This is one case in which I hope Obama is correct. Trump has ran for that office for many elections and is like celebrity divorces 5 decades ago: a mere publicity stunt and ego booster. The people I'm most afraid of are the people who think Trump is Presidential material.
Many years ago George Wallace ran for President and the Prime Minister of England made the statement that American is such a great country that even a person like George Wallace could run for President but also such a scary place that a man like George Wallace might actually get elected. Well, I feel the same about Trump. He's a loose cannon. Yea, he's cocky and thinks he has all the answers but all he does is spew the uninformed opinion of the man on the street.
Obama claimed that all America needed to do was sit down with our enemies and talk out our problems and the Democrats ate that up. Most blacks voted for him because he was black and Democratic regardless of what he claimed. Well Obama found out what everyone else already knew. One cannot sit down and reason with radical Islam nor can one negotiate with the likes of the leader of North Korea. In other words, talk is cheap. Reality is where we ought to live. Much of what Trump says is based on our feelings and our frustrations. Yea, building a fence to keep the illegals out sounds good but who is going to pay for all that wire?
Half my neighborhood is made up of illegals. Their yards are messy, they mistreat their pets, and they disregard local laws which, I suppose was okay in their homeland. but it really isn't here. But Americans kill so many babies that if it wasn't for the illegals who would do the jobs they do? The truth is the illegals are no more of a ban to our existence than the Jews were to Hitler's Germany.
Trump is using them to stir our emotions and cloud our judgement is much the same manner as Hitler did the Jews. He is not the thinking mans candidate.
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