Saturday, January 11, 2014 was a rough day with sustained high winds of 60 miles per hour and heavy rains. My home suffered some rood damage with loose and missing shingles. Today we called a roof repair person and as they were fixing to leave to go get a trap to cover the roof with a man in an old corolla drove by. He caught my attention because he was staring at my house. Most people just driving through the neighborhood at looking at the house across the street that is for sale.
A few minutes after the roofing company left the guy pulls into our driveway and starts asking my wife for information. She was on the phone at the time talking with our insurance company and came inside to get some information for them. After she hung up I asked her about the man outside and she said he was from "Roof Pro". I told her to go out and ask the man to leave. If he didn't leave immediately, then I would deal with him. When she went out I put on my shoes and jacket and retrieved my cell phone (to use to call 9-1-1 with if he didn't want to go). When my wife told him that we didn't want to do business with him he left quickly.
I know he had on a name tag that said "Roof Pro" but it didn't have his name. He was driving an old Toyota Corolla and he was wearing flip flops. The clip board with the estimate pad did help his image somewhat but seriously now, would you really do business with a door to door roof repairman? Which reputable companies solicit business that way?
The only people I would ever do business with selling their wares or services door to door would be girl scouts selling their cookies or teen age boys wanting to cut grass. and I don't think teen age boys do that any more.
Be careful who you talk with and give information too, especially if you are older folk like me.
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