Thursday, July 17, 2014

Needy People Try My Patience

    Sometimes it seems impossible to do the right thing because some people are so needy they can make a good persons life miserable.  I am one of the hardest working and kindest people you will ever meet but some people make me want to "go off on them" and just quit trying to do for others.  I call them "takers' because they always want what you have but never give back to others: not materially nor even with a kind word of sympathy or encouragement.  All they want is for someone to do something for them. 
    The saddest part of the whole matter is they are some of the boldest people you will ever meet.  They have an unrealistic sense of entitlement and if they don't get what they want they will attempt to destroy the person who withholds their reward.  It really doesn't do any good to talk with them about their behavior because it will only change in the short term but eventually they  will be back in full force; out to get what they can for nothing.  They have a way of seeming to be so helpless and can make you feel lousy about yourself if you don't provide them what they want.  The more you give to them the more they want to take from you. 
     I'm sorry to say but these people aren't loners but seem to run in packs and if one smells blood, so to speak, then they will spread the word and thy will join forces to ravage their prey.  I've seen a pack of five consume 37 heaping plates of food at one sitting and then ask the host to bake and deliver a special dish to them because they didn't get any of it.  Oh, and they will call on the phone four and five times a day, even late into the evening, to remind you to grant them their request. 
   What ever one does, do not mess up on granting them their request because they will notify others of your mistake.  They don't just complain about your mistake nor do they request that you be made to correct the error but they want the person they complain to to then fix the error. 
   If what one wants from me was in my job description and part of my responsibilities and I was derelict in my duties, incompetent at my job, or rude in my performance then by all means a person would be totally within their rights to seek redress.  But if I am doing John a favor on my own time at my own expense then no one has to right to expect that I should necessarily to the same thing for them.  And if I do you a favor then least you should do is say "thank you' and certainly never complain to outsiders if it isn't 100% to your satisfaction.  Just ask me to correct it or deal with it as it is. 
   No, I'll just take a deep breath and continue on nary a word to say but needy people do try my patience.     

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