain Joy
The gospel group Mountain Joy will be at One Way Baptist in Randleman of Feb. 9, 2014 at 10:45 am until 12:00. They sing about what they believe and they live what they sing about. One of the best groups one will ever hear. You are invited.
worst gift ever
What is the worst gift you have ever given or received? As for myself, that is an easy one. My first wife was Oriental and we had only been married a short time when I received transfer papers that sent me to an aircraft carrier serving in Vietnam. Being young and stupid, plus being stuck aboard an aircraft carrier with a very limited selection of stuff for females, I purchased a ladies electric razor for her as a gift. I forgot, oriental women don't grow hair. (In my defense, my next gifts to her were a bottle of perfume, retail price $480.00 an ounce and a cashmere sweater and she liked neither.)
The worst gift I ever received was an object about 2" in diameter and about 4" high. The object has a wooden base with a glass dome. It was purchased at Belks for $3.25 after having been marked down 3 times from its original price of $12.50. I know this because the price stickers were left on the thing. I believe the gift was meant as an insult. If so, it succeeded.
The worst gift I ever received was an object about 2" in diameter and about 4" high. The object has a wooden base with a glass dome. It was purchased at Belks for $3.25 after having been marked down 3 times from its original price of $12.50. I know this because the price stickers were left on the thing. I believe the gift was meant as an insult. If so, it succeeded.
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