Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Duke Energy (with pictures)

One Way Baptist Church purchased a modular unit like those used as classrooms by the local school systems.  n order for the church to use the building a utility pole needed to be moved.  The easiest thing for the church would be for Duke energy to move the pole.  The church could then bring the unit it and get it set up and then Duke Energy could then bury the electrical cable and remove the pole. 
   Of course Duke wasn't concerned about the church so they said no.  The church then had to build a construction box and run power from the church to the box.  Then Duke energy would come out, bury the cable and then remove the pole.  Even though it would have only been fifteen feet father to run the cable around the parking lot, Duke energy said no.  The best thing to do would be to pack the dirt down after the cable was buried but again Duke Energy said no.  It would have been far better for the church if Duke Energy had used a trencher but   of course they brought a backhoe.  Instead of a ditch 8" wide there was one 20" wide. 
  Last week the church had a man, a private contractor, Tim Pope from Burlington remove two tree stumps.  He was less invasive than Duke Energy was in removing a single pole. 
   Crew from Duke Energy Arrive 4 hours late
  Lineman punched a hole in new pipe holding power line

Property before duke started.  The picture shows how Tim Pope left his work area.

Sink hole created because Duke Energy refused to pack the soil.  The parking lot is full of sink holes as well and is unsafe to use.

Mess left by Duke Energy.  Loose piles of dirt is scattered across the work area as well as being full of sink holes

A tree stump protrudes from the ground in Duke energy's work area. 
Would you let a private contractor leave your property like this?  Then why should Duke Energy get away with this?

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