Reminiscent of the show "What would you do" Candid Camera did a stunt involving illegal aliens, one from Mexico and one from England. Each person would stand on the street and ask passerby's to sign a petition allowing them to stay in the USA. The Englishman was dressed nicely in a suit was easy spoken and well dressed. The Mexican was dressed in a corduroy shirt that was unbuttoned, a T-shirt and faded jeans. He looked like an unemployed laborer.
The stunt smelled like a bad political statement rather than a study of human nature. At least "What would you do" would have the two men switch rolls and have a well dressed Mexican and a worker-type Englishman. And to be totally fair, they very well could have done the stunt using the same person in both roles and then repeat the performance using ladies. Then we would have a better idea if there was a racial, ethnic, gender, or cultural bias to peoples reactions.
The fact that this stunt was done in Arizona was neither typical of the locals nor fair to them. Peter Funt should be ashamed for that stunt. it was just wrong.
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