Which Bible version should I use? is a common question in these days. I took a course in biblical interpretation and the instruction spent some fair amount of time discussing the popular versions of the bible. The biggest objection with the King James version is that it is written in a way as to make it difficult to understand. I will admit that we say "you and instead of thee or thou and there are better choices for some words. In one verse, for example , the translators of the KJV used the word "meet" but a better choice would have been "right". Paul is translated to have said "If you etc" but a better translation would have been "Since" In II Corinthians 5:17 the verse reads "all things pass away, all things become new". A better translation would be to have used "becoming" and "passing" as we don't go from a new born convert while we are praying and a fully mature Christian as soon as we say amen. It takes 24 years for the average human being to reach full maturity but if someone calls themselves a Christian everyone expects them to be an Apostle Paul from the get-go.
The professor went on to discuss the various classes of translations, giving us their strengths and weaknesses. At the end of his discussion he made this statement " The King James version is a very good translation." What this professor and many others like him are saying is that as far as being true to the original transcript, the King James version is the best translation out there. Our problem is not with the age of the language used in the translation. If we could but know the original language then we could have a greatly appreciation of the poetry that many sections of scripture really are. If we could but have an appreciation for the culture that the writers of the various books lived in then we could better appreciate their viewpoints. If we just knew the questions that Paul was answering from the various churches then we could have a far better understanding of the answers.
If you think I am just blowing smoke consider the instructions on many devices we buy today.
I recently purchased a smart band. Instruction one reads as follows: The smart band need to pair with smart phone through app. Before downloading please refer to working condition for mobile."
That is very poor English even though it is an accurate translation When I first read this I had no idea what the manufacturer was trying to tell me. One can translate the manufacturers words several different ways but one will never understand what he is trying to say unless you understand his way of thinking. I have learned that what was meant to be conveyed was that if you have an Android phone that is a version 4.4 or less the smart band will not work. Required is a version 4.5 or newer. Most people understand what a 4.4 or 4.5 version means. If you don't know then you will need to do some additional research.
The same thing is true of scriptures. It takes study and research to fully understand what the bible is teaching us.
If I do not own a smart band or a Android smart phone then the instructions will never fully make sense. If you have not accepted Jesus as your savior and Lord, then the bible will never make sense.
Some parts are written to the lost and those parts everyone can comprehend. You are lost, Jesus is the savior. Accept Jesus and live. That is simple. Have smart phone of a 4.5 version or greater, have a smart band, download app for smart bands. You are good to go.
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