Sunday, August 31, 2014

You've been washing your fruits and vegetables all wrong

Yep, that's the title of another yahoo article telling us we are stupid, bumbling idiots.  Can't wash vegetables, can't cut up a watermelon, and can't even tie my shoes.  Well, I'm so old I once sat on Plato's knee  so I've lots of experience at doing mundane, common, ordinary tasks and I certainly don't need Yahoo telling me I'm stupid.  Most of their writers can't spell or compose proper sentences and the one that wrote this one probably can't even cook.  Go away Yahoo and let me wallow in my own stupidity.  If I can't wash a vegetable I doubt I can read your article. 

What becomes of new beginnings?

I was looking back at photographs taken in March and comparing them to the reality of now and I realized that the march photos showed what promised to be and the now pictures showed what has become of those promises. 
   In the earlier photos I had just tilled the soil, most fruit trees had no leaves on them and just a few had some blooms.  The earth promised a bountiful garden and some fresh fruit at summers end.  Some of those promises were fulfilled.  I had more than enough jalapeno peppers to eat, can and share with friends, and plenty of squash.  My cherry trees had blooms and promised to provide my first fruit. 
   The reality was tomatoes were plentiful but just didn't want to ripen, there was no fruit on my cherry trees and my pollinator tree died, carrots never grew up, the peach crop was pitiful, and the apple crop was almost as bad.  What was good was grapes, cucumbers,   cantaloupes, and a bountiful watermelon crop. 
   Flowers were beautiful this year and my Hibiscus bloomed for the first time.  While not all promises were fulfilled it was a good year with plenty to eat and plenty to share.   

Friday, August 29, 2014

Newspaper article courier-Tribune

My article "How to choose a church" came out in todays paper.  I think it was good especially considering I only had an hour to write the paper after an long exhausting trip to see a doctor and then to Hickory to take care of Mom.  I got home at 5 and hate to fix something to eat and be at church at 7 so I think I did good  to get it written in such a short time frame. 
  If you  want to read it find a copy of Fridays Courier-Tribune. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why do Americans mistrust Police?

       I have always been pro police.  After all, who can one depend on in time of trouble to help out?  Even so there have been times police have done me wrong.  One time, in particular, still angers me.  I had stopped at an ATM to get the last twenty dollars available to me so I could get something to eat.  It was still three days to pay day and money was precious back then.  On the way to the store I had to stop behind a line of traffic at a traffic light that had turned red for my lane.  I was on Main Street in downtown High Point and the light in question was the one just before Roses heading toward Archdale.  Anyway, that's when a strange thing occurred. 
    A woman was walking up the sidewalk and she raise her hand as if to say hello.  I smiled and nodded back at her and to my surprise she opened the passenger door to by truck and hopped in.  Her actions left me temporarily stunned and before   I could recovery and object to her actions a police car pulled in behind me and turned on his lights.  He asked to step out of the truck and then asked me for my license.  After I showed them to him he asked for insurance and registration and when I went back to the truck to get them I laid my wallet on my seat.  The cop asked me about the woman and I told him what happened. 
    He asked to see my ID again and when I retrieved my wallet my $20.00 was missing.  I told the police officer that the woman must have taken my money  while he was talking with me.  Sure enough, she had a $20.00 bill on her but instead of giving it back to me he stuck it in his pocket saying "I'm keeping this as evidence." 
  It was really hard the next several days.  I was really hungry by the time payday rolled around. 
I once had some money stolen from me and the police refused to help me get it back even though I knew exactly where the thief was.  The cop told me they didn't help people recover lost money while the victim was committing a crime.  In other words they believed I got ripped off trying to make a drug buy.  I have never purchased illegal drugs or any drugs for illegal purposes nor have I ever used any or sold any. 
   On the other hand a cop stopped me for speeding and he was going to let me go when he thought I was a fellow cop.  That wasn't right either for police have no more right to break the law than anyone else does. 
   One would think that  the higher ranking officers would be more honest and trustworthy than the newer members of the police force but I've found the opposite to be true.  Some cops love to be bullies and some have learned how to use the privileges of being a cop to their advantage.  Policemen are no more hones than the average joe is out there and that's what's really scary.   

Friday, August 22, 2014

What if we were all the same?

     When I worked for the Huntsville Item back in the day the paper ran an article about a small boy on a bicycle who was struck by a car and died.  The paper identified the boy by race referring to him as a young black boy.  Probably nothing would have become of it had the boy been black but the parents of the white child sued the paper.  The decision was made that unless a persons race was vital to the story it would never be mentioned again. 
      A white man, unarmed, was shot dead by a black cop but drew nary a headline while Ferguson rages out of control.  I wonder if we ever learn the lesson learned by the newspaper  I once worked for if racial relations would not improve.  If we stop referring to each other as blacks and African Americans and just refer to ourselves as Americans maybe we can begin to see ourselves as one people instead of polar opposites occupying the same space.   I am much more likely to help someone who is like me.  In other words I am more likely to help a fellow American that I am a black man or a white man.
     Apparently bring the two races together in an educational setting has done nothing to bring the two races closer together for we seem to be living in two different cultures.  I was taught that America was a melting pot when in actuality it is just a pot of stew with each ingredient clearly distinguishable from each other and all just simmering  right below the boiling point.  Sometimes, like in Ferguson, the a bubble burst and a tiny bit boils over. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why did my eectric bill go up?

    Beginning in July 2011 and ending in August 2012 we paid $118.00 per month with a $283.00 credit at years end.  The next 12 months, ending in August 2013 we paid $103.00 per month with a $187.00 credit an years end and the next 12 months ending this month we paid $100.00 per month and owe $99.98 at years end.  Money wise it would seem we paid more this year than last year.  Our average daily cost dropped from $3.71 to $3.41 and then rose to $3.45 this year   again making one think they have used more power. 
   What seems upsetting the most is the efforts we have taken to use less.  Drying close in the early morning hours when it is cool so as not to overheat the house and make the air conditioner work harder in the simmer and to help warm the home in the cooler months.  We upgraded to a dishwasher to use less water and purchased more energy efficient laundry room appliances and a new refrigerator.  But the biggy we did was add a cover to our front porch.  The front of the house faces the setting sun so it gets bright and hot in the evenings.  The front door knob was so hot it would take the skin off ones hand.  With the cover to the porch, the front rooms stay cooler and one can actually see the TV screen.  The air conditioner actually ran less.  Couple that with a slightly cooler summer than last year one would think that ones electric bill would go down. 
  The first full year we used 1180 kw per month and the second year it was 1018 and the third year it was just 960.  So our cost cutting measures have taken effect and are working.  So why is our bill higher?
   It seems Duke energy raised its rates and has been approved for yet another rate hike.  We work hard to save energy and cut costs and Duke works just as hard raising rates to keep things the same. 
  I knew when I built the porch cover we would never save enough on our power bill to justify the costs.  Being able to sit in the living room and gain use of the front porch was worth the costs though.  it seems a major victory in todays economy just to be able to keep costs the same. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The first Tuesday of each month is the deacons meeting.  Six o'clock every Tuesday is deacons visitation.  When I arrived at six to meet the other deacon the preacher was there also and he and the other deacon were hanging a poster. 
  During the deacons meeting the preacher asked about visitation, when did we want to have it.  I told him I have tried to have deacons visitation every Tuesday at 6.  He asked me if we had been going and I said no because the other deacon always had an excuse not to go but I had been going anyway with either someone else or my wife.  He got mad and said we could not visit during the week, that sometimes work needed to b e done, like hanging the poster, and that took precedence over visitation.  He considered my desire to have a deacons visitation night an act of trying to run the church and if I made anymore such decisions he would kick me off the deacon board.  he said "we are not going visiting during the week."
   I hadn't been happy for almost a year since he seemed to exclude me from events and decisions anyway.  I had never missed a service, I mowed the grass each week, I am a faithful thither, giving 15% of my income each month.  I have either done or helped in every repair project, have cleaned and painted, and visited people and made the DVD's and wrote the church newsletter, changed the sign, and even cleared the field around the church all at my own expense.  The weed eater, the push mower, the riding mower, the leaf blower, the chain saw, and all the small tools and medium size tools used are all mine.  I even loaned the church the money to purchase the new building with. 
  Well, I didn't take kindly to being accused of something that had never entered my mind.  All I want is to help build a church by doing what Christians were asked to do.  I'm not trying to run things.  I have lived a life of service to the church so don't threaten to take my deaconship away.  By the pastor's past actions being a deacon is a mute job as I have been relegated to a maintenance man. 
   Anyway, a week after the deacons meeting I voluntary gave up my deaconship and resigned the board of trustees. 
   Tonight in his address to the church he talked about leadership and during his message he mentioned visitation and said members of the church should have already visited those on our visitation list.  As a deacon I wasn't allowed to visit with the other deacon, couldn't go during the week but now we are supposed to have already gone. 
   I love it when I get clear signals and guidance on what is supposed to be done. 

Finally, success

The original tree was in the field beside my house in Archdale.  I took one of the seedlings to Hickory.   After I moved to Randleman there were no seedling to bring with me.  After three years of failed attempts to grow  one from seed I finally succeeded last year to get one to take root.  After eighteen months I have my first bloom. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"How I lost my religion"

     The title "How I lost my religion" captured my attention.  It was a Huffington Post article and I usually don't read Huffington Post because the page take forever to load  but this one looked to intriguing to pass up.  The story teller told of attending church and going to Lutheran school and being abused by his father (or step father) and how he prayed for God to delivery him but didn't and how he lost his religion and now doesn't believe there is a God.  He quotes some old testament stories
and claims that if what the Israelites did were commands from God then God is evil.   Some commenters asked for proof that God is real.  One commenter even suggested that Jesus was just a story borrowed from another culture and didn't really exist.  For him I suggest he read "The case against Christ" That book was written by an atheists wanting to prove that Jesus either didn't exist or wasn't the Christ. 
    The truth of Jesus was given in Genesis and is a constant theme from the beginning 'til the end of the Holy Scriptures.  But we aren't here to discuss Jesus.  We are here to discuss the losing of one's religion.    
     There is a difference between being religious and having faith in God.  There is also a difference in confession and repentance.  Going to church, believing in God and Jesus, being baptized, and going to the altar and confessing ones sins are all religious acts but have nothing to do  with being a child of God.  There is also a big difference between understanding what the bible says and what it means.  A lost person can memorize scripture and understand what he reads but that doesn't mean he understands God's word.  The mysteries of scripture are hidden from non-believers.   
    God promises no where that we will have an easy life or our problems will go away if we just believe.  In fact scriptures make it clear that the opposite will probably be true.  The only prayer of a lost person  I know that God answers is the prayer of repentance.  No where does the writer mention that he repented;  instead he tells of being filled with dread and hate and fear.  A true child of God should feel none of those things if they have grown into maturity.  Chances are good that the Lutheran minister he asked wasn't a child  of God either.  many men went into the ministry thinking it was an easy way to make a living or to exercise their religion.  Christianity is not a religion.  It is a relationship.
    Of course thing got better once he quick believing.  Nothing stays the same, including human relationships.  Sooner or later the boy would grow old enough to move out and move on, the abusive parent would grown tired, sick or old and even die.  Was it a coincidence that things got better when he finally quick believing?  if there was no God to make it better than there is no God to make it bad.
God has said through the  scriptures that He will if we do.  In other words, God has laid out the steps necessary for Him to answer prayers (and by the way, sometimes the answer is no, sometimes it's later).  god is not a magic genie in the sky that we tell what we want and he fixes it right for us. 
    The writer of the article is mad at God for not performing the things he wanted done.  God doesn't exist just to make the world right for us.  To be honest, it's a good thing the man lost his religion because religion has probably sent more people to hell than anything else.  We are saved by grace through faith: not by religion. 
    When the man quit believing in God and started hating God  things got better.  God could not longer give him comfort and Satan no longer had to bother the child.  Not all our troubles are due to Satan.  We are, after all, still burdened with our robe of flesh. 


Who works harder?

"It’s no secret that dedicated women have to work far, far harder in order to merely approximate the positions and (hopefully) earnings of men in what were once seen as typically male roles".
     This is a common myth perpetrated by women to justify their lower salaries and lack of positions of higher authority over the ages. 
  I remember working at a drug store when I first got home from Vietnam and I worked with a red headed woman named Kathy who was always spouting off that she was as good as any man She resented the fact that when she was promoted to my former position she was paid less than I had been.  Then one day she asked me if I could help her with a task that I had completed by myself numerous times.  When I asked her why she needed help she replied "It isn't very ladylike for me to be carrying large objects up and down a ladder." 
     "Oh," I said, "It's okay to claim gender bias when things are against you but when it's to your advantage to be a female you want to play the gender card." 
   That made her mad and she completed the work on her own. 
    I am not saying that there are not women who are deserving of our respect.  Many work hard, are very smart, and make good decisions.  To give a man a promotion or a raise strictly because they are male  is wrong no matter how one looks at it.  But to claim a woman has to work harder to be equal with a man isn't fair to the men who have put in the time and effort to get to where they are.  Unless you are the bosses child, most people have had to earn their positions.  Where the problem lies is that most people tend to progress in their jobs until they reach their level of incompetence. That being true it would give the impression that since most executives have been men and most have risen as far as they can go so are functioning in a job at which they are incompetent that the workers struggling for promotions are being blocked by men so one has to work harder to rise above their bosses inabilities. 
   Because a woman works harder at something than she really wants too she perceives she has to work harder than her competition.  She does, but not because she is a woman.  It's because she has competition and it takes hard work to rise to the top.  But once she gets as high as she can go, she too will have risen to her level of incompetence. 

You are old enough to retire but have no money?

    A sad situation many older Americans are finding themselves in today is no savings for retirement.  When social security was first conceived of one didn't need money in the bank to retire as one wasn't likely to live long anyway.
    Full retirement age was 65 but the average life expectancy was only 67 so a few hundred dollars a month was usually enough to see one through until the end.  But Americans are living much longer nowadays and Social Security benefits just don't cover all of our expenses, especially if we want to enjoy retirement and still have enough to pay medical expenses which will increase as we get older. 
    I have two brothers.  One made an above average living, was conservative with his expenses and now has enough money to live anyway he chooses now that he is fully retired yet he and his wife still work, mainly for something to do.  My older brother also made a good living, owned a nice home and had all the big toys:  a John Deer tractor, a new pickup truck every year or so  (I'm talking the big boys with all the bells and whistles ), fast cars, and a large family that never seemed to be able to stand on their own feet financially without help from Daddy. 
    When one of his sons recently died, Daddy had to pay  for the funeral.  Even now he drives a Camaro, the one with the big V-8 and enough horses to create a stampede and lives in a 2,000 square foot home.  Even though he makes a salary most of us can only dream about he is just a couple of months shy of 70 and has zero in the bank. 
   I am the one that really needs to work as the best I ever did money wise was to make enough to keep me out of poverty.  I retired first and give all my free time to working around the house in the yard or doing things for other people, especially the church I attend.  In fact this week I purchased a DVD for an older lady who could not come to hear a special signing we had at the church, I gave a young man who is struggling financially to get back on his feet two belts, a toaster oven and a DVD player, a family with six children a pop corn popper, and another young man, who has absolutely nothing but the clothes on his back, a stove. 
   My wife and I have everything we need to make us happy:  a nice house, two playful cats that keep us entertained, two vehicles in good working condition,  a few friends, and a purpose in life.   We have some in savings and as bad as the economy is we can still take a little out each month and still increase the amount we have in the bank each month. 
   I don't want to work to keep from being bored nor do I want to work to keep from being broke.  I have a sense of purpose in life  and a little money saved so I can fulfill that purpose.                                                                                                    

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's hard to lose a friend

In the sixties I played baseball in school and in the summer leagues and in the out law leagues once organized ball was over.  Steve Sisk was a barrel chested left hander who played fullback in football and averaged 10 yards per carry and was a superstar on the pitchers mound.  Gary Abernathy played basketball on a team that lost one game in four years and pitched a perfect game in Babe Ruth league.  Charlie Edwards was quarterback for the state champion football team the year before I graduated. 
    After high school I only saw Steve Sisk once.  It was around 1974 or 75 and he was in a ball uniform playing on a softball team.  About ten years later he was dead.  He had a heart attack while in his car.  Charlie was the next to go a few years ago and Gary died today. 
  Sure makes me value my life even more.  I miss them, especially Gary.

Friday, August 15, 2014

blogging is tougher now

    Unless one has a highly specialized blog with information that is difficult to gleam elsewhere or a topical blog of interest to a wide variety of people, it is getting harder to attract readers,  There are plenty of bloggers, many things to catch one's interest, and a general lack of desire to read the written word.  I believe most folks prefer the talking head and even then only if its entertaining them. 

   Judging my comments in other articles, many people have a hard time making themselves appear intelligent, many can't spell and fewer still can put together a complete paragraph.    In fact most comments today are bitter one liners very often with little or no relationship to the article the writer was commenting on and definitely not adding to anyone's understanding of the subject at hand. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Jebao PU-36W

     My Jebao UV clarifier came today and the installation was easy.  What exactly is a Jebao PU-36W UV clarifier? you ask.  I'm glad you did.
   What that does not have an outlet or water that moves into an outlet at a very slow pace will most likely turn green.  This is green algae.  Standing water in birdbaths often turn dark brown,  That too is algae but is brown algae and can be toxic to animals.  Green algae prevents one from seeing their fish in a fish pond and fish pond enthusiast like me spend a lot of money trying to prevent algae mostly with little or no success.  A UV clarifier is a device that treats water with UV light which kill the algae but in large ponds getting one big enough to do the job is cost prohibited to most folks, myself included. 
   I did have a really nice pump I purchased at Lowes in 2012 that had a small (4 watt) lamp and it  cleared my water fairly well and kept it reasonably clear.  the water was always tinted green but it was clear enough to enjoy my fish.  I had a second pump that I used to run a water feature but I disconnected it because debris would always clog the feature and it was a lot of work trying to keep it clear enough to use. 
   Well, my pump with the clarifier quit working a few weeks after the season started.  The second best way to keep a pond clear is with a too large pump and a good filtration system, which again can be extremely costly.  Again $300.00 to $400.00  for a plastic box with a few spiny balls and a piece or two of foam seems ridiculous.  Unfortunately it is a necessary evil. 
     The only filter I could find for my pump had to be installed after the water entered the pump which is one of the reasons I believe my pump burned out faster than it really should have.  I did have a filter for my smaller pump.  That pump was strong enough to circulate the water but did not have a clarifier nor was the filter adequate enough to clear the water.  The model pump that I had been using had been discontinued.  I could have purchased a similar pump with the same gph capacity for around the same price but without the clarifier.  I couldn't afford to buy a pump and a UV clarifier separately
    I was searching for a solution to my problem when I came across a deal on a Jebao  PU-36W clarifier for less than $80.00 and it came with rave reviews.   I ordered the unit and it was an easy install.  A unit this size normally sells for $300 to $400.00 and will treat 8,000 gallons of water.  An adequate pump sells for at least $150.oo and a filter for around $350.00.  One is talking at least $800.00. 
   Since my pond is only around 1200  gallons I believe my small pump will pull through enough water that the UV clarifier will kill the algae in a matter of a few days. 


Another example:

You’re paying off debt wrong is the latest title of an article telling me what I'm doing wrong.  So far I've cut my watermelon wrong, cooked my steak wrong, ties my shoes wrong, and I'm sure I've done many more things wrong according to the writers for Yahoo.  Maybe the way I do things is different but that doesn't make the things I do wrong. 
  I usually don't read those articles and I didn't read the one above either.  I have no debts so I guess I did something right.  Of course I still get bills like utility bills, car insurance bills, taxes, etc.  One can never be truly debt free and I still need to buy things like groceries, gas, and to replace an occasional item I've grown tired of or that has worn out. 
  I've been tying my shoes ever since that day my Dad said I had to or I couldn't go with him and so far my shoes have stayed on my feet.  The last steak I cooked was the most delicious steak I've ever eaten, and my method of cutting watermelon gets the job done.  Lord I cut enough of them since a grow watermelons. 
   Have you ever read an article on how to "cook the perfect" (insert food item here)?  Occasional someone  will  comment that they tried the recipe and it was delicious but almost every commenter will tell you  what is wrong with the article's recipe or what they do different.  it seems that some tasks are as individual as peoples tastes are. 
   There are usually more than one way to do things and some ways may be easier, more efficient, or faster than others and some foods may taste a little better if cooked or prepared in a slightly different manner but in most cases nothing tastes nearly as good as the original did.  That first of anything is what we have to compare all subsequent results with.
   As far as paying debts, one must not only consider the interest rate, the time frame, and the amount of the debt but the importance of the debt too.  Two debts can be of equal amounts for the same length of time at just about the same interest rate but if one is a credit card and the other is a secured debt it is almost always a better idea to concentrate on   the secured debt first.  But, as with everything else, it all depends. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fire Ants For Sale

Not really but if you want some I have plenty.  I've spent a fortune on poison but it only seems I'm chasing them around the yard.  They seem to be worse in late spring and late summer.  Anyone have a solution to getting rid of these things once and for all. 

What happened?

   I haven't had a good crop of cucumbers since I moved to Randleman proper until this year.  I set out six plants and have been furnished with the best cucumbers there are all summer.  Oh, and watermelons and cantaloupes have been fantastic.  I have had fresh watermelon everyday for the past six weeks.  I just cut one that weighed 28.6 pounds and it was just as sweet and juicy as watermelons in your dreams.  It may have been the last one of the original vines but there are still a dozen growing, one looks to be about a 10 pounder. 
   Squash has done very well this year.  with only two plants I've grown enough to furnish my needs as well as that of my friends and a few neighbors.  I had a bumper crop of beets, enough to share with many others, and everyone brags about how delicious my melons have been.  More often than not, my wife will have one consumed a minute or two after she gets it peeled, and moaning in delight as she eats. 
   But what in the world happened to the tomatoes?  In 2012, 2011, and 2010, it has been so hot and dry that tomato crops have been small and perished early and last year there was no garden at all because the seeds rotted in the ground from all the rain and plants turned yellow and died because they could not suck any nutrients from the soil.  I was delighted when my tomato vines grew tall   with a healthy color of green and plenty of fruit set.  The tomatoes I picked in June were a good size and looked really nice but were a little bitter with little flavor.  Fruit continued to grow but just didn't want to ripen.  Some are finally beginning to get some color but they are like the first one: no flavor and somewhat bitter.  It isn't the variety because I planted 8 different kinds, including a heirloom and two yellow varieties.   All are the same. 
   It's just not mine.     The plants are the church are good size with plenty of fruit but there has not been a red tomato in a month.  My Moms plants seem to be stunted but filled with round green fruit. 
There have only been two tomatoes that tasted like what one spends all winter dreaming about.  I have waited two years for a good home grown tomato.  It looks as if I'll have to wait for at least one more.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The next Chapter

Wednesday my wife and I attended another church .  The service was pleasant and the building was attractive and the preacher taught and he was interesting and knowledgeable and seemed to be doctrinally sound.  We sat down near the front and the two ladies in front of us greeted us and the song leader did as well.  Altogether about eight people plus the pastor stopped by our pew to say hello out of around 65 or 70 people that were there. 
   Just before the preacher began his lesson he had the congregation sing "Amazing Grace" and instructed the people to greet others.  I suppose twenty or more people stopped by,  After church the preacher said everyone shake 5 hands on your way out".  I think two people came by and we had already shook hands with them twice. 
    No one asked our names or showed any genuine interest in us.  I think if you are really glad I came  you would speak to me before the service started and may be look me up after the service to chat with me for a few minutes but no one really did that.  If you can't shake my hand on your own I wish you wouldn't bother just because the preacher told you too.  it's no genuine and being phony doesn't make me want to be around you. 
   The preacher called me   Thursday and Friday, after much prayer, I decided to remain at One Way Baptist Church but to resign as deacon and trustee.  It felt a little strange but it is good to be back home.        

Saturday, August 09, 2014

ISIS Threatens America: ‘We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House’

They may very well indeed raise the flag of allah in the White House but most likely it will be from the failure of the USA because of the economy and not any a violent taken from the Muslim world.  With the shape of the US economy and the policies in place chances are very high that the US government will fail and it will be a quiet but painful take over. 

Poorly written headlines

It amazes me that college educated people trained in journalism could write such crazy headlines.  Sometimes headlines make little sense until one reads the story mainly because of lack of punctuation to clear up meanings and emphasis.  But sometimes headlines are written is such a way as to be so obviously bad to all except the writer.  Such is one I came across a few minutes ago on Yahoo. 

 Mother of 3 kids killed in Philly carjacking dies

  This is shocking:  a dead person dies.  How in the world could that happen?  How can a person die twice? The scriptures and medical science agree that it is appointed unto men once to die.  I know many people claim to have died on the operating table and were brought back to life.  They may be in one sense dead but the reality was they didn't actually die.  I know that Tom Brady, who was shot 33 years ago by John Hinkley, just died of his wounds and his death is considered a murder ,  I doubt his killer will be charged with that crime any more than a person who committed an act of violence against another who "died" on the operating table and was revived would ever be charged with murder.  Can you image sitting of a jury where the murder victim was one of the witnesses? 
   Seriously, if you're dead you're dead.  Dead people cannot die at a later time. 
   I understand the headline writer was trying to convey to us that a mother of three from Philly was injured in a carjacking and later died of her injuries.  Would not it have been better to actually say that instead of giving the impression that a dead woman died again?

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

ready for the next chapter

   I have been agonizing over whether to leave or stay at One Way Baptist Church for almost a year now.  I love the church and have worked hard to make the building and grounds presentable, to teach the best Sunday School class I could teach, and to make each and every person feel welcomed.  Many churches have a part of their service where the congregants are supposed to  mingle and greet one another but I was never in favor of that.  Don't shake my hand and say "welcome, glad you came' only when instructed too.   To me, that reeks of insincerity.  if you are really glad I came then greet me with a smile and a hardy hello when I come in and stop by to see me at the end of the service to chat a minute afterwards.  That is one of the things I brought to One Way Baptist and people are always saying they can really feel the love in that church.  After the service has ended people often hang around and talk  for the longest while, especially after the evening service, because they really care about each other.  That is something that most churches don't have, 
    Another thing I introduced at One Way Baptist is the nine o'clock prayer.  Everyone at the church is supposed to pray a nine o'clock each night and that has done wonders for the church.  One Way grew from seven members left in a dying church to around thirty five and a new building in just a few years time.  Prayer does indeed change things. 
    Working at the church and for the church has been almost like a full time job but one I absolutely loved doing.  So why would I consider leaving an institution and a people that I dearly love and have worked so hard for, especially since I financed their new building.  One would think I would really want to stay and make sure the church succeeded.  Well, that part really doesn't matter and if you really want to know why ask me and I'll explain. 
     When I first started going to the church there were two ladies who loved the church but because of health issues were not able to attend.  I purchased a video camera and faithfully made and delivered DVD's at my own expense for them.  Then people were wanting me to videotape funerals and services they missed and to make extra copies for them to take home and share and the pastor wanted a copy for his records and then a woman wanted me to make a copy of this Sunday's signing for her and was upset when I said no.  What I was did out of love was becoming an expectation and even a hindrance to the church. 
   When I first came I asked to mow the grass and when the weather turned too cold to mow I worked on clearing the lot that was littered with dead trees and overgrown with weeds and briars.   I purchased a mower for the church  and then later I purchased a riding mower that I used   as well as a weed eater and a chain saw.  Then one day a man asked the preacher to tell me to come mow his lawn because he didn't want to take the time.  I mow the church lawn every Friday and have done so for four years.  This past Friday someone got upset because I mowed the grass the day before the carnival "because someone may track grass into the church."  What I once did  out of love for my church became an expectation and the a hindrance .
     The pastor lives in Thomasville and does not receive a salary although he is allotted a gas allowance of $150.00 a month.  The church has never been able to establish and maintain a viable visitation program.  We once did it on Wednesday night because we didn't have enough members to hold service but it seemed like a long time between Sundays.   Then we changed it to  every other Saturday but no one every came so then we changed it to the Saturday after men's prayer breakfast but that so fell by the wayside as some men had jobs to go to, some say they forgot, and others made other plans. 
    Then the church finally decided to make Thursday night visitation night but no one every showed up for that.  As the original deacon, I made the decision when we added a second deacon that we would visit the membership on Tuesday night.  Thursday would still be the church visitation  or Saturday, whatever would be finally decided on.  But then we started on the building so the other deacon busied himself with that and when that was over he conveniently forgot so I finally drafted my wife to go visiting with me. 
     At our monthly  deacons meeting the pastor wanted to discuss a visitation program (I think he was feeling the pressure from me to get a viable program started).  I mentioned that the deacon visitation night was Tuesdays at six but since the other deacon had not been available to go in several months I go every Tuesday with my wife.  He informed me that deacons did not run the church, that hanging posters and other maintenance jobs around the church were more important than visitation, and I was forbidden to go visiting during the week. 
    I disagree with the pastor.  The bible never said we were to build buildings or hang posters but the bible does tell us to go.  It is the  common held belief that the only reason Christians are left of earth after becoming a Christian is to seek out those who are lost. If my pastor is going to accuse me of up surging his authority and to remove me as a deacon if I didn't get in line and just do whatever he tells me to do then he has become a hindrance to the work of Christ. 

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

You're doing that wrong and other nonsense

I have noticed an increase in articles telling me I'm doing something wrong.  There was one that said .  "you're tying your shoes wrong"  Last week there was the "You're cutting your watermelon wrong" and today there was one about baking chocolate chip cookies. 
   I'm sorry if you have a different way of tying your shoes than I do.   I tie them so the bow stays tied and my shoes stay on my feet.  Is that okay with you? Mr. wise guy.  I don't want watermelon popsicles.  I like mine cut into neat little squares and placed in a plastic container so I can have a bowl full whenever I want.  I want the rinds tossed out into the compost pile.  I don't want to sit down to watch TV, enjoy a fruity snack, and then have to deal with a bunch of small squares of watermelon rind. 
   As far as chocolate chip cookies go, I buy some at the store and pop a couple in the microwave for a couple of seconds and have a perfectly warm delicious snack.   Now exactly is your method better? 

Control freaks

Me and control freaks are like a bad marriage: and I seem to be eternally stuck in one.   I prefer to work with people that encourage  others to show some initiative but it seems like I am always paired with people who claim they want you to be innovative but when you are they get mad because you did something without getting their approval first.  It just makes me want to just do nothing. 

Saturday, August 02, 2014

What Robots Can't do

I just read an article that was an attempt at humor by describing what robots can't do and that got me to thinking about the subject in a more seriously.  Robots can assembly your car, mow your grass, vacuum your floor, and perform precision movements including performing delicate operations on a person.  For the most part robots are designed to do the jobs of labor intension work: in other words, take the place of people doing menial jobs. 
   A robot can vacuum but can't dust or at least not yet.  I'm sure in time one will be designed that can.  But I can't think of any job that is really important that a robot can perform on its own. That is not to say that maids or general labor jobs aren't important because they are.  There is honor in all work.  What I meant by my statement was robots can't make decisions.  of course they can compare data and make a choice based on preprogramed criterion  but a robot can't make an informed decision.  There is one other thing that robots can't do.    Robots can't feel.  One cannot program emotions.