Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You've been making coffee wrong your whole life

The headline is the title of another stupid MSN article.  There are so many things wrong with that headline  but I'm just going to leave that to your imagination.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Thanks for your support

  Academy Street Baptist is having a fall fest Sat Oct 28 as an alternative to Halloween.  The following businesses have contributed to the fall festival:  Shapes, South Point Vets, Melvin's, Lily of the Valley Florists, Food Lion, Betty's Kitchen, Randleman Hardware, Sunshine Pets, and the Biscuit Company.  Much appreciate for their support.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Free Fish

  I have a Koi pond and each year I would have 200 to 500 babies to sell but a few years ago my babies were all black.   I have decided to turn my koi pond into a stream with a goldfish pond so I need to find home for the black koi (carp).  If interested call me at 336 460 9474 or text me.  ,Fish  are six to eight inches And they are free.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Fake News

CBS, Fox and NBC chose to stay in commercial breaks during the pregame presentation of the flag and anthem. Once they returned from commercial, network play-by-play announcers and analysts paid little or no attention to what players

   Pretending an event didn't happen is just as fake as telling us something happened that didn't.  To keep protests of the manner of protests down news agencies have  decided to stay in commercial rather than to angry fans as if fans have their heads in the sand.  As far as angry fans booing the protesters; those people need to just stay home and quit supporting the players and teams with their money.
   I understand that these people love football .  They can watch Canadian football, college football, high school football, outlaw league football, or play a game of backyard football but if they feel that kneeling during the anthem is not a acceptable form of protest, then they need to quit supporting such protests with their money.  Just to boo and get angry only encourages the players In fact, just watching a game on TV  is still a form of support.  If ratings go down teams lose a significant channel of revenue and when teams start losing money them teams will end that form of protest.
  Sponsors need to quit giving endorsement to players that kneel.  If players want to carry protest signs  they have every right to do so.  I would love to see an event where the fans all dress up as police officers and as soon as the game begins, all the fans turn and file out of the stadium.
  I bet CBS, FOX and NBC would pay attention to that.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Alex Morgan after Disney incident: 'I can't imagine what black people go through'

  Alex Morgan ( a payer on the USA woman's soccer team)  had been drinking and when stopped by police she got a little testy.  She later issued an apology, half hearted at best.  In her apology she claimed she was not drunk and said nothing wrong.  If that be true what then did she apologize for.
  People go through whatever their actions dictate.  In almost every case, if one does what they are asked to do and behaves in a manner fitting mature adults, then they go home none the worse for the experience. If a person believes they were stopped or ticketed or arrested unjustly, the by all means tell the judge on your court date.  Arguing with, insulting, or resisting an officer of the law will only make the situation worse.
   Yes,  people get stopped for different reasons, not all of which are justified.  I got a free ride in a patrol car when I was in college from a Yokum, Texas police officer who mistakenly thought there was a warrant out for my arrest.  I was stopped recently by an Archdale police officer who punched in my tag number incorrectly and thought my vehicle was stolen.

How to fry a perfect egg every time.

The Technique
1. In a medium, preferably nonstick skillet, heat enough olive oil to just cover the bottom of the pan over medium-high until shimmering. (A 10" skillet fits 2 eggs; scale up if you want to cook more.) It may look like a lot of oil, but you’ll need it.
2. Add 2 large eggs, one at a time and spacing evenly apart, shaking pan gently between additions to allow edges to set without sticking together.

   Don't do this, please.  If it's a non-stick pan one doesn't need the olive oil and if you do decide to use oil in a non-stick pan always use on low heat ( per mfg. recommendations).  To cook an egg on medium high heat will leave the edges of the egg burnt, the bottom brown and crusty and the top undercooked and runny.  I do not much care for runny crunchy eggs.
   I have two eggs almost every morning (but not on Sundays).  I use a non stick pan with no oil but I set my stove for a little less than medium heat.  I also use a clear glass lid.  The lid helps hold the heat in the pan and allows the top to cook  but just a little slower than the bottom.  The clear lid allows you to judge the doneness of the yolk.  Some like the yolk soft and others prefer it stiff while some like it hard.
  The article went on to say that all one needs to add is salt and hot sauce.  I disagree with that too.  We have too much salt in our diets already.  Hot sauce is high in sodium and provides enough to bring out the flavor of the egg.  If you like (and I do) sprinkle your egg with pepper.  Use salt only if you don't like hot sauce (or it doesn't like you).  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New program

I am anxiously awaiting arrival of my new video editing program.  I make the videos at church but I do not do the entire service, just the sermon.  But the problem with my videos is that the video starts abruptly and ends abruptly.  I need a header, fade-ins and fade outs, and a way to add titles and credits.  With the new program I am going to be able to do that and also to add music to the opening shot.  Of course it is going to take some practice to get the procedures right but I'm excited about it.       Maybe I can post some of my work here.   Or maybe I can put it on you tube.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Las Vegas

  The police assume they know the identity of the shooter in the Las Vegas massacre.    If I wanted to do something like that which I don't, I would have staged the room, killed a man in the room just before opening up on the crowd and fleeing to another room  before the authorities showed up.  The police think the suspect killed himself and I would get away once the commotion died down. 
  I'm not putting ideas into anyone's head as such an act is stupid to do but just thinking like a crime writer.
  I don't understand why things like this happen, why someone would think this is a good idea, and how no one noticed that something just wasn't right.  In light of what's going on in the world maybe we should start paying more attention to the people around us, especially friends, family,  neighbors, and co-workers.  maybe we should also give more thought to what happens when we die.  With all the storms, wars, and crazy people around now a days coupled with all the other forms of accidental death, changes seem good that many are going to die young.  If you think there is no God and Jesus was just a good man  you could be right.  But if Jesus was who he claimed to be  and you believed wrong, then what?  If the bible is not true then everyone breaks even but if it is true then where would you be?  Is there anything in this life worth taking that chance for?