Sitting the elected President seems more controversial this year than ever; even more so than George W. Bush in either of his elections. I can understand why but it's the Democrats fault that Trump won. I'm not sure what they are protesting for or protesting against or whether they are protest for or against anything.
Protest in the 60's didn't stop the Vietnam War. All those protests accomplished is bring in the drug culture that has plagued our country ever since. Trump was elected President because he had certain policies and he will be sat as President in spite of any and all protests. I'm not even sure if it is he the protesters object to or his policies but the time to protest was at the ballot box.
I'm sure that the protesters were so confident that Hillary was going to win that they didn't think it was necessary to get out and work for victory or to even insure that their party had a viable candidate. This election was not about which person was best for the job. It was about policies that have been driving a wedge between us for years. Black versus white, citizenship rights versus illegal immigrants, English versus Spanish, and states rights versus federal control.
With the mandate that we must purchase health insurance many feel that the federal government has overstepped it's boundaries in order to force us to spend money in a certain way but to force those with a descent income to pay more for the same things and to supplement those that cannot or do not choose to pay for their own.
Some feel to allow undocumented immigrants to stay in this country and provide them benefits is akin to having ones home broken into and then have the law not arrest them but to actually force you to let them stay and require you to feed, clothe and educate them and then shame you for not honoring their traditions or honoring your own. I can understand why people are feed up with this system. What makes matters even worse the government them charges you two to three times as much for health care as you once paid while providing the people that broke into your home healthcare at no or little cost.
Hillary Clinton claims to be a child advocate
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