Earlier this year, Buzzfeed ran a story that the Gaines' pastor was preaching anti-gay values.
I doubt that is true. The bible is not anti-gay people as many believe. God is a God of love but He is also a God of righteousness. God created people and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply.
In order to build anything, one must adhere to a set of standards. In the United States of America we use one set of standards and in Europe another (metric) is used. A builder from Europe and a builder from the USA cannot bring their own tools to a job site and build a successful structure.
In construction, time measurement, and in all other situations where standards have to be adhered to it is the government that sets the standards. You may not like the yard stick but if you want to build houses in the USA you have to use that measurement. It isn't that the government hates the metric system or is anti-Europe. It is just that their measurements are not compatible with the standards here. God set the standards that we are to live by. God doesn't hate gay people, or liars, or thieves, or mean people. He died on a cross at cavalry to pay the penalty for them. If they do not accept that penalty then they have rejected God.
Homosexuality is a violation of God's command to be fruitful and multiply just as lying is a violation of God directive to tell the truth and lusting after other people's processions and persons is a violation of God's command not to covet. We are by nature sinful people so "being born this way" is not excuse. We are all born liars. Who reading this has known a parent who had to teach their child to lie?
A person can lie if they so choose just as a person can steal your belongings or take your life.
Most times their is no criminal penalty for lying but sometimes there is (perjury), sometimes there is a penalty for murder and sometimes there isn't (abortion). Unfortunately society has decided it has the right to set the standards but that is not our right. That right has always belonged to God and still does.
Countries and cultures which have decided to set their own standards have always failed.
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