Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black lives Matter

Black Lives Matter.  Of course they do.  I know slavery existed.  I know it was wrong.  I know some people are not going to accept full integration of everyone into their world.  The most segregated institution in America is church, which should be the one place that all races could come together in love and understanding.  There is a problem.
  But how can we, as a people, come together when some use exclusionary terms for their organization?  Negro College Fund, Black Caucus, NAACP, Miss Black America, Black Lives Matter.  While claiming to want equability, these organizations have chosen names   that are exclusionary and are portraying an image or idea that is the opposite of what they claim to want.  We cannot bring unity by choosing to be divisive. 
  America+ isn't a melting pot.  When things are melted together that form a new substance that is a blend of all.  It seems as if blacks and whites come from two totally different worlds.   Blacks and whites have been educated together for 50 years now yet they don't even talk alike.  
  We are all people and our basic needs and wants are the same.  In any good negotiantion the two sides get together and agree on what they agree on and then limit their discussion to the areas they disagree one.  First of all, the two races have to agree that they are all Americans.  That will go a long way to solving the problems.

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