Saturday, February 07, 2015

Trouble comes in three's

     When I was growing up people were fond of saying "Troubles come in three's" and it did seem like there were a bit of truth behind that statement.  Now it seems we would be fortunate if we could limit troubles to only three. 
    Work places shootings, shootings at school, and murder and murder-suicides at home seem to dominate the news in bunches.  Yesterday it was a family of four and today it was a mother and her 10 year old daughter.  It seems like an almost daily occurrence here recently.  I wonder if stories like this motivate others to commit similar act of violence.  Not copy cat killings per se but an encouragement to act on ones demented passions.
   I always wonder why the killer ends his rampage by taking their own life.  Is it a mistaken attempt to escape  blame or punishment or embarrassment for their irrational acts of violence?  Unfortunately we can't ask why because the killer is dead.  Sometimes though, the perpetrator fails to kill themselves and if pressed to give a reason for their actions they just say they don't know why.  Even they don't understand their own motivations behind their despicable actions.   But I'm like the vast majority of people, both bad and good that just wish these tragedies never occurred and that the rash of them will stop at the latest one. 

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