Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Cherry, Cherry

     There are now three Cherry Trees in my yard, two Bing and a Rainer.  The two Bing trees are in full bloom and the Rainer looks to bloom any time now.  For the past several years I had a Montgomery  and last spring it bloomed and small cherries were produced.  Then it died.  It was bad enough that I lost a tree but now I had no pollinator for my Bing Cherries. 
    Last year my next door neighbor put in six trees and I knew several of them were fruit trees but I had no idea what variety.  This year three of his trees bloomed and they are cherry trees.  I don't know what kind of cherry nor do I have a clue as to what the other three trees are.  They have not produced flowers yet.  It would be a streak of good luck for me if his trees were a pollinator for my trees.  If he purchased a variety there is a good chance our trees will cross-pollinate but if he purchased all one variety and they all are Bing then maybe neither one of us will have cherries. 
   Almost all my apple trees are blooming this year.  I do have a pollinator for my Fuji apples as my Granny Smith lived another year.  I planted a crab apple tree which is a universal donor, sorta like being O+, so I'm sure I'll have apples for years to come.  I successfully propagated some grape  vines this year and all my older vines are putting out this year.  All my blueberry bushes look healthy as does my pear tree and blackberry bushes.  I may have some fruit this year besides grapes.  Looking forward to all my hard work finally paying off.   

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