After the economy tanked legislation was passed that placed an extra tax on gasoline so workers could be given jobs rebuilding this nations infrastructure but now we have a problem. Due to the increase in gasoline prices and government regulations requiring more fuel efficient automobiles, Americans purchase way less gasoline than was purchased six years ago and this special gasoline tax no longer can pay for these infrastructure projections. The question is: do we raise the tax on gasoline 10 to 15 cents per gallon to be able to continue to fund these projects or do we scale them back?
If we scale the projects back then many workers will be out of jobs and then we will have to pay the workers unemployment and that of course takes money that was raised from some other tax source. If we raise the gasoline tax then we all will have to find ways to use less gasoline because few us can really afford the extra cost. It really doesn't make sense to give up the security and luxury of a big SUV in order to save money at the pump if the government is just going to place a higher tax on you because you purchased less gasoline.
None of us has the luxury of raising our wages just because we are faced with a higher payment on a particular bill. I doubt seriously your employer will grant you a nickel raise because your cable bill went up $8.00 a month. You will just have to buy the store brand of an item you use, eat out at Taco Bell instead of your favorite Mexican restaurant, skip an evening at the movies, or find an alternative way to view your favorite TV programs without cable
I am so tired of government, federal, state, and local, thinking the solution to every problem is to throw more money at it. The government forced manufacturers to make smaller fuel efficient cars and then forced companies to raise prices on gasoline and added taxes on fuel in order to force us to purchase those fuel efficient cars and now Obama wants to raise our gasoline taxes even more because he was successful in reducing gasoline usage. We were good citizens but we are getting punished anyway.
I really hate it for the fellow that has to get laid off but this is the decade of the baby boomer and they are about to be faced with the problem of living from a fixed income with little retirement money due to the economic crisis that led to this whole make work infrastructure projects scheme in the first place. It's like a cat chasing its tail. Even if the cat caught his tail there isn't anything it can do with the tail anyway. Our taxes went up in order to pay for the bail out of the auto industry and in order to repay the government loans dealerships were closed which cost people their jobs so in order for them to go back to work the government raised taxes on gasoline which people couldn't afford so they purchased the more fuel efficient cars which lowered the use of gasoline when negated the benefit of the gas tax so now workers are faced with losing their jobs which is where we started from to begin with. All the American people got out of this is less safe cars and a couple of tax hikes.
Don't you just love how government works for you?
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