Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Alex Morgan after Disney incident: 'I can't imagine what black people go through'

  Alex Morgan ( a payer on the USA woman's soccer team)  had been drinking and when stopped by police she got a little testy.  She later issued an apology, half hearted at best.  In her apology she claimed she was not drunk and said nothing wrong.  If that be true what then did she apologize for.
  People go through whatever their actions dictate.  In almost every case, if one does what they are asked to do and behaves in a manner fitting mature adults, then they go home none the worse for the experience. If a person believes they were stopped or ticketed or arrested unjustly, the by all means tell the judge on your court date.  Arguing with, insulting, or resisting an officer of the law will only make the situation worse.
   Yes,  people get stopped for different reasons, not all of which are justified.  I got a free ride in a patrol car when I was in college from a Yokum, Texas police officer who mistakenly thought there was a warrant out for my arrest.  I was stopped recently by an Archdale police officer who punched in my tag number incorrectly and thought my vehicle was stolen.

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