"The number of jihadists is growing" the young lady is quoted as saying before her and her boyfriend were arrested at the airport on their way to the Mideast to join ISIS. Sadly, she is probably correct.
The militants are passionate about their cause and though it doesn't make sense to Americans they are willing to die for their hatred of the United States of America. What can be behind all of this?
I don't believe there is a military anywhere that is strong enough to defeat the military of America but not all battles are won by might. Half of Vietnam held the French and then the Americans at bay and finally won victory. We lost heart in the fight. The same happened to Russia in their war in Afghanistan. But even this is a different kind of war.
It is a war of the minds and it shall go to the ones with the most resolve. For many years America was considered a Christian nation and even the non-believers had respect for the cause of Christ. But this country decided first to embrace evolution and then separation from religion and then we became a nation that embraced the causes of the minorities. Abortion became the law of the land and then political correctness and then we accepted illegal immigrants as our own and now we welcome gay couples into our neighborhoods. Heterosexual couples eschew marriage but gay couples embrace the ritual. Our love for Christ has eroded into a acceptance of liberal ideas and now into a hatred for Christians. Even our churches no longer accept the things of Christ.
The scriptures tell us the meaning of them is hidden except to the true believer but instead of trusting God to reveal the scriptures to us we decided to change the Word of God to something easier to read and then to change the parts we find objectionable into something that fits with our ideas.
In order to attract members preachers left off teaching and preaching the more controversial parts and
then began allowing more of the "world" to come into the church. One denominations biggest problem with retired ministers is alcoholism. Now some churches welcome gay couples as members and even appoint gay ministers.
It isn't unusual to see beer trucks backed up to the fellowship hall at some of the larger churches.
Even the music has changed from dignified to southern gospel to Christian Rock. For the few that still go to church it is more of a Sunday Morning thing and most churches are little more than social clubs. There is no passion for Christ in America anymore. Even among the fundamental churches that still cling to the King James Bible few can be found that really live for Jesus.
Today, it is easier to turn a smart, beautiful, talented teenage American girl from her dreams of becoming a doctor into a person who wants to kill Americans and destroy America than to interest her in going to church. America is no different from other world powers. A leader begins with a passion and as the country grows stronger and stronger the passion eventually dies and the ideas and ideals of that nation begin to decay from within and eventual that nation becomes so corrupt it can no longer stand and it collapse from within. Babylon. Assyria, Rome, and Russia all fell under their own weight.
No, no one will defeat us in battle. We are decaying from within and one day we will fall.
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