Didn't have much time for working in the yard what with a doctor's appointment and doing laundry but I did manage to get out there for a few minutes today. I have a new peach tree seedling coming up which I had to transplant so that gives me 8 peach trees in my mini-orchard.
After the recent rain the top of my pear tree was pointing earthward with the top tip almost touching mother earth. I had one tree that I had planned on cutting down anyway so I took it out today and used it as a stake to hold my pear tree upright. I also mulched my new cherry tree. Just praying that the new Stella and the new Reiner make it. I really would like some cherries next year.
I also have some new pumpkin plants come up so that will give me twenty. Some one suggested that I sell my fruits and vegetables and give the money to the church. The church is the people and I would rather give them the food than the cash. Except for the pumpkins. I will sell the pumpkins except for the smaller ones which I'll give to the youngest kids.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Cataract Surgery
This will be my second go at this. My first one was done at Southeastern Eye Center in Greensboro in February of 07. This one will be done on the other eye by the VA in Salisbury on May 4, 2015. There was supposed to be at least a two month wait but there was a cancellation so I got the earlier appointment. Yea! If this does for my vision what the first one did I should be able to see fairly well for a change.
Eye Surgery
I have a cataract on my right eye and was told there would be a two month wait time but when I went to get my work up and surgery time I was in luck. There was a cancellation so I'll go down Friday for all my pre-op work and the go Monday, May 4 for surgery.
No surgery is fun and I've only had one that was necessary in order to live. I had surgery to correct Dupretrens (sp) Contracture but it didn't work. I also had cataract surgery on my left eye about 7 years ago. My left eye was much worse than my right but it will have to be done if I want to continue to see out of my right eye. it's better done now than when I can't hardly see and are much older. Other than the cataract my eyes are healthy.
No surgery is fun and I've only had one that was necessary in order to live. I had surgery to correct Dupretrens (sp) Contracture but it didn't work. I also had cataract surgery on my left eye about 7 years ago. My left eye was much worse than my right but it will have to be done if I want to continue to see out of my right eye. it's better done now than when I can't hardly see and are much older. Other than the cataract my eyes are healthy.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Gardning News April 25, 2015
I planted a sweet Stella cherry tree today so now I have a pollinator for all three varieties of cherry trees. So far I have 30 watermelon plants, 3 varieties, 25 cantaloupe plants (2 varieties), 12 squash, 2 zucchini and 15 pumpkin plants stick their little heads above the soil. I have six new peach trees in my mini-orchard. My problem area last year was my tomatoes. In my tomato garden one plant has died and the rest are struggling. I planted two on my back porch (in buckets) and 5 in the big garden and they are doing much better so it just might be the space.
I have finished planting for the year. If it bears fruit that would be good and if it doesn't then so be it. I hope I have a bountiful harvest as there are many hungry people out there and the kids just love the pumpkins. I like the smiles on peoples faces.
I have finished planting for the year. If it bears fruit that would be good and if it doesn't then so be it. I hope I have a bountiful harvest as there are many hungry people out there and the kids just love the pumpkins. I like the smiles on peoples faces.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Homosexuilaity and the Bible
I was looking at a cartoon a friend of mine had posted which was funny. I clicked on the cartoon to see what else the cartoonists had posted and while looking through the work I noticed a theme of support of those who practice an alternative lifestyle. One really offensive post said "God, something that didn't exist but then did and created everything else but hated lezzies"
I think the poster of that comment is confused between God and the "Big Bang." According to modern day theory, there was nothing but somehow two gravitational forces pulled on each other and Bang, in a micro second everything that exists came into being. That the world had a beginning is proven by that the fact that the universe is getting larger.
When I was a child we would take a glass of liquid, most often water or milk, and set it on a small board. On either end of the board was a hole with a piece of rope threaded through and knotted on the end. The two pieces of rope were then brought to a point just above the glass and joined together to form a rough triangle. Another rope, a much longer piece, was attached to the joint where the two short pieces of rope joined, enabling a person to swing the glass of liquid around in circles. While one was swinging this contraption the liquid stayed in the glass but when the motion slowed to to low a speed or stopped the liquid would spill out of the glass. This liquid stayed in the glass because of centrifugal force and demonstrated the principle of gravity.
The thing I learned from this is that in order to have gravity there must be an object moving in a circle at sufficient speed as to create centrifugal force. So in order to have gravity collide with gravity there must have been two objects moving at sufficient speed. But if there was nothing then there could not have been gravity but if there was something then what was it. Any way one looks at it there has always had to be something and if a thing has always existed it cannot change. Change is proof of an origin and without an origin what is has always had to be.
The fact that what has always existed was alive and had thought and purpose because if it didn't then that dead object would be all that was or ever could be. The thing that has always existed is God, the great "I AM".
God did not create homosexuals any more than God created murderers or liars or thieves. God created life and he created life in many different forms. One form was mankind. He created man with free will. We have a choice in all that we say or do and we have that choice in our relationship with God. God intended for Earth to be the permanent home of man but sin entered the world through the actions of Adam breaking the bond between man and God. In order to keep His promise of death for disobedience and yet show His love for man, God sent His son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for mans disobedience.
God hates anything that separates man and Him. He does not hate man. Humans are born with a sinful and rebellious nature but we also have free will. Homosexuality is just another sin like lying and murder and adultery and fornication, and slothfulness and willful disobedience. In God's eyes a sin is a sin, one is no worse than another. Homosexuals claim they were born that way and I agree they were born with a wicked heart just like every other child born into this world. No one has to teach a child to lie or to be selfish or to steal or to do any bad thing. Parents have to teach their children to tell the truth, to say please and thank you, to share, and to be honest.
Being born with a sinful nature is not permission to continue to live that way nor proof that God hates you. He doesn't.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Sunday Night Special
Last night was youth Sunday at One Way Baptist Church and culminated a marvelous week. First, our youth minister, was facing a serious surgery. His surgeon had been postponing the operation for at least sic months because he really didn't want to do it. He knew the chances of survival was near zero but he also knew the surgery was necessary to restore the man's quality of life.
God not only saw Wendell through without a hitch but his recovery has been remarkable. Another member of our church had discovered a lump in her breast and had a biopsy preformed. She is fine.
Sunday night we have a special service in which the young people participant in the service but this month we had a youth group from another church. The played instruments and sang and then Justine delivered the message. Justine first preached a year ago when he was but thirteen and he was inspirational. Today, at fourteen, he preached with the maturity of a seasoned pastor. He ise a most remarkable young man.
God not only saw Wendell through without a hitch but his recovery has been remarkable. Another member of our church had discovered a lump in her breast and had a biopsy preformed. She is fine.
Sunday night we have a special service in which the young people participant in the service but this month we had a youth group from another church. The played instruments and sang and then Justine delivered the message. Justine first preached a year ago when he was but thirteen and he was inspirational. Today, at fourteen, he preached with the maturity of a seasoned pastor. He ise a most remarkable young man.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Gardening tips
A friend advised me he planted his tomatoes in hills so they are less apt to drown in this wet weather and another friend pointed out that gardens tend to dry out faster in drier weather. It seems we are prone to droughts around here so it seems the hills are the perfect solution for April but not for the rest of the growing season. I've seen a little evidence of yellowing tomato plants nut it seems the following 7 or 8 days will be drier than we've had lately so maybe those plants will recover.
I did something different this year. I have two plants on my back deck and 6 plants in my big garden as well as my regular tomato and cucumber garden. It is the regular garden where I have had problems of yellowing tomatoes which is frustrating because I planted my tomatoes in that space because of yearly drought conditions
I'm having a hard time getting my watermelon seeds to sprout but everything else is growing good. My green beans have come up nicely this year and my beets and spring onions have formed pretty rows. My lettuce is actually getting big enough to tell what it is. The strangest thing is I had a peach tree spring up in the oddest place. I suppose a squirrel hid a pit there and it came up for I certainly would not have planted a tree in that spot. Hopefully I can transplant it to a place where I need it to be. I had planned a placed for six trees to grow and only 5 came up so this one will complete the set.
My cape myrtle seeds haven't sprouted yet but I was given so few of them I really didn't expect any results. If anyone has seedling of deep red crape myrtle's I can have let me know. I need three.
I did something different this year. I have two plants on my back deck and 6 plants in my big garden as well as my regular tomato and cucumber garden. It is the regular garden where I have had problems of yellowing tomatoes which is frustrating because I planted my tomatoes in that space because of yearly drought conditions
I'm having a hard time getting my watermelon seeds to sprout but everything else is growing good. My green beans have come up nicely this year and my beets and spring onions have formed pretty rows. My lettuce is actually getting big enough to tell what it is. The strangest thing is I had a peach tree spring up in the oddest place. I suppose a squirrel hid a pit there and it came up for I certainly would not have planted a tree in that spot. Hopefully I can transplant it to a place where I need it to be. I had planned a placed for six trees to grow and only 5 came up so this one will complete the set.
My cape myrtle seeds haven't sprouted yet but I was given so few of them I really didn't expect any results. If anyone has seedling of deep red crape myrtle's I can have let me know. I need three.
Which is better: a fund day with friends or yard work and a sick friend?
A stupid question most people would say. Friday my wife and I drove to Raleigh for a walk through the State Farmers market with some friends, one old and one new. I enjoyed their company and looking at all the plants (even purchased a few), enjoyed our meal together, and even the drive there and back was pleasant. A really fun and enjoyable day.
Saturday was much different. Went to the city mulch yard and picked up two scoops of mulch and spread it around the yard as soon as I got home. Got my first scoop at 8:30 am and finished spreading it at 11:30. After lunch I mowed the grass, cleaned all my equipment and put everything away. I was tired and sore by then. I rested about an hour and then took some food over to a friends house. The friend has a hard time under the best of circumstances but his surgery was really hard on him and his family. The doctor was surprised he lived through his operation and was doubly surprised at how well his recovery is going. God answers prayers and takes care of His own.
The man and his wife are really nice people. It was a doctor's mistake that left him in a bad situation and my friend had to endure a lot of pain and inconvenience before another doctor would even consider an operation. My friend was told he most likely would not survive.
It brought my wife and I a lot of pleasure knowing that a good friend made it through such a dangerous situation and we were happy to bring comfort and aid to him and his family. It also brought me pleasure to see how nice my yard looked after all the grooming. So yea, it's a toss up between the two days. Life is good.
Saturday was much different. Went to the city mulch yard and picked up two scoops of mulch and spread it around the yard as soon as I got home. Got my first scoop at 8:30 am and finished spreading it at 11:30. After lunch I mowed the grass, cleaned all my equipment and put everything away. I was tired and sore by then. I rested about an hour and then took some food over to a friends house. The friend has a hard time under the best of circumstances but his surgery was really hard on him and his family. The doctor was surprised he lived through his operation and was doubly surprised at how well his recovery is going. God answers prayers and takes care of His own.
The man and his wife are really nice people. It was a doctor's mistake that left him in a bad situation and my friend had to endure a lot of pain and inconvenience before another doctor would even consider an operation. My friend was told he most likely would not survive.
It brought my wife and I a lot of pleasure knowing that a good friend made it through such a dangerous situation and we were happy to bring comfort and aid to him and his family. It also brought me pleasure to see how nice my yard looked after all the grooming. So yea, it's a toss up between the two days. Life is good.
Friday, April 17, 2015
is all this rain good for the garden?
I finally found my cantaloupe plants I need to complete my garden but I just don't know when I can get them planted. Beets, carrots, lettuce, all varieties of beans, onions, pepper plants, watermelon, squash, cucumbers, and even my pumpkins have sprouted and seem to be doing good.
To be honest, I buy my pepper plants, tomatoes, and cantaloupe as I just haven't had that good of a fortune starting from seed. Cantaloupe plants are some of the last plants to be available and I suppose that is due to the dangers of frost. I grow some really good melons at my house. Last years crop was among the best .
In years past we have had droughts and our gardens suffered from lack of water and the we had a time when we had so much rain that everything drowned. I don't know what happened last year as far as tomatoes are concerned. The stayed green too long and had a bitter taste to them. I don't remember but two tomatoes that had a good taste from last years crop and I had 17 plants.
But for now I have all the cantaloupe plants ready to put into the ground but it is too rainy and today will be to muddy and tomorrow is the big mulch sale in Randleman ($5.00 a scoop) and of course Sunday is the Lord's day and Monday it is supposed to rain again. Of course I know when it does stop raining we will complain about that because it just might be the last we get until July 4th.
To be honest, I buy my pepper plants, tomatoes, and cantaloupe as I just haven't had that good of a fortune starting from seed. Cantaloupe plants are some of the last plants to be available and I suppose that is due to the dangers of frost. I grow some really good melons at my house. Last years crop was among the best .
In years past we have had droughts and our gardens suffered from lack of water and the we had a time when we had so much rain that everything drowned. I don't know what happened last year as far as tomatoes are concerned. The stayed green too long and had a bitter taste to them. I don't remember but two tomatoes that had a good taste from last years crop and I had 17 plants.
But for now I have all the cantaloupe plants ready to put into the ground but it is too rainy and today will be to muddy and tomorrow is the big mulch sale in Randleman ($5.00 a scoop) and of course Sunday is the Lord's day and Monday it is supposed to rain again. Of course I know when it does stop raining we will complain about that because it just might be the last we get until July 4th.
Mail is obsolete
When a soldiers name was called during mail call there was always a happy moment. Everyone liked getting a letter from home and I know of no one who didn't like getting a personal letter. We used to be excited when the mail man came because there was always hope that one of the envelopes had your name of it.
Do we still write soldiers? I know I haven't received a letter or card with my name on it in like forever except from my mom. She has never had a computer.
But we don't use computers fro mail anymore either. E-mail did away with the personal letter and physical mail became known as snail mail which is just another way of getting bills and advertisements. Honestly, I haven't used e-mail for personal contact in several years as now everyone uses their phone to send text messages. E-mail has gone the way of snail mail: just a way of doing business and a way for businesses to delivery advertising to you.
I think e-mail was on the way out when I first got my first e-mail account and I was probably one of the last people to use it regularly for personal communications. One day soon one will be forced to give out their cell phone number in order to buy anything and will be bombarded with text ads which we will call TEDS or something. We'll have to find another way to communicate then. I always enjoy that small frame of time when we leave advertisers in the dust and we are hassle free for a while. Sort of like when cable TV first came out. It was called pay TV and the big sales pitch was either watch TV with ads or pay the cable company for ad free TV.
By the time cable was so widely used I had no choice but to use it or do without TV, there was no such thing as ad free TV. Once we had the privilege of reading news stories but now we have to watch videos with an ad attached at the beginning. Advertisers are not far behind though. The other day my wife was complaining that she now receives advertising on her phone when ever she tries to send or receive a text. It sure would be nice if someone would invent a way to get a personal communication without an ad attached.
Do we still write soldiers? I know I haven't received a letter or card with my name on it in like forever except from my mom. She has never had a computer.
But we don't use computers fro mail anymore either. E-mail did away with the personal letter and physical mail became known as snail mail which is just another way of getting bills and advertisements. Honestly, I haven't used e-mail for personal contact in several years as now everyone uses their phone to send text messages. E-mail has gone the way of snail mail: just a way of doing business and a way for businesses to delivery advertising to you.
I think e-mail was on the way out when I first got my first e-mail account and I was probably one of the last people to use it regularly for personal communications. One day soon one will be forced to give out their cell phone number in order to buy anything and will be bombarded with text ads which we will call TEDS or something. We'll have to find another way to communicate then. I always enjoy that small frame of time when we leave advertisers in the dust and we are hassle free for a while. Sort of like when cable TV first came out. It was called pay TV and the big sales pitch was either watch TV with ads or pay the cable company for ad free TV.
By the time cable was so widely used I had no choice but to use it or do without TV, there was no such thing as ad free TV. Once we had the privilege of reading news stories but now we have to watch videos with an ad attached at the beginning. Advertisers are not far behind though. The other day my wife was complaining that she now receives advertising on her phone when ever she tries to send or receive a text. It sure would be nice if someone would invent a way to get a personal communication without an ad attached.
Monday, April 13, 2015
He screwed up again
Brantley Hicks got his picture in the paper last week, in the crime section no less. I know Brantley and he is one of the unfortunate ones that attorney's like to say never had a chance because he had a drug addicted mother and an absentee father who never really cared about anything except for drugs and that other things that motivates men. And to add to this young man's troubles he has red hair.
Well, I for one don't believe that having red hair makes you more ill than anyone else. I will agree that having an absentee father and a mother who engages in risky behavior is not an ideal situation for young impressionable minds to live in but that situation doesn't have to condemn one to a life dictated by a habit of making stupid decisions.
I liked Brantley and I gave him a chance to do something useful with his life and to fulfill a dream of his at the same time. Brantley's problem was not the circumstances he grew up in but in his attitude towards life. He was capable of making good decisions. He just chose not too.
If you are a God fearing person and believe in the power of prayer, then pray for Brantley. Pray every day for this young man. He is in the Randolph county jail. Send him a letter or card letting him know you are praying for him and that someone loves him. I do and so does Jesus. He just needs some encouragement.
Well, I for one don't believe that having red hair makes you more ill than anyone else. I will agree that having an absentee father and a mother who engages in risky behavior is not an ideal situation for young impressionable minds to live in but that situation doesn't have to condemn one to a life dictated by a habit of making stupid decisions.
I liked Brantley and I gave him a chance to do something useful with his life and to fulfill a dream of his at the same time. Brantley's problem was not the circumstances he grew up in but in his attitude towards life. He was capable of making good decisions. He just chose not too.
If you are a God fearing person and believe in the power of prayer, then pray for Brantley. Pray every day for this young man. He is in the Randolph county jail. Send him a letter or card letting him know you are praying for him and that someone loves him. I do and so does Jesus. He just needs some encouragement.
After 50 Years of Smoking Marijuana, Her Life Turned Out Nicely
A New York Times article features the author of a book that details 50 years of marijuana use by a woman who claims to have smoked the drug almost every day for fifty years. She claims it did her no harm and should be legalized. To me, that's not a legitimate argument.
I smoked cigarettes for over fifty years and have suffered no ill effects from it yet I would never claim it is a healthy habit. Numerous people have been harmed by tobacco products and many have died. At best it is a smelly disgusting habit that causes some people to become angry when they need a smoke and have motivated people to do stupid things like stand outside on a cold windy rainy day when common sense says they should be warm inside somewhere.
Some people like to consume alcohol and I've read stories about people that attributed their longevity to consuming a glass or two of spirits on a daily bases for 80 years and never suffered any ill effects either. I don't think any one in their right minds would accept such a statement as proof that alcohol, even if consumed occasionally, is risk free. Millions of people have suffered ill effects from alcohol and untold thousands have been killed because of it.
I would agree that marijuana is probably the least harmful of the three substances and it is the only illegal one in the group but that still isn't any reason for its use, legally or otherwise. Humans engage in lots of risky behaviors none of which are illegal all the time nor legal all the time. Base jumping is legal in certain circumstances and illegal in other, just to cite one example. But that is a risky behavior that involves a very small percentage of the population who normally take precautions to minimize risks to themselves and others.
I have always thought the marijuana would be legalized when tobacco use was made a crime. After all, what are we going to use all those cigarette manufacturing facilities for? I'm surprised that tobacco farmers and cigarette manufacturers haven't banned together to put pressure on Congress to legalize the plant to replace tobacco.
Engaging in risky behavior like becoming a stunt car driver cannot be compared to risky behavior like smoking and drinking for one simple reason. Smoking and driving alter a person's mental abilities or physical state. Personally I just don't see the need in doing that to myself. I don't need a drink, ever, for any reason. I've not smoked marijuana nor drank alcohol for more than fifty years and suffered no ill effects nor do I ever expect to. For me, if a behavior is not beneficial to me and will cause or potential cause harm to those around me then I see no need to engage in that behavior.
If a substance that alters your behavior becomes a want then you aren't in control any more. I refuse to allow any substance to control me, especially if that substance alters my behavior.
I smoked cigarettes for over fifty years and have suffered no ill effects from it yet I would never claim it is a healthy habit. Numerous people have been harmed by tobacco products and many have died. At best it is a smelly disgusting habit that causes some people to become angry when they need a smoke and have motivated people to do stupid things like stand outside on a cold windy rainy day when common sense says they should be warm inside somewhere.
Some people like to consume alcohol and I've read stories about people that attributed their longevity to consuming a glass or two of spirits on a daily bases for 80 years and never suffered any ill effects either. I don't think any one in their right minds would accept such a statement as proof that alcohol, even if consumed occasionally, is risk free. Millions of people have suffered ill effects from alcohol and untold thousands have been killed because of it.
I would agree that marijuana is probably the least harmful of the three substances and it is the only illegal one in the group but that still isn't any reason for its use, legally or otherwise. Humans engage in lots of risky behaviors none of which are illegal all the time nor legal all the time. Base jumping is legal in certain circumstances and illegal in other, just to cite one example. But that is a risky behavior that involves a very small percentage of the population who normally take precautions to minimize risks to themselves and others.
I have always thought the marijuana would be legalized when tobacco use was made a crime. After all, what are we going to use all those cigarette manufacturing facilities for? I'm surprised that tobacco farmers and cigarette manufacturers haven't banned together to put pressure on Congress to legalize the plant to replace tobacco.
Engaging in risky behavior like becoming a stunt car driver cannot be compared to risky behavior like smoking and drinking for one simple reason. Smoking and driving alter a person's mental abilities or physical state. Personally I just don't see the need in doing that to myself. I don't need a drink, ever, for any reason. I've not smoked marijuana nor drank alcohol for more than fifty years and suffered no ill effects nor do I ever expect to. For me, if a behavior is not beneficial to me and will cause or potential cause harm to those around me then I see no need to engage in that behavior.
If a substance that alters your behavior becomes a want then you aren't in control any more. I refuse to allow any substance to control me, especially if that substance alters my behavior.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Garden News, April 11, 2015 Less Weeds, Less Money
My garden tiller died last year and I tried renting one this year but that didn't work out so well. I really didn't want to purchase another small tiller after experiencing broken transmissions after only two years of light use on two different tillers and buying a bigger tiller presented more problems than it would have solved so I opted to buy a cultivator instead. I made my selection of n electric cultivator. \
I have a small spot behind my shed that I'm using for my tomato and cucumber garden and a much larger space on the upper side of the house I use for most other plants. it years past it just didn't seem to matter how deep or fine I tilled the soil weeds started to regrow almost immediately and about halfway through the growing season I would just have to give up on weed control until after harvest.
The cultivator is easy to use but it takes hours to use where a tiller makes quick work of my garden space. Where the tiller turned the soil over and deep the cultivator barely scratched the surface Three weeks after using the cultivator to remove weeds and grass from my garden space the garden is virtually weed and grass free. I suppose there is truth to the saying that the less one disturbs the soil the fewer weeds one will have. Using a cultivator instead of a tiller in an already established garden area has turned out to be a good decision.
I have a small spot behind my shed that I'm using for my tomato and cucumber garden and a much larger space on the upper side of the house I use for most other plants. it years past it just didn't seem to matter how deep or fine I tilled the soil weeds started to regrow almost immediately and about halfway through the growing season I would just have to give up on weed control until after harvest.
The cultivator is easy to use but it takes hours to use where a tiller makes quick work of my garden space. Where the tiller turned the soil over and deep the cultivator barely scratched the surface Three weeks after using the cultivator to remove weeds and grass from my garden space the garden is virtually weed and grass free. I suppose there is truth to the saying that the less one disturbs the soil the fewer weeds one will have. Using a cultivator instead of a tiller in an already established garden area has turned out to be a good decision.
Thursday, April 09, 2015
Gardening updates
I picked up 17 tomato plants, sweet pepper plants and jalapeno pepper plants as well as an assortment of flowers. I added a large bag of potting soil for vegetables and flowers and a couple bags of mulch as well as a small ball of Rebel fescue to my shopping cart.
When I got home I mixed a bag of sand and a couple pounds of Epsom salts with the potting soil. I dug 15 holes for the tomatoes and filled each hole with my potting soil mixture. I filled two planters full of the mixture for my two patio tomato plants and put them on the back porch. I also dug six holes, 3 each for my pepper plants. After putting the plants into the hole I fished filling the holes with top soil and the with the dirt from the hole itself. I put up the basket on the back porch and filled it with potting soil mixture and flowers to attract hummingbirds. I then filled two other pots with my potting soil mixture for the pots that go on the front porch.
I then took one bag of mulch and put around my two peach seedlings and some around the little dogwood I planted. I then prepared my bald spots in the yard and seeded them with my Rebel fescue. I then cleaned up and put away all my tools and equipment. I went in to take a break and swallow some cool refreshing liquid before I headed out to clean and vacuum my van but mother nature took care of the watering of the gardens and yard for me so I postponed the van until tomorrow.
I'm really excited about my yard this year. Most of the fruit trees were planted from seed. I dug my two water ponds by hand in the rock filled hard red clay. When I first moved here the yard was so uneven it was hard to push a mower from one end to the other. One side of the yard was almost bare and full of rocks while the other side was just bare. It just didn't seem possible to get anything to grow and my yard was just as plain and barren and ugly as any yard in the neighborhood.
I've been here 7 years now. I have 11 peach trees, nine apple trees, 3 cherry trees, 12 grape vines, two blueberry bushes, and three blackberry bushes. I also have 4 Bradford pear trees, a Bartlett pear tree, 2 dogwood trees, 4 crape myrtles, a holy trees, 4 holly bushes, 8 rose bushes, a butterfly bush, 3 Japanese holly bushes, 2 bushes with the yellow/green leaves, 2 Hawthorne trees, 5 pine trees, 2 Redbud trees, and 2 other trees I can't recall the name of.
I also have two water ponds, one 250 gallon pond for goldfish and one 1200 gallon Koi pond. There are 4 bird houses, the garden around my water ponds, the 2 flower gardens in the front of the house, my rose garden I planted for my wife that extends between the two Bradford pear trees in the front yard, my phlox garden, my Iris garden on the hillside, my watermelon and cantaloupe garden, my tomato and cucumber garden, and my pumpkin garden.
That's not to shabby for a less that a 1/2 acre lot. The fruit trees are just now beginning to flower out and hopefully I can get some fruit from them this year. last year I think I pick 1 peach and 4 small apples. One year two grape vines were loaded and two had a few small grapes. Last year the one that had a few small grapes were loaded but the grapes were still small while the first two had just few grapes that never seemed to ripen. The best thing though is my yard is about to reward my years of hard work with natures beauty.
When I got home I mixed a bag of sand and a couple pounds of Epsom salts with the potting soil. I dug 15 holes for the tomatoes and filled each hole with my potting soil mixture. I filled two planters full of the mixture for my two patio tomato plants and put them on the back porch. I also dug six holes, 3 each for my pepper plants. After putting the plants into the hole I fished filling the holes with top soil and the with the dirt from the hole itself. I put up the basket on the back porch and filled it with potting soil mixture and flowers to attract hummingbirds. I then filled two other pots with my potting soil mixture for the pots that go on the front porch.
I then took one bag of mulch and put around my two peach seedlings and some around the little dogwood I planted. I then prepared my bald spots in the yard and seeded them with my Rebel fescue. I then cleaned up and put away all my tools and equipment. I went in to take a break and swallow some cool refreshing liquid before I headed out to clean and vacuum my van but mother nature took care of the watering of the gardens and yard for me so I postponed the van until tomorrow.
I'm really excited about my yard this year. Most of the fruit trees were planted from seed. I dug my two water ponds by hand in the rock filled hard red clay. When I first moved here the yard was so uneven it was hard to push a mower from one end to the other. One side of the yard was almost bare and full of rocks while the other side was just bare. It just didn't seem possible to get anything to grow and my yard was just as plain and barren and ugly as any yard in the neighborhood.
I've been here 7 years now. I have 11 peach trees, nine apple trees, 3 cherry trees, 12 grape vines, two blueberry bushes, and three blackberry bushes. I also have 4 Bradford pear trees, a Bartlett pear tree, 2 dogwood trees, 4 crape myrtles, a holy trees, 4 holly bushes, 8 rose bushes, a butterfly bush, 3 Japanese holly bushes, 2 bushes with the yellow/green leaves, 2 Hawthorne trees, 5 pine trees, 2 Redbud trees, and 2 other trees I can't recall the name of.
I also have two water ponds, one 250 gallon pond for goldfish and one 1200 gallon Koi pond. There are 4 bird houses, the garden around my water ponds, the 2 flower gardens in the front of the house, my rose garden I planted for my wife that extends between the two Bradford pear trees in the front yard, my phlox garden, my Iris garden on the hillside, my watermelon and cantaloupe garden, my tomato and cucumber garden, and my pumpkin garden.
That's not to shabby for a less that a 1/2 acre lot. The fruit trees are just now beginning to flower out and hopefully I can get some fruit from them this year. last year I think I pick 1 peach and 4 small apples. One year two grape vines were loaded and two had a few small grapes. Last year the one that had a few small grapes were loaded but the grapes were still small while the first two had just few grapes that never seemed to ripen. The best thing though is my yard is about to reward my years of hard work with natures beauty.
Garden Wonders
I like to check the status of my plants, trees, and gardens ever day. My new rose bush is putting forth new growth. I transplanted numerous flowers yesterday and all are standing tall this morning. My three oldest peach trees are putting forth their first fruits this morning and all my apple trees have blooms. Two of my cherry trees are full of blooms and my newest cherry tree seems to be doing well.
Last fall I planted some peach seeds. Most often I break the kernel out of the shell and wait until spring to plant but I just stuck the seeds in the ground last fall. I had cleared an area on the other side of the creek bed and decided to plant fruit trees there. I planted 5 holes hoping for three peach trees. I now have my three.
All my established grape vines are now in bloom and the two cuttings I started this winter are in bloom also. Of course there are some late bloomers like my Clematis and Crape Myrtle. My biggest surprise this morning was a pumpkin seed I had planted has sprouted.
All I need now is some cantaloupe and tomato plants and for my vegetable seeds to sprout. Everything is looking good so far.
Last fall I planted some peach seeds. Most often I break the kernel out of the shell and wait until spring to plant but I just stuck the seeds in the ground last fall. I had cleared an area on the other side of the creek bed and decided to plant fruit trees there. I planted 5 holes hoping for three peach trees. I now have my three.
All my established grape vines are now in bloom and the two cuttings I started this winter are in bloom also. Of course there are some late bloomers like my Clematis and Crape Myrtle. My biggest surprise this morning was a pumpkin seed I had planted has sprouted.
All I need now is some cantaloupe and tomato plants and for my vegetable seeds to sprout. Everything is looking good so far.
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Why are some people's lives so full of drama.
A lady visited our church Sunday morning for Easter services. She called the preacher at 11:30 pm Sunday night complaining that she had left her bible at church and wanted him to go get it for her. He told her she could contact me and he said he would give her my number but not until Monday morning. She called but my wife took the call. She wanted us to run over to the church to be sure her bible was there. I told her to come to Randleman and when she got to the church to call me then and I would come unlock the door so she could get her Bible.
She called back and said she didn't have a ride to Randleman but was looking for one. She claimed she left checks for some unpaid bills in her Bible and really needed to retrieve it. She called back a couple of hours later and said she was on her way and would be at the church in 30n minutes. Forty-five minutes later she called and said they were just then leaving Asheboro. It was around three o'clock when she finally showed up to get her Bible.
The funny thing was she never looked inside it to see if her checks and bills were still there. One would think that was the first thing she would have checked for.
I don't believe there was anything about the Bible that could not have waited until Wednesday night. There is always the possibility that she hoped the preacher or myself would have shown up by ourselves to meet her but that isn't about to happen. I never meet a woman anywhere without someone else with me, preferably my wife.
Oh yes, people do set church members up. In 1975 my then pastor got a call from one of his long time members and asked him to stop by his house for a talk. When the preacher got to the address a woman dressed in a see through negligee opened the door. The man he went to see was there but not in the house. He was hidden outside with a camera. The man and the woman then accused the pastor of inappropriate behavior, which wasn't true of course, but the preacher had no witness on his behalf.
I don't know why getting her bible back was of such importance to this woman. She could have always written new checks and destroyed the old ones later. I do know that it caused a big interruption in my life and got to many people involved in a minor problem Way to much drama.
She called back and said she didn't have a ride to Randleman but was looking for one. She claimed she left checks for some unpaid bills in her Bible and really needed to retrieve it. She called back a couple of hours later and said she was on her way and would be at the church in 30n minutes. Forty-five minutes later she called and said they were just then leaving Asheboro. It was around three o'clock when she finally showed up to get her Bible.
The funny thing was she never looked inside it to see if her checks and bills were still there. One would think that was the first thing she would have checked for.
I don't believe there was anything about the Bible that could not have waited until Wednesday night. There is always the possibility that she hoped the preacher or myself would have shown up by ourselves to meet her but that isn't about to happen. I never meet a woman anywhere without someone else with me, preferably my wife.
Oh yes, people do set church members up. In 1975 my then pastor got a call from one of his long time members and asked him to stop by his house for a talk. When the preacher got to the address a woman dressed in a see through negligee opened the door. The man he went to see was there but not in the house. He was hidden outside with a camera. The man and the woman then accused the pastor of inappropriate behavior, which wasn't true of course, but the preacher had no witness on his behalf.
I don't know why getting her bible back was of such importance to this woman. She could have always written new checks and destroyed the old ones later. I do know that it caused a big interruption in my life and got to many people involved in a minor problem Way to much drama.
Cherry, Cherry
There are now three Cherry Trees in my yard, two Bing and a Rainer. The two Bing trees are in full bloom and the Rainer looks to bloom any time now. For the past several years I had a Montgomery and last spring it bloomed and small cherries were produced. Then it died. It was bad enough that I lost a tree but now I had no pollinator for my Bing Cherries.
Last year my next door neighbor put in six trees and I knew several of them were fruit trees but I had no idea what variety. This year three of his trees bloomed and they are cherry trees. I don't know what kind of cherry nor do I have a clue as to what the other three trees are. They have not produced flowers yet. It would be a streak of good luck for me if his trees were a pollinator for my trees. If he purchased a variety there is a good chance our trees will cross-pollinate but if he purchased all one variety and they all are Bing then maybe neither one of us will have cherries.
Almost all my apple trees are blooming this year. I do have a pollinator for my Fuji apples as my Granny Smith lived another year. I planted a crab apple tree which is a universal donor, sorta like being O+, so I'm sure I'll have apples for years to come. I successfully propagated some grape vines this year and all my older vines are putting out this year. All my blueberry bushes look healthy as does my pear tree and blackberry bushes. I may have some fruit this year besides grapes. Looking forward to all my hard work finally paying off.
Last year my next door neighbor put in six trees and I knew several of them were fruit trees but I had no idea what variety. This year three of his trees bloomed and they are cherry trees. I don't know what kind of cherry nor do I have a clue as to what the other three trees are. They have not produced flowers yet. It would be a streak of good luck for me if his trees were a pollinator for my trees. If he purchased a variety there is a good chance our trees will cross-pollinate but if he purchased all one variety and they all are Bing then maybe neither one of us will have cherries.
Almost all my apple trees are blooming this year. I do have a pollinator for my Fuji apples as my Granny Smith lived another year. I planted a crab apple tree which is a universal donor, sorta like being O+, so I'm sure I'll have apples for years to come. I successfully propagated some grape vines this year and all my older vines are putting out this year. All my blueberry bushes look healthy as does my pear tree and blackberry bushes. I may have some fruit this year besides grapes. Looking forward to all my hard work finally paying off.
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Easter Sunday Surprise
Actually the only surprise I got this Sunday was a phone call from my son. I know Easter is a holiday, well. sort of a holiday and my son only calls on holidays but those are normally my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don't always get to talk with him then. Sometime we play phone tag and recently we have just resorted to texting. It's a real treat to actually get to talk with him.
Even so, that isn't the best part of Easter Sunday. Easter was established as the first Sunday after a full moon after the equinox that signals the beginning of spring. I forgot what it's called and I just don't feel like looking it up right now. If you want to know, you can look it up. But because of the way the day of Easter was established the date changes every year. But what happened 1990 years ago happened only once and it doesn't matter the date we celebrate what happened but just that we do. On Palm Sunday, which was last week, Jesus wrote a donkey into the city of Jerusalem signifying that he was King of the Jews and the promised Messiah. A donkey was considered a beast for royalty while a horse was considered a beast of war and not fit for the king of peace. It was just a few days later, on Passover, that Judas betrayed Jesus and He was arrested. On Friday he was crucified and buried. That day is known as Good Friday. On Sunday, Easter Sunday, Jesus was seen in the flesh by Mary and then by Peter and John and then the twelve.
There were many Old Testament scripture that relates what happened on the cross. Read Psalms 16:10, Psalms 22 and Isaiah 53. Those are but a few. What happened on that day was real, my friend, and that moment changed history for men. many today would have you believe that being a good person will gain you entry into heaven while being a bad person condemns one to hell. Many don't believe in hell so they either gain heaven or get nothing. I'm sorry but it just doesn't work that way.
In case you say Christianity is only one religion and other religions teach different things and you just can't accept that there is only one way into heaven, I'm sorry but I have to go by what God says rather than what you think is fair. Jesus didn't die on the cross just so you would have another alternative to getting to heaven. His death was necessary in order to pay the promised penalty of death given to Adam and mankind at the time of the original sin. And don't go blaming Eve because God say it is man's responsibility to guide the family. All things are equal in a marriage except it is the man's responsibility to see to the spiritual needs of his family.
I thank God for what He did 1990 years ago and accept his gift of life and promise to live my life to bring praise, honor, and glory to the name of Jesus.
Friday, April 03, 2015
I haven't actually read the law but....
The new freedom of religion law sure is making waves lately. The constitution guarantees freedom from discrimination due to race, gender, and sexual orientation. Those perhaps have been viewed as the big three and the most obvious but there are so many more ways to discriminate: by what college you attended, by how tall you are, by how much you weigh, the color of your hair, the size of your boobs, by the attractiveness of tour face, the size of your muscles, the shape of your nose, and on and on and on. Anything that is different about you can work to your advantage or disadvantage depending of the feelings of others.
What does that have to do with this new law? A lot or nothing depending on your point of view. In a nut shell, the new law makes it illegal to discriminate against a person because of their religion. It only seems fair that if I can't discriminate against you because of your sexual orientation then you can't discriminate against me because of my religion. Of course the gays and lesbians aren't happy about this new law. In effect, what they are unhappy about is it takes away from them the right to sue you if you refuse to grant them what they want based on religious objections.
What is happening here is that humans are classifying sins as big sins and little sins. Some religions teach that you only need forgiveness of the big sins but the danger with that philosophy is who determines when a sin progresses from small to large? In God's word there is no distinction: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; the wages of sin is death; for by one mans sin did death enter in. It just seems right that telling a little white lie is no big deal while committing capital murder is really, really serious. If a partner cheats on their spouse it should not be any ones business other than that couple but it is a sin unto damnation to have sex with someone of the same gender. Well, God makes no such distinction. That's human wisdom.
As long as we remain wrapped in a robe of flesh we will sin. That's what we do. However, if we are a child of God, and I'm talking about true repentance and not a confession that we are weak and we believe God is real, we will be forgiven of our sins. A true child of God has a desire to live for God, to serve Him. As a friend of mine said "if your religion doesn't take you to church I doubt that it will take you to heaven" but at the same time mere church attendance is not a fruit of the spirit. One can tell a true Christian but witnessing the changes that take place in their life over a period of time. A real Christian doesn't willfully commit sin.
I have no less regard for a homosexual than I do a liar or a thief. As a minister I will not perform a marriage of a man and woman who are merely living together any more than I would a gay couple. Both are willfully living in sin. I know the scriptures say we aren't to judge but the scriptures also say a minister has the right to declare who is righteous and who is not.
One may live with their lover of the opposite sex or the same sex, it doesn't matter and it should not me my right to treat you ill because I don't agree with your lifestyle choices. At the same time you should not have the right to force me to do something that I believe is wrong for me to do.
What does that have to do with this new law? A lot or nothing depending on your point of view. In a nut shell, the new law makes it illegal to discriminate against a person because of their religion. It only seems fair that if I can't discriminate against you because of your sexual orientation then you can't discriminate against me because of my religion. Of course the gays and lesbians aren't happy about this new law. In effect, what they are unhappy about is it takes away from them the right to sue you if you refuse to grant them what they want based on religious objections.
What is happening here is that humans are classifying sins as big sins and little sins. Some religions teach that you only need forgiveness of the big sins but the danger with that philosophy is who determines when a sin progresses from small to large? In God's word there is no distinction: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; the wages of sin is death; for by one mans sin did death enter in. It just seems right that telling a little white lie is no big deal while committing capital murder is really, really serious. If a partner cheats on their spouse it should not be any ones business other than that couple but it is a sin unto damnation to have sex with someone of the same gender. Well, God makes no such distinction. That's human wisdom.
As long as we remain wrapped in a robe of flesh we will sin. That's what we do. However, if we are a child of God, and I'm talking about true repentance and not a confession that we are weak and we believe God is real, we will be forgiven of our sins. A true child of God has a desire to live for God, to serve Him. As a friend of mine said "if your religion doesn't take you to church I doubt that it will take you to heaven" but at the same time mere church attendance is not a fruit of the spirit. One can tell a true Christian but witnessing the changes that take place in their life over a period of time. A real Christian doesn't willfully commit sin.
I have no less regard for a homosexual than I do a liar or a thief. As a minister I will not perform a marriage of a man and woman who are merely living together any more than I would a gay couple. Both are willfully living in sin. I know the scriptures say we aren't to judge but the scriptures also say a minister has the right to declare who is righteous and who is not.
One may live with their lover of the opposite sex or the same sex, it doesn't matter and it should not me my right to treat you ill because I don't agree with your lifestyle choices. At the same time you should not have the right to force me to do something that I believe is wrong for me to do.
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