It has been a long held belief of many Christians that the number of the beast would be a number stamped onto ones forearm on forehead. Sixty years ago people were not sure how this would be accomplished. With the technology available then (remember there were no electronic calculators nor a mechanical one small enough to carry around ) people thought a national ID card would be the way of tracking people. Now, people are wearing technology. Pets have microchips to track their location and some people wear pacemakers and other medical devices. Dick Cheney had the wireless portion of his pacemaker disconnected to prevent hackers from doing him harm.
What if it became mandatory that in order to receive medical care on had to have a chip? With government controlled health care now it would be much easier to require you to have an implant. Once you had the implant there would be no reason the government could not force the use of that chip in order to purchase food under the pretense of protecting scarce resources and/or to prevent fraud of government programs.
The parts of the world that comprised the old Roman empire are becoming stronger, the United States of America has become morally bankrupt after turning its back on God, embracing Muslims while still at war with Islamic militants. It seems now that Americans are willing to embrace any idea under the sun except conservative and Christian beliefs. It seems within the realm of possibility that Christianity may be outlawed one day. Preposterous, you say. Did Jesus not ask "When I return will I find faith on the earth?" the answer to which was no.
Some would have you believe that Christianity is a religion of hate and intolerance but the truth is
Christianity is not a religion at all but a relationship. If you understand that then you will understand that the changes are inevidentable, America will fall, but you have no reason to fear. But if you don't know that then you have every reason in the world to be afraid. If I were you I'd fall upon my needs and beg forgiveness and give your life to Christ and follow Him as closely as you can.
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