Friday, September 08, 2017

Mom's last visit

I picked Mom up from the nursing home yesterday at 6:30 am and took her to her home.  I had come the week before and mowed so I could just sit and talk with her one last time in her home.  She had plenty of laundry to do so I busied myself with that.  She got cold so I had to hunt her a jacket.  Then there were some items she was looking for so I helped her find them.  Several times she needed to take a bathroom which entails getting her out of the wheelchair onto her walker, finding her clean underwear and a new paid and helping her clean up and get dressed.
  While she folded the first load of laundry I ran out and got lunch:  chicken for me, bologna for her.  We finished our lunch so I thought maybe we have a few minutes to talk before I take her to her hair appointment.  I didn't even get my first sentence completed before she accidentally turned the "on" button on and pushed the joy stick to the right spinning the chair in a circle and throwing her skidding on the carpet.  She tore big hunks of skin from both legs and had "strawberries" on her elbow and shoulder on her left side.  I propped her against the back of a chair while awaiting the EMY's to come and bandage her up and check her out.  When they were done I had to take her to her hair appointment.  I had a quick errand to run then I went back to the house to clean up the small pool of blood on the carpet.
  Then I had to pick her up from the beauty shop and take her back to the nursing home so they could fill out their report of her injuries and to dress and treat her wounds and to help her change her wet and bloody clothes.  And of course she had company.
   I'm sad because I spent the whole day with Mom and never had the opportunity to just sit and talk and so sad for her since the last day in her home turned out to be a painful one fore her, physically and emotionally.

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