My wife and I took our two cats, Smoky and Ryder, to the vet Tuesday for their annual checkup. They were also given a booster shot. I know no animal enjoys their trip to the vet and they seemed to know exactly when you are going to catch them for the vet trip. It doesn't matter how calm and normal one tries to be a cat just seems to know.
Smoky is a sweet and gentle lap kitty, a long haired Maine Coon, who not only doesn't mind being handled but often seeks out a lap to lay on. Ryder, a short-haired tortoise shell, loves to be petted and rubbed but on her terms. Don't ever try to pick her up and if she chooses to sit on a chair with you, you should be honored.
Smoky is my wife's cat and Ryder is mine. Ryder outweighs Smoky by 5 pounds although by looking at the two cats together Smoky looks bigger. Maybe that's why Ryder always seems to defer to Smoky; that and Smoky is a more take charge cat. Ryder prefers to observe first. Ryder even sneaks up on her food bowl. Before this trip to the vets, the behavior of the two cats was predictable. Now it's like we have two very different cats.
The days we brought them home they spent hiding. It is like they felt betrayed by the trip. Wednesday Smoky sleep most of the day in my wife's desk chair and Ryder hid where ever she was. Yesterday both cats slept on my wife's bed. Finally around 7 pm Ryder did come into the living room and slept in her tunnel but she was only there because my wife ran her out of the bedroom.
Normally Ryder comes to bed with me around two in the morning and Smoky is in here at 4 when I get up ready to be given her morning treat. This is the third day without Ryder in my bed and Smoky begging for her special meal. I knew the cats weren't happy about the vet trip but I thought they would be more forgiving than they have been.
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