The election of 2016 seems to be coming down to the rejects of 2008: Hillary and the Donald. Hillary is serious about being President while Donald Trump just wanted free publicity for his on-going business concerns. This year it backfired and people thought he might be a good candidate.
Our system of government only works if the populace is educated. I'm afraid the American population isn't as educated as they would like to believe. They can't get their faces out of their electronic devices long enough to pay attention. Americans ability to express themselves via the written world has seriously deteriorated. Computers, once thought to be the gateway to knowledge, is only a platform to watch movies and play games. Many of the news stories on the web are now presented in video form.
It seems the American public wants to smoke as much marijuana as they want without being arrested for it, drive as fast as they want without being ticketed for it, party as hard as they want without being held responsible for their actions, want to be paid as much as possible for doing as little as they can, and if they screw up, they want everyone else to pitch in and bail them out without themselves having to face the consequences of their actions. Americans want to live in an idealistic world were everyone is love, respected, and well taken care of but where everyone really means themselves.
Donald Trump is not Presidential material. We live in a real world where we have real enemies and they want to do us harm. They consider most Americans infidels and to be honest, they might not be too far off the mark. But being an infidel gives no one the right to do us harm. To survive as a country we need to change some things. Donald Trump is not the person to lead this nation to bring about these changes.
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