Saturday, March 14, 2015

Taxes are complete

     The CPA just finished my taxes.  The bank usually does my taxes and because I'm old they do not charge but the bank refused to do my taxes this year because my wife inherited some money.  It cost $170.00 to get the tax forms prepared but that is far less than others charge for the same service so I'm not complaining.  It is the first time in over fifty years I've paid ; the last time it costs me $35.00.
  The biggest surprise about this years tax returns (Federal and state) is that the total on both forms is zero.  If it wasn't for inheriting some stuff, I probably wouldn't have to file again. 
   My wife and I tithe 50% of our taxable income ( before deductions) and not counting offerings.  In case you don't understand, a tithe is 10%  of ones gross income and an offering is hat is given above that.  In addition we give another 10% of our taxable income plus an amount that is even larger in labor and other gifts.  For example, I purchased a riding lawnmower, a weed eater, a push mower, and a chain saw, mowed the grass ever week that it needed mowing for the past four years, purchased chemicals and grass seed, cleared half the property of trees and over growth, purchased outdoor carpet and installed it  on the steps and handicap ramps to make them safer to walk on, and have done almost all the regular maintenance on the property.  That equates to over $4000.00 a year in free labor and materials for maintenance on church property, or a total considerably higher than my  taxable income . 
   I'm not writing this to brag on my giving but on God's generosity.    During the last 4 1/2 years God has given me back my wife and even made it possible for me to pay off all my debt and even double my savings in one year after my wife had to give up her job and faced with thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills.  So even if I give back to Him all that I have it pales in comparison to all that He has given me. 

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