In todays paper one of the feature guest writers extolled the virtues of science while depicting religious institutions of being close-minded and pig-headed, believing in miracles where non exists and he has every right to feel that way and to say so publicly. But that doesn't make him right.
First of all, what the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church did has no reflection om the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. True religion is having a relationship with Jesus Christ and not debating the value of religion over science or denying the accomplishments of science. What scientist have been able to prove in no wise contradicts the scriptures. What some scientist conclude about what they believe but can't prove, however sometimes sounds more foolish than what is taught in the scriptures.
During WWII a German Doctor operated on hundreds of Jews without them having need of an operation and without them having the benefit of pain killers all in the name of science yet I would not hold him up as an example of what science is about yet secular people like to hold up the ungodly popes of centuries gone by as typical of the Christian attitude yet these popes were not Christian at all. The crusades were waged by the Catholic church against Christians because they choose to believe the teaching of Christ was that salvation was through Him yet the Church wanted people to believe that only the Catholic Church could grant salvation.
The secular world disallows creation to be taught in school yet they teach a theory as fact. Who is being close-minded and pig-headed. If an idea cannot be proven as fact then it should not be taught at all or opposite and/or opposing views should be allowed.
I'm sure the writer is willing to dismiss claims of miraculous healings as just consequence but exactly how many consequences in a row does it take for one to think there may be a divine hand in things? Impossible things do not happen to one person often yet when the impossible happens over and over and over again for years on end then does that prove mere luck or provide a cause to believe
in divine intervention?
While the writer mocks the early church and modern day believers he conveniently leaves Christ alone while is the only wisw thing he did.
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